Keywords | 608/1157 | 52.5% |
Screenshots | 1097/1157 | 94.8% |
SearchProvider | 25 | 2.2% |
UserDocs | 136 | 11.8% |
AppMenu | 34 | 2.9% |
ModernToolkit | 485 | 41.9% |
Notifications | 60 | 5.2% |
HighContrast | 181 | 15.6% |
HiDpiIcon | 1026 | 88.7% |
MetaInfo | 170 |
Hide Descriptions | ||
Hide Screenshots | ||
Hide Keywords | ||
Hide GNOME | ||
Hide KDE | ||
Hide XFCE | ||
Hide Addons | ||
Type | desktop |
Name | 90 Second Portraits |
Comment | Frantic street painting game |
Description | 90 Second Portraits is a silly speed painting game developed for Ludum Dare 31 Jam competition. Time is money and you have neither! In 90 SECOND PORTRAITS you’re paying the bills by speed painting portraits of bypassing customers! You have 90 seconds to paint the customer and his/her preferred background! Your work day ends after 5 customers! |
Package | 90-Second-Portraits |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Add64 |
Comment | Additive software sound synthesizer |
Description | Add64 is an additive modular software synthesizer for generating sounds. Unlike other software synthesizers -- that use a skeuomorphic interface of knobs, sliders and buttons, Add64 displays a spectral graph and allows the user to modify the oscillators and related parameters. |
Package | Add64 |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Frippery Applications Menu |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Replace Activities button with an Applications menu |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-frippery-applications-menu |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | BlockOut II |
Comment | A free adaptation of the original BlockOut game |
Description | BlockOut II is a game where the player moves and rotate 3D polycubes that are constantly falling with the objective of clearing layers of blocks. It is a free adaptation of the original BlockOut game released in 1989. |
Package | BlockOutII |
Categories | BlocksGame, Game |
Keywords | blockout, blocks, falling, game |
Homepage | |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Frippery Bottom Panel |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Add a bottom panel to the shell |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-frippery-bottom-panel |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | CardManager |
Comment | This is free, opensource multiplatform (java) application which allows you to play ANY card game. |
Description | This is free, open source multiplatform (java) application which allows you to play ANY card game. The game is designed especially to play collectible card games like Magic the Gathering or Doomtrooper over network. To play those games you need to own (scanned) images of card, which are not part of this package. Some can be easily downloadable from internet, but be aware of copyrights. The default deck and background is free of copyright Also please feel free to add your own backgrounds to ~/CardManager/data/backgrounds and of course enhance collection under ~/CardManager/collection . |
Package | CardManager |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Critical Mass |
Comment | A top-down space shoot-em-up game |
Description | Critical Mass (also known as Critter) is a top-down shoot-em-up game where your home world has been infested by an aggressive army of space critters and you are required to pilot a small spacecraft to destroy them all. |
Package | CriticalMass |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | arcade, critter, game, shooter, space, top-down |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | GPaste |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Clipboard management system |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-gpaste |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Game Conqueror |
Comment | Game hacking tool. GUI front-end for scanmem. |
Description | scanmem is a simple interactive debugging utility, used to locate the address of a variable in an executing process. This can be used for the analysis or modification of a hostile process on a compromised machine, reverse engineering, or as a "pokefinder" to cheat at video games. GameConqueror aims to provide a CheatEngine-alike interface for scanmem, it's user-friendly and easy to use. Features:
Package | gameconqueror |
Categories | Development, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | GammaRay |
Comment | Qt-application inspection and manipulation tool |
Description | GammaRay is a tool to poke around in a Qt-application and also to manipulate the application to some extent. GammaRay uses various DLL injection techniques to hook into an application at runtime and provide access to a lot of interesting information. GammaRay provides the following capabilities to help your Qt application development efforts:
Package | gammaray |
Categories | Development |
Keywords | Qt, development, runtime |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GoldenCheetah |
Comment | Cycling Performance Software |
Description | Golden Cheetah is a program for cyclists: - download and import activities from most popular bike computers from CycleOps, SRM, Polar, Garmin and others; - analyze, track and review performance data and metrics; - train indoors with realtime monitoring supporting trainers from Racermate, Tacx and any ANT+ device; - Golden Cheetah is free software and distributed under the GPL. |
Package | GoldenCheetah |
Categories | Education |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Kobo Deluxe |
Comment | Third person scrolling 2D shooter |
Description | Kobo Deluxe is a retro styled top-down arena shooter with a simple and responsive control system - which you'll need to tackle the tons of enemy ships that shoot at you, chase you, circle around you shooting, or even launch other ships at you, while you're trying to destroy the labyrinth shaped bases. There are 50 action packed levels with smoothly increasing difficulty, and different combinations of enemies that require different tactics to be dealt with successfully. Kobo Deluxe features OpenGL acceleration (optional), an intuitive menu driven user interface and joystick support. |
Package | KoboDeluxe |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | Arcade, Game, Retro, Scroller, Shooter |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Maelstrom |
Comment | Space combat game |
Description | You pilot your ship through the dreaded "Maelstrom" asteroid belt -- suddenly your best friend thrusts towards you and fires, directly at your cockpit. You raise your shields just in time, and the battle is joined. The deadliest stretch of space known to mankind has just gotten deadlier. Everywhere massive asteroids jostle for a chance to crush your ship, and deadly shinobi fighter patrols pursue you across the asteroid belt. But the deadliest of them all is your sister ship, assigned to you on patrol. The pilot, trained by your own Navy, battle hardened by months in the Maelstrom, is equipped with a twin of your own ship and intimate knowledge of your tactics. The lovely Stratocaster R&R facility never sounded so good, but as you fire full thrusters to dodge the latest barrage you begin to think you'll never get home... |
Package | Maelstrom |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | arcade, asteroids, game, shooter, space |
Homepage | |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Frippery Move Clock |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Move clock to left of status menu button |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-frippery-move-clock |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Hugin batch processor |
Comment | A GUI queue manager for stitching multiple hugin projects |
Description | Hugin Batch Processor is a component of hugin that provides functionality to stitch multiple projects in a batch queue. Its goal is to make stitching of multiple projects faster. The process of stitching multiple projects is simplified using a queue of projects. The user can add/edit/delete projects in the queue. The Batch Processor can queue the creation of the final project. Hugin Batch Processor consists of a list of projects. Projects in the list are in sequential order. By default, the list is reinstated every time you open the application. What is more, entire queue of projects can be saved and reopened later using buttons Clear Batch, Open Batch, Save Batch. PTBatcherGUI is installed when you install hugin. |
Package | hugin |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Frippery Panel Favorites |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Add launchers for Favorites to the panel |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-frippery-panel-favorites |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | PlayOnLinux |
Comment | Graphical front-end for Wine |
Description | PlayOnLinux will allow you to run your favorite Windows games and applications on Linux through Wine easily. New users can often find Wine to be intimidating and difficult to use. PlayOnLinux simplifies much of this and makes installing and using Windows programs easier. PlayOnLinux has the database of Windows applications from which the user can install desired application with a few clicks. It will automatically setup your Wine prefix and download any required Windows libraries. |
Package | playonlinux |
Categories | Emulator, Utility |
Keywords | games, software, windows, wine |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | PrestoPalette |
Comment | An artist's tool for creating harmonious color palettes |
Description | PrestoPalette is an artist's tool for creating harmonious color palettes. Create beautiful palettes, factor in lighting, quickly see contrast and more. |
Package | prestopalette |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | PrusaSlicer |
Comment | 3D printing slicer optimized for Prusa printers |
Description | PrusaSlicer takes 3D models (STL, OBJ, AMF) and converts them into G-code instructions for FFF printers or PNG layers for mSLA 3D printers. It's compatible with any modern printer based on the RepRap toolchain, including all those based on the Marlin, Prusa, Sprinter and Repetier firmware. It also works with Mach3, LinuxCNC and Machinekit controllers. PrusaSlicer is based on Slic3r by Alessandro Ranelucci and the RepRap community. |
Package | prusa-slicer |
Categories | 3DGraphics, Engineering, Graphics |
Keywords | 3D, Printing, SLA, Slicer, amf, convert, gcode, obj, printer, slice, stl |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ri-li |
Comment | Kidsgame, drive a toy wood engine |
Description | You drive a toy wood engine in many levels and you must collect all the coaches to win. Full-featured: Colorful animated wood engine, 50 levels, 3 beautiful music tracks and many sound effects. Ri-li is translated in 19 languages: Arabic, Breton, Chinese, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. |
Package | Ri-li |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game, Simulation |
Keywords | engine, game, kids, switches, toy, train, wood |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | scribus |
Name | Templates Generator |
Comment | PDF (and Scribus) template and mail-merge alternative generator |
Package | scribus-generator |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | TOPPAS |
Comment | Pipeline editor of OpenMS (a mass spectrometry (MS) software for Proteomics and Metabolomics) |
Description | TOPPAS is the OpenMS TOPP Pipeline Assistant. It can create processing pipelines using OpenMS TOPP tools as building blocks. OpenMS is a powerful set of tools as well as a C++ library to process low and high-resolution LC-MS(-MS) mass spectrometry data. OpenMS is modular, consisting of more than 80 chainable TOPP tools (executables). It features a graphical data viewer (TOPPView), a pipeline editor (TOPPAS) and wrappers for most tandem-MS search engines (like Mascot, MSGF+ and X!Tandem). The OpenMS library itself comes with Python bindings for rapid prototyping. |
Package | openms |
Categories | Biology, Chemistry, Science, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | TOPPView |
Comment | OpenMS' viewer for mass spectrometry (MS) data from Proteomics and Metabolomics |
Description | TOPPView is a viewer for MS and HPLC-MS data supporting many common formats, e.g. mzML, mzData, mzXML and several others. The viewer supports 1D, 2D, 3D views, zooming, distance measurements and data annotations. It also allows to run many OpenMS TOPP tools and immediately inspect the data. OpenMS is a powerful set of tools as well as a C++ library to process low and high-resolution LC-MS(-MS) mass spectrometry data. OpenMS is modular, consisting of more than 80 chainable tools (executables). It features a graphical data viewer (TOPPView), a pipeline editor (TOPPAS) and wrappers for most tandem-MS search engines (like Mascot, MSGF+ and X!Tandem). The OpenMS library itself comes with Python bindings for rapid prototyping. |
Package | openms |
Categories | Biology, Chemistry, Science, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | YAGF |
Comment | Graphics front-end for Tesseract OCR and Cuneiform |
Description | YAGF is a program used to control image scanning and text recognition operations from a single control center. Apart from th scanner almost any graphics file may be used as a source. Also YAGF possesses some image-enhancement capabilities like the auto-contrast adjustement and noise removal that make the scanned pages recognition less error-prone. Other features include:
Once installed, YAGF inspects its environment and automatically finds required external programs (like Tesseract OCR and its data files) if they are present so that there is no need to configure it manually by finding and entering program paths. If some required tools are not present in the system the user will be notified of this. YAGF's Intended audience includes everybody who needs to recognize scanned text, but the people who should benefit most are translators, teachers, digitized text libraries makers and those who switch their business from paper-based to paperless workflow. |
Package | yagf |
Categories | Graphics, OCR, Office, Scanning |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | ZeGrapher |
Comment | Fast and intuitive math graphing software |
Description | ZeGrapher is an ergonomic, intuitive and fast software for plotting mathematical objects (functions, sequences, parametric equations) and experimental data on the plane (with polynomial fitting, CSV import/export). Here is what Zegrapher v3.0 can offer you: |
Package | zegrapher |
Categories | Office |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Abbaye des Morts |
Comment | Indie platform game by Locomalito |
Description | In the 13th century, the Cathars, who preach about good Christian beliefs, were being expelled by the Catholic Church out of the Languedoc region in France. One of them, called Jean Raymond, found an old church in which to hide, not knowing that beneath its ruins lay buried an ancient evil. A style close to Spectrum ZX, with its dark background and bright colors, proper fit with the story, because it does look old and somewhat horrifying. Also, the gameplay is direclty inspired by Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy. |
Package | abbayedesmorts-gpl |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | abe |
Comment | Abe's Amazing Adventure |
Description | Abe's Amazing Adventure is a scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore+4. The game is intended to show young people (I'm writing it for my son's birthday) all the cool games they missed. |
Package | abe |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Accerciser |
Comment | Accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop |
Description | Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks. Accerciser has a simple plugin framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information. |
Package | accerciser |
Categories | Accessibility, Development |
Keywords | accessibility, development, test |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | ADMeshGUI |
Comment | STL viewer and manipulation tool |
Description | ADMeshGUI is a desktop application to view and manipulate STL 3D models. It supports viewing STL files and export them in STL, VRML and DXF formats. Models can be viewed in 3 modes: solid, solid with highlighted edges and wireframe; they can also be manipulated, such as scaled, mirrored, rotated or translated. Files can also be split, merged or repaired. |
Package | admeshgui |
Categories | 3DGraphics, Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | AirTV |
Comment | A Qt GUI to start a RAOP server |
Description | AirTV Qt is a GUI to start a RAOP server. Once started, AirTV will add an icon to the system tray using which you can stop the server. |
Package | airtv |
Categories | AudioVideo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Alchemy Quest |
Comment | Puzzle game featuring chemicals |
Description | Alchemy Quest is a tile-matching puzzle game in which appear the chemical elements. Alchemy Quest is an easy-to-play game suitable for children and young people. It aims for reflection, adventure and suspense. |
Package | alchemyquest |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Alex the Allegator 4 |
Comment | Old school platform game |
Description | Alex the Allegator 4 is a true jump'n'run, just like the old classic ones. Guide Alex through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a bag of her. Alex 4 is a very small game. It runs in a very low resolution with only four colors and will not provide you with any real time video or 3D effects. Nor will it snare you with a compelling storyline. It's only a short platform game with a few tricks up it's sleeve. We're sure you'll like it. |
Package | alex4 |
Categories | ActionGame, ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | Arcade, Game, Platform, Retro |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Alexandria Book Collection Manager |
Comment | Manage your physical book collection |
Description | Alexandria is an application that allows you to manage your book library. It lets you build and keep a detailed database (on your local machine) of information about books you own and have read. Alexandria also allows you to rate books, note when you have read them, and even track who you have loaned books out to. It also has interfaces with a online book information sources so you don’t have to type in all the information about a book, and also provides book cover art for many books. |
Package | alexandria |
Categories | Database, Office |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Algobox |
Comment | Logiciel d'initiation à l'algorithmique |
Description | Logiciel d'initiation à l'algorithmique. |
Package | algobox |
Categories | Education, Math, Qt, Science |
Homepage | |
Project | Qt |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Aliza MS |
Comment | A DICOM viewer |
Description | Aliza MS is a standalone medical DICOM viewer
Package | alizams |
Categories | Education, Graphics, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Almanah Diary |
Comment | Keep a diary of your life |
Description | Almanah Diary is an application to allow you to keep a diary of your life. You can encrypt the diary to preserve your privacy. It has editing abilities, including text formatting and printing and shows you a lists of events which happened (on your computer) for each day (such as tasks and appointments from Evolution). |
Package | almanah |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | diary, journal |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | AppMenu, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Amoebax |
Comment | A match-4 action puzzle game |
Description | Amoebax is a cute action puzzle game where pairs of amoeba fall down, and when you match 4 colored amoeba in a row or column they disappear. There are 6 levels of difficulty, and also a split-screen mode to battle the amoeba-matching fun with a friend. |
Package | amoebax |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Analog Modelling SYNTHesizer |
Comment | Analog modelling (a.k.a virtual analog) software synthesizer |
Description | amsynth is an analog modelling (a.k.a virtual analog) software synthesizer. It mimics the operation of early analog subtractive synthesizers with classic oscillator waveforms, envelopes, filter, modulation and effects. The aim is to make it easy to create and modify sounds. Features:
There are currently several different ways to run amsynth:
Package | amsynth |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Keywords | jack, midi, music, realtime, softsynth, standalone, synthesiser |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Anagramarama |
Comment | Make words from a jumble of letters |
Description | Anagramarama is a simple wordgame in which one tries to guess all the different permutations of a scrambled word which form another word within the time limit. Guess the original word and you move on to the next level. |
Package | anagramarama |
Categories | Game, KidsGame, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Anarch (CSFML) |
Comment | Suckless, anarcho-pacifist, 90s-style Doom clone that runs everywhere |
Description | Anarch is an extremely small, completely public domain, no-dependency, no-file, portable suckless anarcho-pacifist from-scratch 90s-style Doom clone that runs everywhere, made for the benefit of all living beings. This version of the game is based on the CSFML library. |
Package | anarch-CSFML |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Anarch (SDL2) |
Comment | Suckless, anarcho-pacifist, 90s-style Doom clone that runs everywhere |
Description | Anarch is an extremely small, completely public domain, no-dependency, no-file, portable suckless anarcho-pacifist from-scratch 90s-style Doom clone that runs everywhere, made for the benefit of all living beings. This version of the game is based on the SDL2 library. |
Package | anarch-SDL2 |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Android File Transfer |
Comment | Interactive MTP client with Qt4/Qt5 GUI |
Description | -Simple Qt UI with progress dialogs. -FUSE wrapper (If you'd prefer mounting your device), supporting partial read/writes, allowing instant access to your files. -No file size limits. -Automatically renames album cover to make it visible from media player. -No extra dependencies (e.g. libptp/libmtp). -Available as static/shared library. -Simple CLI tool. |
Package | android-file-transfer |
Categories | FileTools, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Anjuta |
Comment | Develop software in an integrated development environment |
Description | Anjuta DevStudio is a versatile software development studio featuring a number of advanced programming facilities including project management, application wizard, interactive debugger, source editor, version control, GUI designer, profiler and many more tools. It focuses on providing simple and usable user interface, yet powerful for efficient development. Anjuta is very extensible with plugins. Almost all features in Anjuta are implemented using plugins which can be dynamically enabled or disabled. You can choose which plugins should be active for your project. Like the user interface layout, the set of active plugins is also persistent for each project making it easy to work on projects with various levels of complexity. Using plugins, you can extend Anjuta with your own features. The project wizard lets you create new projects from a selection of project templates. The selection includes simple generic, flat (no subdirectory), GTK+, GNOME, Java, Python projects and more. New templates can be easily downloaded and installed. |
Package | anjuta |
Categories | Development, IDE |
Keywords | IDE, development, programming |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | AppMenu, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | ANTLRWorks |
Comment | Grammar development environment for ANTLR v3 grammars |
Description | ANTLRWorks is a novel grammar development environment for ANTLR v3 grammars written by Jean Bovet (with suggested use cases from Terence Parr). It combines an excellent grammar-aware editor with an interpreter for rapid prototyping and a language-agnostic debugger for isolating grammar errors. ANTLRWorks helps eliminate grammar nondeterminisms, one of the most difficult problems for beginners and experts alike, by highlighting nondeterministic paths in the syntax diagram associated with a grammar. ANTLRWorks' goal is to make grammars more accessible to the average programmer, improve maintainability and readability of grammars by providing excellent grammar navigation and refactoring tools, and address the most common questions and problems encountered by grammar developers. |
Package | antlrworks |
Categories | Development, IDE, Java |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Dialect |
Comment | Translate between languages |
Description | A translation app for GNOME. Features:
Package | dialect |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | Bing Microsoft Translator, Bing Translator, Google Translate, LibreTranslate, Lingva Translate, Microsoft Translator, Yandex Translate, translate, translation |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, SearchProvider |
Type | desktop |
Name | Multiplication Puzzle |
Comment | Solve a math mystery |
Description | Multiplication Puzzle is a simple game inspired by the multiplication game inside the popular editor emacs. You are presented with a long multiplication problem where a 3-digit number is multiplied by a 2-digit number, yielding two intermediate 4-digit numbers and a final 5-digit answer. However, all the digits are replaced by letters. Your job is to discover which letters are which digits. |
Package | gmult |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Keywords | mpuz |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | F3D |
Comment | A fast and minimalist 3D viewer |
Description | A VTK-based 3D viewer following the KISS principle, so it is minimalist, efficient, has no GUI, has simple interaction mechanisms and is fully controllable using arguments on the command line. |
Package | f3d |
Categories | 3DGraphics, Graphics, Viewer |
Keywords | 3ds, animations, dcm, ex2, fbx, gltf, gml, obj, pbr, raytracing, rendering, scivis, step, stl, volume, vtk |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Adds AppIndicator, KStatusNotifierItem and legacy Tray icons support to the Shell |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-appindicator |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | apx |
Comment | A playful QIX clone |
Description | APX is a QIX clone with minor differences in gameplay from the original.
Package | apx |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | ARC Job Manager |
Comment | Manage running Grid jobs |
Package | arc-gui-clients |
Categories | Network, WebBrowser |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ardour |
Comment | Digital Audio Workstation |
Description | Ardour is a multi-channel digital audio workstation, allowing you to record, edit, mix and master audio and MIDI projects. It is targeted at audio engineers, musicians, soundtrack editors and composers. |
Package | ardour6 |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ardour |
Comment | Digital Audio Workstation |
Description | Ardour is a multi-channel digital audio workstation, allowing you to record, edit, mix and master audio and MIDI projects. It is targeted at audio engineers, musicians, soundtrack editors and composers. |
Package | ardour7 |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Keywords | Ardour, DAW, Digital Audio Workstation, Mastering, Mixing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ardour |
Comment | Digital Audio Workstation |
Description | Ardour is a multi-channel digital audio workstation, allowing you to record, edit, mix and master audio and MIDI projects. It is targeted at audio engineers, musicians, soundtrack editors and composers. |
Package | ardour8 |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Keywords | Ardour, DAW, Digital Audio Workstation, Mastering, Mixing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Argos |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Create GNOME Shell extensions in seconds |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-argos |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Armacycles Advanced |
Comment | 3D motorcycle battle |
Description | Armagetron is a 3D Tron-inspired game where the player controls a motorcycle that emits a immovable wall behind it. Gameplay consists of 2 of these cycles battling to trap each other to force their opponent to crash into the wall. |
Package | armacycles-ad |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Advanced Strategic Command |
Comment | Turn based strategy game |
Description | Advanced Strategic Command is a free, turn based strategy game. It is designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series from Bluebyte and is currently available for Windows and Linux. ASC can be played both against the AI and against other human players, using hotseat or PlayByMail. It is also used to run the multiplayer universe Project Battle Planets. |
Package | asc |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | game, strategy, turn-based |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Astromenace |
Comment | A fast paced and intense 3D scrolling space shooter |
Description | Astromenace is a 3D scrolling space shooter with amazing graphics and intense gameplay. You have a range of vehicles to choose from and numerous weapons that can be upgraded as you repel wave after wave of spaceships and dodge space objects. |
Package | astromenace |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Atomic Tanks |
Comment | Turn-based artillery strategy game |
Description | Atomic Tanks is a turn based artillery strategy game where opponents take turns to bombard each other with a wide array of different weapons. To make things more interesting, Atomic Tanks also features desctructable landscapes, teleporting, parachutes and different weather conditions. |
Package | atanks |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Atomix |
Comment | Build molecules out of single atoms |
Description | Atomix is a puzzle game where your goal is to assemble molecules from compound atoms by moving them on the playfield. However, atoms don’t just move wherever you want to move them to, they slide until they hit either a wall or another atom. Try to build the molecules as fast as you can on each level to earn a higher score. |
Package | atomix |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Keywords | GNOME, atoms, game, logic, molecules, puzzle, sokoban |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Atomorun |
Comment | Jump and Run game |
Description | Atomorun is a OpenGL Jump and Run game where you have to flee an exploding nuclear bomb. Atomorun X-Mas Edition comes with a very beatiful christmas-story, especially families will enjoy it: Atomio was just walking around somewhere in the alpine region, when santa crashed with his nuclear driven sleigh. Now Atomio has to run, because he doesn't want to be contaminated. |
Package | atomorun |
Categories | ActionGame, ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | Arcade, Game, Retro, Scroller |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Atril Document Viewer |
Comment | A Document Viewer for the MATE desktop environment |
Description | Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI, XPS and Portable Document Format (PDF) files, as well as comic book archive files. When supported by the document, it also allows searching for text, copying text to the clipboard, hypertext navigation and table-of-contents bookmarks. Atril is a fork of Evince and part of the MATE Desktop Environment. If you would like to know more about MATE and Atril, please visit the project's home page. |
Package | atril |
Categories | Office, Viewer |
Keywords | MATE, comics, djvu, document, dvi, pdf, pixbuf, ps, tiff, viewer, xps |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Attract-Mode |
Comment | A graphical frontend for emulators |
Description | Attract-Mode is a graphical frontend for command line emulators such as MAME, MESS and Nestopia. It hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick, gamepad or spinner, making it ideal for use in arcade cabinets. |
Package | attract-mode |
Categories | Emulator, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | libreoffice-calc.desktop, libreoffice-draw.desktop, libreoffice-impress.desktop, libreoffice-writer |
Name | VRT Network Equipment Gallery |
Comment | Adds a gallery of network equipment shapes into LibreOffice |
Package | libreoffice-gallery-vrt-network-equipment |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | audacious |
Name | Future Composer decoder |
Comment | Input plugin for Future Composer files |
Package | audacious-plugin-fc |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | audacious |
Name | AMIDI-Plug |
Comment | Input plugin for MIDI files |
Package | audacious-plugins-amidi |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | audacious |
Name | Exotic plugins |
Comment | Optional niche market plugins |
Package | audacious-plugins-exotic |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | audacious |
Name | FFaudio |
Comment | FFmpeg-based input plugins |
Package | audacious-plugins-ffaudio |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | audacious |
Name | Jack Audio Connection Kit output |
Comment | Output plugin for Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) sound service |
Package | audacious-plugins-jack |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Audacious |
Comment | Lightweight audio player |
Description | Audacious is an open source audio player. A descendant of XMMS, Audacious plays your music how you want it, without stealing away your computer’s resources from other tasks. Drag and drop folders and individual song files, search for artists and albums in your entire music library, or create and edit your own custom playlists. Listen to CD’s or stream music from the Internet. Tweak the sound with the graphical equalizer or change the dynamic range with audio effects. Enjoy the modern Qt/GTK themed interface or change things up with Winamp Classic skins. Use the plugins included with Audacious to fetch lyrics for your music, display a VU meter, and more. |
Package | audacious |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Auto Move Windows |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Move applications to specific workspaces when they create windows. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-auto-move-windows |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Avogadro2 |
Comment | Advanced molecular editor |
Description | Avogadro is an advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. It offers flexible rendering and a powerful plugin architecture. The code in this repository is a rewrite of Avogadro with source code split across a libraries repository and an application repository. Core features and goals of the Avogadro project: * Open source distributed under the liberal 3-clause BSD license * Cross platform with nightly builds on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows * Intuitive interface designed to be useful to whole community * Fast and efficient embracing the latest technologies * Extensible, making extensive use of a plugin architecture * Flexible supporting a range of chemical data formats and packages |
Package | avogadro2 |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Physics, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Background Logo |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Overlay a tasteful logo on the background to enhance the user experience |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-background-logo |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ball: Buster |
Comment | Move the paddle to bounce the ball and break all the bricks |
Description | Game inspired by one of the great classics. The purpose of the game is to remove all the bricks on the screen, by hitting them with a ball. You can control the ball by bouncing it back at the bricks with a paddle which you control with your mouse. The game features:
Package | ballbuster |
Categories | ArcadeGame, BlocksGame, Game |
Keywords | blocks, bricks, buster, game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ballerburg |
Comment | Two players, two castles, and a hill in between |
Description | Two castles, separated by a mountain, try to defeat each other with their cannonballs, either by killing the opponent's king or by weakening the opponent enough so that the king capitulates. Ballerburg was originally written 1987 by Eckhard Kruse, for the Atari ST machines (which were brand new computers at that point in time). Over 25 years later, here's finally the adaption of the original source code to modern operating systems. |
Package | ballerburg |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | B.A.L.L.Z. |
Comment | Platform/puzzle game where you control a rolling ball |
Description | The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modified by the British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran. The game was written in 72 hours for the TINS competition, a competition similar to Speedhack. The name TINS is an recursive acronym for 'TINS is not Speedhack'. |
Package | ballz |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Barrage |
Comment | A fast paced action game where you shoot down as many targets as possible |
Description | Barrage is a fast paced shooter game where the objective is to destroy targets like soldiers, tanks and jeeps within 3 minutes. The player controls a gun that shoots small and large grenades at fast moving targets and you need to manage your aim, ammo and re-load times carefully. |
Package | barrage |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | barrier |
Comment | Debug sources for package barrier |
Description | %{description} |
Package | barrier |
Categories | RemoteAccess, Utility |
Keywords | keyboard, mouse, network, share, sharing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Berusky |
Comment | 2D puzzle game |
Description | Berusky is a 2D puzzle game where you control up to 5 bugs that have to work together to solve puzzles by moving boxes, using keys and blowing up explosives. |
Package | berusky |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Berusky2 |
Comment | 3D puzzle game |
Description | Berusky 2 is a 3D puzzle game where you control up to 5 bugs that have to work together to solve puzzles by moving boxes, using keys and blowing up explosives. |
Package | berusky2 |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Keywords | 3D, bugs, camera, game, level, logic, zooming |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Biloba |
Comment | Strategic board game |
Description | Biloba is a board game for 2 to 4 players that involves moving pawns around on an octagonal board with square cells. The goal of bilboa is to remove all of your opponent's pawns. Bilboa can be played both against AI and real opponents. |
Package | biloba |
Categories | BoardGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | blivet-gui |
Comment | Graphical tool for storage manipulation and configuration |
Description | Blivet-gui is a graphical tool that provides an easy way to create, delete or edit partitions, LVM, RAID or Btrfs volumes. Available advanced options includes setting up encrypted devices (LUKS), LVM or Btrfs volumes spanning more drives. |
Package | blivet-gui |
Categories | Filesystem, System |
Keywords | Disk, LVM, Partition, RAID, Storage |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Blob Wars : Metal Blob Solid |
Comment | Mission and Objective based 2D Platform Game |
Description | Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid is a 2D side scrolling platformer where you control Bob, (a blob secret agent) through 25 missions to rescue other blobs and stop the evil alien leader: Galdov. |
Package | blobwars |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bluefish |
Comment | Text editor with many web and software development extras |
Description | Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites, scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages and has many features, but is still a very fast and lightweight application. A selection of the features:
If you are an occasional coder who is in need for a simple to learn editor, or a heavy coder who dislikes heavy IDE's like eclipse or netbeans, Bluefish is your editor of choice! |
Package | bluefish-shared-data |
Categories | Development, IDE, TextEditor, Utility, WebDevelopment |
Keywords | code, development, editor, html, php, programming, python, web |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Blur my Shell |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Adds a blur look to different parts of the GNOME Shell, including the top panel, dash and overview. You can support my work by sponsoring me on: - github: - ko-fi: Note: if the extension shows an error after updating, please make sure to restart your session to see if it persists. This is due to a bug in gnome shell, which I can't fix by myself. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-blur-my-shell |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bolzplatz 2006 |
Comment | Slam Soccer 2006 is a funny football game in 3D-comic-style |
Description | Bolzplatz 2006 / Slam Soccer 2006 is a funny football game in 3D-comic-style. The Bolzplatz 2006 game-engine is Open Source. The Bolzplatz 2006 data-files however are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License and are not included in Fedora because of the no commercial use clause. This package installs the engine and an applications menu entry for playing Bolzplatz 2006. The first time you click this menu entry, it will offer to download and install the datafiles for you. Features:
Package | bolzplatz2006 |
Categories | Game, SportsGame |
Keywords | 2006, bolzplatz, football, game, soccer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | BooksOrg |
Comment | Books Organizer |
Description | Books Organizer an organizer for pdf files based on sqlite and with a built-in reader. Bring your favorite PDF pages all in one! Make your own extract pages from existing ones. |
Package | booksorg |
Categories | Office, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bos Wars |
Comment | Futuristic real-time strategy game |
Description | Bos Wars is a futuristic real-time strategy game (RTS). In a RTS game, the player has to combat his enemies while developing his war economy. Everything runs in real-time, as opposed to turn-based games where the player always has to wait for his turn. The trick is to balance the effort put into building his economy and building an army to defend and attack the enemies. Bos Wars has a dynamic rate based economy. Energy is produced by power plants and magma gets pumped from hot spots. Buildings and mobile units are also built at a continuous rate. Control of larger parts of the map creates the potential to increase your economy throughput. Holding key points like roads and passages allow for different strategies. It is possible to play against human opponents over LAN, internet, or against the computer. Bos Wars aims to create a completly original and fun open source RTS game. |
Package | boswars |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | futuristic, game, real-time, rts, strategy |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Brasero |
Comment | Create and copy CDs and DVDs |
Description | Brasero is a application to burn CD/DVD for the GNOME Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly. Brasero can create, copy and burn Data and Audio CD/DVDs. It fully supports CD-TEXT, multisession and joliet extensions. You can simply drag and drop files from other local applications or from remote shared drives to easily burn them to a disc. |
Package | brasero |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, DiscBurning, Video |
Keywords | audio, burn, cdrom, disc, dvd, video |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bt Builder |
Comment | Turn based role-playing game builder and engine |
Description | Explore a fantasy world in this turn based single-player role-playing game. Use powerful magic to devastate evil creatures. Solves puzzles to unlock hidden secrets. Save the world and let bards entertain travellers with the tale of your band of heroes. Not satisfied with crushing the evil forces. Build a new world to share with others. Create new monsters to terrorize the adventurers. Design items to reward them for victory. Leave devious puzzles to vex the heroes. Your imagination is the only limit. |
Package | btbuilder |
Categories | Game, RolePlaying |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Btrfs Assistant |
Comment | GUI management tool to make managing a Btrfs filesystem easier |
Description | Btrfs Assistant is a GUI management tool to make managing a Btrfs filesystem easier. The primary features it offers are:
Package | btrfs-assistant |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bubblemail |
Comment | An extensible mail notification service |
Description | Bubblemail is a D-Bus service providing a list of the new and unread mail from local mailboxes, pop, imap, and gnome online accounts. It includes a libnotify frontend to create notifications and can be used by other frontends as well. |
Package | bubblemail |
Categories | Email, Network |
Keywords | config, mail, notification, notify, preferences, settings |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Bubblemail |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Indicator for new and unread mail (Yahoo, Gmail, Microsoft, Outlook, Aol, Icloud, Protonmail, Gmx...) * Multiple accounts support * Local mail support for Maildir and Mbox formats * Remote mail support for Pop3, Imap and Exchange protocols * Automatic imports of Gnome Online Accounts * Plugin support with default ones : spam filter, sound alert, libnotify, user script * Avatars provided by the server or default colorized ones * Reports for connection errors. BE AWARE THAT THIS EXTENSION REQUIRES BUBBLEMAIL SERVICE INSTALLATION Check your distribution packaging system for availability. Packages for distributions and source tarballs can be found here : Please report any issue on the gitlab pages of the project : |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-bubblemail |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Budgie Control Center |
Comment | Utility to configure desktop settings |
Description | Budgie Control Center is the primary interface for configuring your system. |
Package | budgie-control-center |
Categories | Settings |
Keywords | Preferences, Settings |
Homepage | |
Project | Budgie |
Compulsory for | Budgie |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, SearchProvider, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | BZFlag |
Comment | An online multiplayer 3D tank battle game |
Description | bzflag is a multiplayer tank battle game with "retro" 3D style graphics. |
Package | bzflag |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Dconf Editor |
Comment | A graphical tool for editing the dconf database |
Description | Dconf Editor is a tool to allow direct editing of the dconf configuration database. This is useful when developing applications that use these settings. Editing your configuration directly is an advanced feature and may cause applications to not work correctly. |
Package | dconf-editor |
Categories | System |
Keywords | configuration, settings |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Caffeine |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Disable the screensaver and auto suspend |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-caffeine |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Caja |
Comment | File manager for the MATE desktop environment |
Description | Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows for browsing directories, as well as previewing files and launching applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote file systems. Caja is extensible through a plugin system, similar to that of GNOME Nautilus, of which Caja is a fork. |
Package | caja |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Hugin Calibrate Lens |
Comment | Characterise lens distortion |
Package | hugin |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | calibre |
Comment | The one stop solution to all your e-book needs |
Description | calibre is the one stop solution to all your e-book needs. You can use calibre to catalog your books, fetch metadata for them automatically, convert them from and to all the various e-book formats, send them to your e-book reader devices, read the books on your computer, edit the books in a dedicated e-book editor and even make them available over the network with the built-in Content server. You can also download news and periodicals in e-book format from over a thousand different news and magazine websites. |
Package | calibre |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | ebook, epub, manager |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Camorama |
Comment | Camorama Webcam Viewer |
Description | Camorama is a simple webcam viewer, with the ability to apply some video effects. |
Package | camorama |
Categories | AudioVideo, Video |
Keywords | camorama, video-effects, viewer, webcam |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | cave9 |
Comment | A cave exploration game featuring unique controls based on gravity |
Description | cave9 is 3D cave exploration game based on the SF-cave game. You control a jet that maneuvers through a series of caves and the objective of the game is to avoid colliding with the cave walls. |
Package | cave9 |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | cbrPager |
Comment | Read comics |
Description | cbrPager is a simple comic book reader application with the ability to change pages and zoom. It features the ability to open and read cbr, cb7 and cbz comic book archives that contain PNG and JPEG images. |
Package | cbrpager |
Categories | Graphics, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | ccGo |
Comment | Play a game of "Go" against your computer or other players on the internet |
Description | "ccGo" allows you to play the popular chinese strategy game "Go" agains your computer or other players on the internet. |
Package | ccgo |
Categories | BoardGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | CCSM |
Comment | Settings Manager for Compiz (CCSM) |
Description | Compiz Config and Settings tool (CCSM). |
Package | ccsm |
Categories | DesktopSettings, Settings |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Chromium Web Browser |
Comment | The web browser from Chromium project |
Description | Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way to experience the web. We invite you to join our effort to build a powerful platform for developing a new generation of web applications. Chromium supports Vorbis, Theora, WebM and HTML5 audio and video standards, but does not include the non-free AAC, H.264, MP3 or Adobe Flash code that is found in Chrome. |
Package | chromium |
Categories | Network, WebBrowser |
Keywords | browser, internet, web |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Chromium B.S.U. |
Comment | Fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter |
Description | You are captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U., responsible for delivering supplies to our troops on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from the relative safety of the Chromium vessel. This is an OpenGL-based shoot 'em up game with fine graphics. Your mission:
Package | chromium-bsu |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | Shooter, Space |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | ckb-next |
Comment | RGB Driver for Linux and OS X |
Description | ckb-next is an open-source driver for Corsair keyboards and mice. It aims to bring the features of their proprietary CUE software to the Linux and Mac operating systems. This project is currently a work in progress, but it already supports much of the same functionality, including full RGB animations. |
Package | ckb-next |
Categories | Settings, System |
Keywords | ckb, corsair, keyboard, rgb |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | ClanBomber |
Comment | Lay bombs and Blast the other players of the field |
Description | ClanBomber is a free multiplayer game, where the "purpose" is to Blast the other players of the gamefield by laying bombs close to them. While at the same time you must avoid being blown up yourself. It is fully playable and features Computer controlled bombers, however, it is recommended to play ClanBomber with friends (3-8 players are really fun). |
Package | clanbomber |
Categories | ActionGame, ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | bomber, bomberman, clanbomber, game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | ClipIt |
Comment | A lightweight, fully featured clipboard manager |
Description | ClipIt is a lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager. It was forked from Parcellite, adding additional features and bugfixes to the project. ClipIt's main features are:
Package | clipit |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | CMake GUI |
Comment | Create new CMake projects |
Description | CMake is an open source, cross platform build system that can build, test, and package software. CMake GUI is a graphical user interface that can create and edit CMake projects. |
Package | cmake-gui |
Categories | Building, Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | codeblocks |
Name | Code::Blocks Plugins |
Comment | Additional plugins for the Code::Blocks IDE |
Description | Contains over 40 additional plugins for the Code::Blocks IDE, including:
Package | codeblocks-contrib |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Code::Blocks IDE |
Comment | IDE for C, C++ and Fortran |
Description | Code::Blocks is a highly extensible Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C, C++ and Fortran programming languages. It features support for a wide range of compilers, parallel builds, multi-target projects, and also provides an interface with GNU GDB. The code editor in Code::Blocks features: syntax highlighting, code folding, a tabbed interface, code completion, a class browser and smart indenting. |
Package | codeblocks |
Categories | Development, IDE |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Colossus |
Comment | A fantasy board game with strategic and tactical battle elements |
Description | Colossus is a clone of Avalon Hill's "Titan" Board game. It is a fantasy board game where you lead an army of mythological creatures against other players. |
Package | colossus |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | AbiWord |
Comment | A word processor |
Description | AbiWord is a free word processing program. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks but remain focused on word processing. AbiWord is meant to remain relatively lightweight and support many file formats. |
Package | abiword |
Categories | Office, WordProcessor |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lens Magic |
Comment | App for photo development and tweaking with support for RAW images |
Description | This project aims to fill in the gap on Linux for easy to use app for RAW development and image tweaking. Goal of this app is to be easy as possible, follow GNOME style and be fast. This should be achieved by using libadwaita for UI and OpenGL for the rendering. |
Package | lens-magic |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | generic |
Name | krop |
Comment | A tool to crop PDF files |
Description | krop is a simple graphical tool to crop the pages of PDF files. It is written in Python and relies on PyQT, python-poppler-qt5 and PyPDF2 for its functionality. A unique feature of krop is its ability to automatically split pages into subpages to fit the limited screen size of devices such as eReaders. This is particularly useful, if your eReader does not support convenient scrolling. |
Package | krop |
Keywords | crop, ereader, pdf, rotate |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | ConvertAll |
Comment | A flexible unit converter |
Description | With ConvertAll, you can combine the units any way you want. If you want to convert from inches per decade, that's fine. Or from meter-pounds. Or from cubic nautical miles. The units don't have to make sense to anyone else. |
Package | convertall |
Categories | Education, Math, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Vorta |
Comment | Backup client |
Description | Vorta is a backup client for macOS and Linux desktops. It integrates the mighty BorgBackup with your desktop environment to protect your data from disk failure, ransomware and theft. Why is this great?
Package | vorta |
Categories | Archiving, Utility |
Keywords | borg |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Chatterino |
Comment | Chat client for |
Description | Chatterino is a chat client for |
Package | chatterino2 |
Categories | InstantMessaging, Network |
Keywords | chat, twitch |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | CorsixTH |
Comment | Open source clone of Theme Hospital |
Description | CorsixTH aims to reimplement the game engine of Theme Hospital, and be able to load the original game data files. This means that you will need a purchased copy of Theme Hospital, or a copy of the demo, in order to use CorsixTH. After most of the original engine has been reimplemented in open source code, the project will serve as a base from which extensions and improvements to the original game can be made. |
Package | corsix-th |
Categories | Game, Simulation |
Keywords | bullfrog, hospital, simulation |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | CubicSDR |
Comment | Cross-platform Software-Defined Radio application |
Description | CubicSDR is a cross-platform Software-Defined Radio application which allows you to navigate the radio spectrum and demodulate any signals you might discover. It currently includes several common analog demodulation schemes such as AM and FM and will support digital modes in the future. Many digital decoding applications are available now that can use the analog outputs to process digital signals by “piping” the data from CubicSDR to another program using software like Jack Audio. CubicSDR supports the readily-available RTL-SDR which is an inexpensive SDR device that can be purchased online for about $10 and up. Additionally CubicSDR now includes support for SDRPlay, HackRF, BladeRF, AirSpy, NetSDR+, Red Pitaya, Audio Devices or any other device with an available SoapySDR support module. |
Package | CubicSDR |
Categories | DataVisualization, HamRadio, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | CHIRP |
Comment | Program amateur radios |
Description | CHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your radio. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats. |
Package | chirp+wx |
Categories | HamRadio, Utility |
Keywords | Amateur, Hamradio, Handheld, Programmer, Programming, Radio |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Wildcard |
Comment | Test your regular expressions |
Description | Wildcard gives you a nice and simple to use interface to test/practice regular expressions. |
Package | wildcard |
Categories | Development |
Keywords | expressions, regex, regular |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | frama-c |
Comment | Framework for source code analysis of C software |
Description | Frama-C is a suite of tools dedicated to the analysis of the source code of software written in C. Frama-C gathers several static analysis techniques in a single collaborative framework. The collaborative approach of Frama-C allows static analyzers to build upon the results already computed by other analyzers in the framework. Thanks to this approach, Frama-C provides sophisticated tools, such as a slicer and dependency analysis. |
Package | frama-c |
Categories | Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Tilix |
Comment | A tiling terminal for GNOME |
Description | Tilix is a tiling terminal emulator. It lets you:
The application was written using GTK 3 and an effort was made to conform to GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). As a result, it does use client-side-decorations, though it can be disabled if necessary. Tilix has been tested with GNOME and with Unity. |
Package | tilix |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator |
Keywords | cmd, command, commandline, prompt, shell |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | FeatherPad |
Comment | Lightweight Qt plain text editor |
Description | FeatherPad is a lightweight Qt5 plain-text editor for Linux. It is independent of any desktop environment and has:
Package | featherpad |
Categories | TextEditor, Utility |
Keywords | Editor, Plaintext, Text |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gydl |
Comment | Download content from sites like YouTube |
Description | Gydl (Graphical youtube-dl) is a tool that enables downloading of content from YouTube and many other sites. It provides a minimal interface based on dialogues, making it quick and easy to download multimedia content. Because user needs vary, Gydl supports both audio and video downloads. If a selected format is not available at the source, Gydl will attempt to convert it. Gydl is based upon the popular youtube-dl program, which can be found on GitHub. A big thank you to the developer(s). |
Package | gydl |
Categories | AudioVideo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bless |
Comment | Gtk# Hex Editor |
Description | Bless is a binary (hex) editor, a program that enables you to edit files as a sequence of bytes. It is written in C# and uses the Gtk# bindings for the GTK+ toolkit. |
Package | bless |
Categories | Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Wineglass |
Comment | A GUI for Wine |
Description | Wineglass is a small application that allows the user to manage their wineprefixes easily and install windows programs without the need of the terminal. It can:
This app is useful for running windows apps and games easily without hustle. |
Package | wineglass |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | Windows, Wine, app, exe, run |
Homepage | |
Project | Alex Angelou |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Sequeler |
Comment | Friendly SQL Client |
Description | Easily connect to your local or remote database Store your Database Connections in the library, connect over SSH tunnel, type and execute SQL commands directly in the app, and do everything you need to do without the necessity of opening the terminal. Supported Databases:
Features Include:
Package | sequeler |
Categories | Development, Utility |
Keywords | Database, MariaDB, MySql, PostgreSQL, S3, SQL |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Taxi |
Comment | The FTP Client that drives you anywhere |
Description | Connect to a remote server with various Protocols (FTP, SFT, etc.), and quickly transfer files and folders with the handy double paned interface. Taxi handles bookmarks and remembers your login credentials too! |
Package | taxi |
Categories | Development, Network, Utility |
Keywords | afp, dav, ftp, sftp, transfer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | RecApp |
Comment | User friendly Open Source screencaster for Linux written in GTK |
Description | User friendly Open Source screencaster for Linux written in GTK. Using free GStreamer modules and not depend on FFmpeg. |
Package | recapp |
Categories | AudioVideo, Recorder |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Taigo |
Comment | Taigo is a virtual pet for your desktop |
Description | Taigo is a virtual pet for your desktop that you need to take care of. |
Package | taigo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Regex Tester |
Comment | A simple app for testing regular expressions |
Description | A regular expression is a special text string that describes a search pattern. Regex Tester shows all matches of search pattern in a string. |
Package | regextester |
Categories | Development |
Keywords | expressions, regex, regular |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Warble |
Comment | The word-guessing game |
Description | Figure out the word before your guesses run out!
Package | warble |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Keywords | Game, Puzzle, Word, wordle |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bookworm |
Comment | A focused eBook reader |
Description | Read the books you love without having to worry about the different format complexities like EPUB, PDF, MOBI, CBR, etc. Manage your library by tagging and updating metadata on books, to quickly find books using metadata searching and tag based filtering. This version supports EPUB, MOBI, PRC, PDF, FB2 and comics (CBR and CBZ) formats with support for more formats to follow soon. |
Package | bookworm |
Categories | Office, Viewer |
Keywords | Bookworm, Cbr, Cbz, Comic, Ebook, Epub, Mobi, Pdf, Reader |
Homepage | |
Project | bookworm |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Nutty |
Comment | A simple utility for network information |
Description | Nutty provides an intuitive user interface for some commonly used network related command line tools. A key feature is the ability to turn on notification when a device enters the user's network. The following are the features for Nutty, presented in a tab based interface: |
Package | nutty |
Categories | Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | NoteKit |
Comment | A GTK3 hierarchical markdown notetaking application with tablet support |
Description | This program is a structured notetaking application based on GTK+ 3. Write your notes in instantly-formatted Markdown, organise them in a tree of folders that can be instantly navigated from within the program, and add hand-drawn notes by mouse, touchscreen or digitiser. 1. Why? I figured it would be nice to have a free-software, platform-independent OneNote. While there is a remarkable number of free (speech or beer) notetaking applications out there, to my best knowledge, none of them simultaneously check the following boxes:
2. Usage notes Note management
Note management
Note management
Package | notekit |
Categories | Office, WordProcessor |
Keywords | markdown, note, notetaking, onenote |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Fondo |
Comment | Find the most beautiful wallpapers |
Description | Find a variety of the most beautiful wallpapers from the world’s most generous community of photographers. Fondo allows you to see thousands of beautiful photographs from the most recent to the one you are to looking for. Give a single click on a picture, wait until the download is complete and enjoy your new wallpaper! Have a minimalist, simple and elegant interface, additionally, you can change from light mode to dark mode as you prefer. Main features:
Package | fondo |
Categories | Network, System, Utility |
Keywords | background, foto, image, photo, unsplash, wallpaper |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Dippi |
Comment | Calculate display info like DPI |
Description | Analyze any display. Input a few simple details and figure out the aspect ratio, DPI, and other details of a particular display. Great for deciding which laptop or external monitor to purchase, and if it would be considered HiDPI. Lots of handy features:
Based my expertise and experience shipping HiDPI hardware and software at System76 and elementary. Tells you if a display’s density is:
Special thanks to Micah Ilbery for the shiny icons. |
Package | dippi |
Categories | Calculator, Utility |
Keywords | DPI, HiDPI, aspect, density, display, height, loDPI, monitor, ratio, resolution, screen, width |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ephemeral |
Comment | The always-incognito web browser |
Description | Browse the Internet in private without leaving a trace of history on your computer. Ephemeral is a stripped down private browser that's perfect for avoiding persistent cookies or web trackers. Close the window and all traces of your browsing are removed from your device. Handy features:
Useful keyboard shortcuts and gestures:
Ephemeral protects you in five key ways: 1️⃣ Always incognito. From the second you open an Ephemeral window until you close it (or hit the Erase button), Ephemeral is in private browsing mode. That means history, cookies, local storage, passwords, etc. are all blown away as soon as you leave. 2️⃣ Sandboxed. Each window uses a separate instance of the browser engine, domains inside each window are rendered using different processes, and the engine’s processes are sandboxed from one another to keep you safe. Sign into a service in one window, and sites in other windows will have no idea. 3️⃣ No third-party cookies. Ephemeral blocks cookies from third-party sources, which cuts down on advertising cookies and other unwanted forms of cross-site tracking. 4️⃣ No telemetry. Ephemeral does not touch the network until you explicitly load a web page or perform a search. Even then, no usage data is ever collected—I have no idea what you do with Ephemeral, and I don't want to know! 5️⃣️ Ephemeral uses DuckDuckGo—the search engine that doesn’t track you—by default to avoid as much Google tracking as possible. You can also choose from the menu if that’s your preference, or even set your own entirely custom search engine. Make privacy a habit by opening links in Ephemeral by default, knowing you can always jump back into a traditional browser like Epiphany, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Brave—or any other installed browser—with one click. Perfect in case you want to use saved passwords or other extensions. Remember, Ephemeral and any browser's incognito or private mode can only do so much: they mitigate some tracking and don't store data on your device, but they won't stop your ISP, government, or determined websites from tracking you. For the best protection, always use a VPN. |
Package | ephemeral |
Categories | Network, Security, WebBrowser |
Keywords | WWW, browser, cookies, focus, incognito, internet, private, temporary, web |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | cantata |
Comment | Music Player Daemon (MPD) graphical client |
Description | Cantata is a graphical client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). Features:
Package | cantata |
Categories | AudioVideo, Player |
Keywords | MPD, Music |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Agenda |
Comment | Get things done |
Description | A task manager to help you keep track of the tasks that matter most. Sometimes, you just need a task list to keep you motivated. Agenda provides a way to write down your tasks and tick them off as you complete them. The list is saved automatically, so you can close the list to get it out of the way without losing your place. Key Features:
Package | agenda |
Categories | Office, ProjectManagement, Utility |
Keywords | Tasks, Todo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Harvey |
Comment | The hero that Gotham needs right now |
Description | Calculate and visualize color contrast. Harvey checks a given set of colors for WCAG contrast compliance.
Package | harvey |
Categories | Development, GUIDesigner, Graphics, WebDevelopment |
Keywords | color, contrast |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | ClamTk |
Comment | Easy to use graphical user interface for Clam Antivirus (ClamAV) |
Description | ClamTk is intended to be an easy to use, light-weight, on-demand scanner for Linux systems. |
Package | clamtk |
Categories | System, Utility |
Keywords | antivirus, malware, scan, scanner, virus |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | AppEditor |
Comment | Edit application menu |
Description | Edit application entries shown in application menu and their properties. Features include:
Package | appeditor |
Categories | System |
Keywords | application, edit, entry |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Marker |
Comment | Powerful markdown editor for the GNOME desktop. |
Description | Features:
Package | marker |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | editor, markdown, marker, web |
Homepage | |
Project | Marker |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | gnofract4d |
Comment | Gnome-based program to draw fractals |
Description | Gnofract 4D is a free, open source program which allows anyone to create beautiful images called fractals. The fractals are automatically created by the computer based on mathematical principles. These include the Mandelbrot and Julia sets and many more. You don't need to do any math: you can explore a universe of images just using a mouse. |
Package | gnofract4d |
Categories | Education, Graphics, Math, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Cozy |
Comment | Listen to audio books |
Description | Do you like audio books? Then lets get cozy! Cozy is a audio book player. Here are some of the features:
Package | cozy |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Optimizer |
Comment | Clean up your system |
Description | Find out what's eating up your system resources and delete unnecessary files from your disk. |
Package | optimizer |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | CopyQ |
Comment | Advanced clipboard manager |
Description | CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. CopyQ monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application. |
Package | copyq |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | clipboard, clipboard-history, clipboard-manager, copy-and-paste, notes |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Wike |
Comment | Search and read Wikipedia articles |
Description | Wike is a Wikipedia reader for the GNOME Desktop. Provides access to all the content of this online encyclopedia in a native application, with a simpler and distraction-free view of articles. It supports more than 300 languages and integrates with desktop searches, providing suggestions that make it easier to find any content. Other features are: bookmarks with multiple lists, article table of contents, history, text searches and much more… |
Package | wike |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | Encyclopedia, Wikipedia |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, SearchProvider |
Type | desktop |
Name | JDim |
Comment | 2ch browser for Linux |
Description | JDim (JD improved) is a browser for Japanese textboard "2channel". The software has been forked from JD released under the terms of GPL-2.0, having look-and-feel and environment settings compatible. Various features which are better viewing 2ch: Fetching updated posts, Hide NG word posts, Message posting, ASCII art input, Play-by-play mode, Mouse gestures, Display linked images, Bookmark and History, Filters for URL, Thread title search, Keyword search in thread, External boards support, Highly customizations and more... |
Package | jd |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | 2ch, bbs, jd |
Homepage | |
Project | JDimproved project |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | PDF Arranger |
Comment | Merge, shuffle, and crop PDFs |
Description | PDF Arranger is a small application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. It is a frontend for pikepdf. |
Package | pdfarranger |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | PDF Shuffler, pdfarranger, pdfshuffler |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Foliate |
Comment | Read e-books in style |
Description | Discover a new chapter in reading with Foliate, the modern e-book reader tailored for GNOME. Immerse yourself in a distraction-free interface, with customization features designed to match your unique preferences. Features include:
Package | foliate |
Categories | Office, Viewer |
Keywords | Book, EPUB, Ebook, Reader, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Plater |
Comment | 3D printer plating tool |
Description | Plater is a simple graphical tool for preparing plates for desktop 3D printers, such as RepRap. It lets you load 3D models and manipulate them on XY plane. It is also possible to let Plater automatically arrange the files to fit. You can then export the prepared plate for later use or load it directly to Pronterface (if installed). |
Package | plater |
Categories | 3DGraphics, Graphics, Utility |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Pronsole |
Comment | 3D printer host software for console |
Description | Pronsole is a command line user interface for desktop 3D printers, such as RepRap. It lets you to load Gcode, connect to printer and send the Gcode to it. Best option for controlling 3D printer from headless or not enough powerful machines. It allows you not only to send Gcode form file, but also control the printer manually or send Gcode commands directly to the printer. It integrates with slicing tools, so if you load an STL 3D model to it,it will slice and load it automatically. |
Package | pronsole |
Categories | 3DGraphics, ConsoleOnly, Graphics, Utility |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Pronterface |
Comment | 3D printer host software |
Description | Pronterface is a graphical user interface for desktop 3D printers, such as RepRap. It lets you view Gcode, connect to printer and send the Gcode to it. It's feature rich yet minimalist application. It allows you not only to send Gcode form file, but also control the printer manually or send Gcode commands directly trough input field. It integrates with slicing tools, so if you load an STL 3D model to it, it will slice and load it automatically. |
Package | pronterface |
Categories | 3DGraphics, Graphics, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Coin |
Comment | Never miss out on the monetary value of a virtual currency with this handy applet |
Description | Track the virtual currencies in real world currency value with this handy applet
Package | coin |
Categories | Economy, Finance, Office, Utility |
Keywords | Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance, Money, Tracker |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Dynamic Wallpaper Editor |
Comment | Create or edit XML dynamic wallpapers ("background slideshows") for the GNOME desktop |
Description | Dynamic Wallpaper Editor is a simple utility to create or edit dynamic wallpapers for the GNOME desktop. The duration of each picture and each transition can be set separately or globally. The total duration can be 24 hours to do a wallpaper fitting the daylight. |
Package | dynamic-wallpaper-editor |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | Daylight, Wallpaper, XML |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Drawing |
Comment | Edit screenshots or memes |
Description | This basic image editor can resize, crop, or rotate an image, apply simple filters, insert or censor text, and manipulate a selected portion of the picture (cut/copy/paste/drag/…) And of course, you can draw! Using tools such as the pencil, the straight line, the curve tool, many shapes, several brushes, and their various colors and options. Supported file types include PNG, JPEG and BMP. |
Package | drawing |
Categories | Graphics |
Keywords | Paint, Pencil, Sketch |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gapless |
Comment | Play your music elegantly |
Description | Gapless (AKA: G4Music) is a light weight music player written in GTK4, focuses on large music collection. Features
Package | g4music |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Music |
Keywords | audio, media, music, player, playlist, sound |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Persepolis Download Manager |
Comment | Download manager |
Description | Persepolis is easy to use graphical download manager that speed up your downloads! Persepolis features: |
Package | persepolis |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | Internet, WWW, Web |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Minder |
Comment | Create, develop and visualize your ideas |
Description | Use the power of mind-mapping to make your ideas come to life.
Package | minder |
Categories | Development, Office, Utility |
Keywords | Mapping, Mind |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Notes-Up |
Comment | Your New Notebook |
Description | The intuitive writing app for everyone, from students to developers! With powerful features like:
Package | notes-up |
Categories | Office, WordProcessor |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Clapper |
Comment | Lean back and enjoy videos |
Description | Clapper is a modern media player designed for simplicity and ease of use. Powered by GStreamer and built for the GNOME desktop environment using GTK4 toolkit, it has a clean and stylish interface that lets you focus on enjoying your favorite videos. Clapper uses a playback queue where you can add multiple media files. Think of it like a playlist that you can build. You can easily reorder items or remove them from the queue with a simple drag and drop operation. |
Package | clapper |
Categories | AudioVideo, Player, TV, Video |
Keywords | Album, Clapper, Clip, DVD, Disc, Film, GNOME, Movie, Music, Player, Playlist, Series, TV, Video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Desktop Folder |
Comment | Bring your desktop back to life |
Description | Organize your desktop with panels that hold your things.
Open it like any other app after installing. Desktop Folder will launch automatically when you next log in. |
Package | desktopfolder |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | desktop, file, folder, organize |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Flatseal |
Comment | Manage Flatpak permissions |
Description | Flatseal is a graphical utility to review and modify permissions from your Flatpak applications. |
Package | flatseal |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | override, sandbox, seal |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, UserDocs |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Gedit color schemes |
Comment | Color schemes for Gedit and apps that use gtksourceview to render the syntax highlight. |
Package | gedit-color-schemes |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Video Downloader |
Comment | Download web videos |
Description | Download videos from websites with an easy-to-use interface. Provides the following features:
Based on yt-dlp. |
Package | video-downloader |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | Download, YouTube |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | vokoscreenNG |
Comment | Easy to use screencast creator |
Description | vokoscreenNG is a powerful screencast creator in many languages to record the screen, an area or a window (Linux only). Recording of audio from multiple sources is supported. With the built-in camera support, you can make your video more personal. Other tools such as systray, magnifying glass, countdown, timer, Showclick and Halo support will help you do a good job. This program can save files in some formats and use some codecs for video and audio:
vokoscreenNG is a modern full replacement for vokoscreen, both written by Volker Kohaupt. The main difference is that vokoscreen uses ffmpeg as base, while vokoscreenNG has been rewritten from scratch and is based in GStreamer. |
Package | vokoscreenNG |
Categories | AudioVideo, Player, Recorder |
Keywords | Audio, Capture, GStreamer, Player, Screencast, Video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Easy Effects |
Comment | Audio Effects for PipeWire Applications |
Description | Easy Effects is an advanced audio manipulation tool. It includes an equalizer, limiter, compressor and a reverberation tool, just to mention a few. To complement this there is also a built in spectrum analyzer. Easy Effects is the successor to PulseEffects. Easy Effects only supports PipeWire's audio server. PulseAudio users should instead use PulseEffects. Because Easy Effects uses the default PipeWire sound server it will work with most, if not all, applications you use. All supported applications are presented in the main window, where each can be enabled individually. Besides manipulating sound output, Easy Effects is able to apply effects to an input device, such as a microphone. This is, for example, useful in audio recording, but it also works well during voice conversations. When Easy Effects is launched it will conveniently remember the configuration used in the last session. It is also possible to save all the current settings as profiles. |
Package | easyeffects |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Keywords | autovolume, compressor, equalizer, limiter, reverberation |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, Notifications, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | xCHM |
Comment | View CHM files |
Description | xCHM is a viewer for Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files. It can show the contents tree if one is available, print the current page and do the usual history stunts. It allows one to change fonts and search for text in all the pages of the file, or in the page's titles. |
Package | xchm |
Categories | Utility, Viewer |
Keywords | chm, document, view |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Xournal++ |
Comment | Take handwritten notes |
Description | Xournal++ is a hand note-taking software written in C++ with the target of flexibility, functionality and speed. Stroke recognizer and other parts are based on Xournal Code, which you can find at sourceforge. It supports GNU/Linux (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, SUSE), macOS and Windows. Supports pen input from devices such as Wacom Tablets. Xournal++ features:
Package | xournalpp |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | PDF Annotation, Wacom, markup, pen input, tablet |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.kde.plasmashell |
Name | Dynamic |
Comment | Dynamic wallpaper |
Package | plasma-wallpapers-dynamic |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Meteo |
Comment | Know the forecast of the next hours and days with data and maps at any city all around the world |
Description | Current weather, with information about temperature, pressure, wind speed and wind direction, sunrise and sunset. Know meteorologic predictions to next hours and days. Show awesome maps with all the information. Switch between some maps distributors. Now with System Tray Indicator, showing your location and forecast. Other features:
Package | meteo |
Categories | Education, Science, Utility |
Keywords | Forecast, Meteo, Rain, Snow, Temperature, Weather, Wind |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Cutecom |
Comment | Graphical serial terminal |
Description | CuteCom is a graphical serial terminal, like minicom.
Package | cutecom |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | AusweisApp |
Comment | Official authentication app for German ID card and residence permit |
Description | The AusweisApp is a software, that you can install on your Computer/Smartphone/Tablet, to identify yourself online with your ID card or your electronic residence permit. The App is available for the most used operating systems and works in all common browsers. The AusweisApp offers you an intigrated self-assessment where you are able to view your data that is stored on the online ID. In the app you will also find an overview with the available services, a running overview and you can manage your PIN there. This app is on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security. |
Package | AusweisApp2 |
Categories | Security, System, Utility |
Keywords | Aufenthaltstitel, Card, Identity, Personalausweis, eAT, eID, nPA |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Helix |
Comment | A post-modern text editor |
Description | Helix is a terminal-based text editor inspired by Kakoune / Neovim and written in Rust.
Package | helix |
Categories | TextEditor, Utility |
Keywords | Text, development, editor, programming, text |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | qView |
Comment | Practical and minimal image viewer |
Description | qView is a Qt image viewer designed with minimalism and usability in mind. It is designed to get out of your way and let you view your image without excess GUI elements, while also being flexible enough for everyday use. |
Package | qview |
Categories | Graphics, Photography, Viewer |
Keywords | gif, jpeg, photos, pictures, png, webp |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | JS8Call |
Comment | Software using the JS8 Digital Mode providing weak signal keyboard to keyboard messaging to Amateur Radio Operators |
Description | JS8Call is an experiment to test the feasibility of a digital mode with the robustness of FT8, combined with a messaging and network protocol layer for weak signal communication on HF, using a keyboard messaging style interface. It is not designed for any specific purpose other than connecting amateur radio operators who are operating under weak signal conditions. JS8Call is heavily inspired by WSJT-X, Fldigi, and FSQCall and would not exist without the hard work and dedication of the many developers in the amateur radio community. |
Package | js8call |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, HamRadio |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | USBView |
Comment | A USB device tree viewer |
Description | USBView is a small application to show what the device tree of the USB bus looks like. It shows a graphical representation of the devices that are currently plugged in, showing the topology of the USB bus. It also displays information on each individual device on the bus. |
Package | usbview |
Categories | HardwareSettings, Monitor, System |
Keywords | USB, connected, devices, removable |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GtkStressTesting |
Comment | System utility designed to stress and monitor various hardware components |
Description | GST is a GTK system utility designed to stress and monitor various hardware components like CPU and RAM. |
Package | gst |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | GST, benchmark, monitoring, stress |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | GreenWithEnvy |
Comment | System utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA card |
Description | GWE is a GTK system utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA video card and graphics processor. |
Package | gwe |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | GWE, nvidia, overclock |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Macaulay2 |
Comment | System for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra |
Description | Macaulay 2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra written by Daniel R. Grayson and Michael E. Stillman. |
Package | Macaulay2 |
Categories | ConsoleOnly, Education, Math |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Nextcloud Desktop |
Comment | Nextcloud desktop synchronization client |
Description | The Nextcloud desktop client allows you to keep one or more folders full of your photos, videos and documents synchronized with your server. Any file you add, modify or delete in the synced folders on your desktop or laptop will show up, change or disappear on the server and all other connected devices. Thanks to the client, you can work with your files even when you are not online! |
Package | nextcloud-client |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | Nextcloud, file, sharing, syncing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Nitrokey App |
Comment | Manage your Nitrokey devices |
Description | Nitrokey is an open source/open hardware USB key supporting secure encryption and signing. This package installs the official application to manage the features of the different USB keys. |
Package | nitrokey-app |
Categories | Office, Qt, Security, Utility |
Keywords | Nitrokey, OpenPGP, smart card |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | OBS Studio |
Comment | Live stream and record videos |
Description | Free and open source software for video capturing, recording, and live streaming. Features:
Create Professional Productions:
Package | obs-studio |
Categories | AudioVideo, Recorder |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Alt-Ergo |
Comment | Automated theorem prover including linear arithmetic |
Description | Alt-Ergo is an automated theorem prover implemented in OCaml. It is based on CC(X) - a congruence closure algorithm parameterized by an equational theory X. This algorithm is reminiscent of the Shostak algorithm. Currently CC(X) is instantiated by the theory of linear arithmetics. Alt-Ergo also contains a home made SAT-solver and an instantiation mechanism by which it fully supports quantifiers. |
Package | alt-ergo-gui |
Categories | Debugger, Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | 0 A.D. |
Comment | Real-Time Strategy Game of Ancient Warfare |
Description | 0 A.D. is a real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. It's a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of thirteen ancient civilizations, each depicted at their peak of economic growth and military prowess. The thirteen factions are: Three of the Hellenic States (Athens, Sparta and Macedonia), two of the kingdoms of Alexander the Great's successors (Seleucids and Ptolemaic Egyptians), two Celtic tribes (Britons and Gauls), the Romans, the Persians, the Iberians, the Carthaginians, the Mauryas and the Kushites. Each civilization is complete with substantially unique artwork, technologies and civilization bonuses. |
Package | 0ad |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | Athenians, Britons, Carthaginians, Cavalry, Celtics, Economic Simulation Game, Fortress, Gauls, Hellenes, History, Iberians, Infantry, Kushites, Macedonians, Mauryas, Persians, Ptolemies, RTS, Real-Time Strategy, Realtime Strategy, Romans, Seleucids, Siege Engines, Spartans, Warfare |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Psi+ |
Comment | The cross-platform XMPP client designed for experienced users |
Description | Psi is an XMPP client designed for experienced users. It is highly portable and runs on GNU/Linux, MS Windows, macOS, FreeBSD and Haiku. Features:
Psi+ is a development branch of Psi with rolling release development model. Users who wants to receive new features and bug fixes very quickly may use Psi+ on daily basis. Users who do not care about new trends and prefer constancy may choose Psi as it uses classical development model and its releases are quite rare. |
Package | psi-plus |
Categories | InstantMessaging, Network |
Keywords | Chat, InstantMessaging, Jabber, XMPP |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Black Box |
Comment | A beautiful GTK 4 terminal |
Description | Black Box is a native terminal emulator for GNOME that offers superb theming options. With Black Box you can:
This app is written in Vala and uses GTK 4, libadwaita, and VTE. |
Package | blackbox-terminal |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator, Utility |
Keywords | Terminal, box, cmd, command, commandline, prompt, shell, terminal |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | RawTherapee |
Comment | An advanced raw photo development program |
Description | RawTherapee is a powerful, cross-platform raw photo processing program. It is written mostly in C++ using a GTK+ front-end. It uses a patched version of dcraw for reading raw files, with an in-house solution which adds the highest quality support for certain camera models unsupported by dcraw and enhances the accuracy of certain raw files already supported by dcraw. It is notable for the advanced control it gives the user over the demosaicing and development process. RawTherapee is designed for developing raw files from a broad range of digital cameras, as well as HDR DNG files and non-raw image formats (JPEG, TIFF and PNG). The target audience ranges from enthusiast newcomers who wish to broaden their understanding of how digital imaging works to semi-professional photographers. Knowledge in color science is not compulsory, but it is recommended that you are eager to learn and ready to read our documentation (RawPedia) as well as look up basic concepts which lie outside the scope of RawPedia, such as color balance, elsewhere. Of course, professionals may use RawTherapee too while enjoying complete freedom, but will probably lack some peripheral features such as Digital Asset Management, printing, uploading, etc. RawTherapee is not aimed at being an inclusive all-in-one program, and the open-source community is sufficiently developed by now to offer all those peripheral features in other specialized software. |
Package | rawtherapee |
Categories | 2DGraphics, Graphics, Photography, RasterGraphics |
Keywords | develop, graphics, photo, photography, pp3, raw |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Rosegarden |
Comment | MIDI and Audio Sequencer and Notation Editor |
Description | Rosegarden is a general-purpose music composition and editing environment that offers a mixture of features inspired by MIDI sequencers, score editors, and DAWs. Rosegarden offers a variety of extensions that work in conjunction with LilyPond to produce beautiful scores that often require little or no manual editing, and it generally does a good job of rendering human MIDI performances as legible notation. Rosegarden is ideal for the small scale home artist who wishes to use one tool to handle a music project from start to finish. For example, you can record your musical idea with a MIDI keyboard, write out transposing parts for the members of a brass band, and record the band playing these parts all in the same document in the same application. Rosegarden supports a variety of import and export formats, and works well in conjunction with other applications. |
Package | rosegarden4 |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Midi, Sequencer |
Keywords | midi audio sequencer music notation score |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Sayonara |
Comment | A fast and powerful audio player and library manager |
Description | Sayonara's goals are intuitive usability, speed and low resource consumption. (Automatically) create playlists from local files, streams or podcasts organized in tabs. Powerful media library with 3 different view modes and tag editor. Many plugins such as equalizer, spectrum analyzer, audio converter, bookmarks. |
Package | sayonara |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Music, Player |
Keywords | audio, library, music, player, sayonara, tag |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Keyboard Configurator |
Comment | Configure System76 keyboards |
Description | The System76 Keyboard Configrator app places control back into your hands. Remap keys, swap keycaps, and configure multiple layers to your liking. Compatible with Linux, Windows, and macOS, this application will work with the Launch Configurable Keyboard as well as any System76 laptop with Open Firmware. |
Package | system76-keyboard-configurator |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Project | Pop!_OS |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Control Your Tabs |
Comment | A gedit plugin to switch between document tabs using Ctrl+Tab |
Package | gedit-control-your-tabs |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Cura |
Comment | The world's most advanced 3d printer software |
Description | Cura creates a seamless integration between hardware, software and materials for the best 3D printing experience around. Cura supports the 3MF, OBJ and STL file formats and is available on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Package | cura |
Categories | Graphics |
Keywords | 3D, Printing, Slicer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Peek |
Comment | Simple screen recorder with an easy to use interface |
Description | Peek makes it easy to create short screencasts of a screen area. It was built for the specific use case of recording screen areas, e.g. for easily showing UI features of your own apps or for showing a bug in bug reports. With Peek you simply place the Peek window over the area you want to record and press "Record". Peek is optimized for generating animated GIFs, but you can also directly record to WebM or MP4 if you prefer. Features:
Peek is not a general purpose screencast app with extended features but rather focuses on the single task of creating small, silent screencasts of an area of the screen for creating GIF animations or silent WebM or MP4 videos. |
Package | peek |
Categories | 2DGraphics, AudioVideo, GNOME, GTK, Graphics, Recorder, Utility, Video |
Keywords | APNG, GIF, WebM, screen capture, screen recorder, screencast |
Homepage | |
Kudos | AppMenu, HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bottles |
Comment | Run Windows Software |
Description | Bottles lets you run Windows software on Linux, such as applications and games. It introduces a workflow that helps you organize by categorizing each software to your liking. Bottles provides several tools and integrations to help you manage and optimize your applications. Features:
Package | bottles |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | windows, wine |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Cool Retro Term |
Comment | Terminal emulator with an old school look and feel |
Description | cool-retro-term is a terminal emulator which tries to mimic the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight. |
Package | cool-retro-term |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator |
Keywords | command, commandline, prompt, shell |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | CP Editor |
Comment | Code editor for competitive programming |
Description | CP Editor is a Qt-based, lightweight and cross-platform code editor specially designed for competitive programming. |
Package | cpeditor |
Categories | Development, TextEditor |
Homepage | |
Project | CP Editor |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | CQRLOG |
Comment | Advanced logging program for hamradio operators |
Description | CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on MySQL embedded database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries (currently support of 140+ radio types and models), DX cluster connection, HamQTH/QRZ callbook (XML access), a grayliner, internal QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is intended for daily general logging of HF, CW & SSB contacts and strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance. |
Package | cqrlog |
Categories | HamRadio, Network |
Keywords | Ham, Log, Radio, cqrlog |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Crossfire |
Comment | A multiplayer co-operative RPG involving exploration, magic and treasure hunting |
Description | Crossfire is an open source RPG with numerous maps that can be explored for treasures and artifacts. |
Package | crossfire-client |
Categories | AdventureGame, Game, RolePlaying |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Crystal Stacker |
Comment | Match 3 or more crystals of the same color in a row |
Description | If you've played Columns then you know what Crystal Stacker is all about. Match 3 or more of the same color crystals either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally to destroy them. For every 45 crystals you destroy, the level increases and the crystals fall faster. The higher the level, the more points you are awarded for destroying crystals. |
Package | crystal-stacker |
Categories | BlocksGame, Game |
Keywords | Blocks, Columns, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Cutter |
Comment | Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform powered by Rizin and Qt |
Description | Cutter is a free and open-source GUI for Rizin. Willing to create an advanced, customizable and free reverse engineering framework. |
Package | cutter-re |
Categories | ComputerScience, DataVisualization, Debugger, Development, Emulator, FileTools, Security, Viewer |
Keywords | arm, asm, assembler, binary, c, c++, cutter, cutter-re, debugger, decompiler, disassembler, exe, gdb, iaito, r2, radare, radare2, reversing, rizin, viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Tucnak |
Comment | HF/VHF contest logging program |
Description | Tucnak is HF/VHF/UHF/SHF log for hamradio contests. It supports multi bands, free input, networking, voice and CW keyer, WWL database and much more. |
Package | tucnak |
Categories | HamRadio |
Keywords | CW, Ham, Radio, log |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | DarkPlaces Quake |
Comment | A fast paced deathmatch oriented first person shooter (FPS) |
Description | Darkplaces-quake is a fast paced, multiplayer, deathmatch oriented shooter similar to the popular FPS game Quake. |
Package | darkplaces-quake |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Dash to Dock |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | A dock for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash out of the overview transforming it in a dock for an easier launching of applications and a faster switching between windows and desktops. Side and bottom placement options are available. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Dash to Panel |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that found in KDE Plasma and Windows 7+. A separate dock is no longer needed for easy access to running and favorited applications. For a more traditional experience, you may also want to use Tweak Tool to enable Windows > Titlebar Buttons > Minimize & Maximize. For the best support, please report any issues on Github. Dash-to-panel is developed and maintained by @jderose9 and @charlesg99. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Datovka |
Comment | A free graphical user interface for data boxes |
Description | Datovka is a multiplatform desktop application for accessing data boxes. A data box is an electronic storage site in Czech Republic. It is intended for delivery of official documents and for communication with public authority bodies. Datovka allows receiving, sending, and checking the integrity of data messages, exporting proofs of delivery or full messages, exporting complete correspondence for a defined period, etc. The user interface resembles the interface of common e-mail clients. |
Package | datovka |
Categories | Office |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Fragments |
Comment | Manage torrents |
Description | An easy to use BitTorrent client. Fragments can be used to transfer files via the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol, such as videos, music or installation images for Linux distributions.
Fragments uses the Transmission BitTorrent project under the hood. |
Package | fragments |
Categories | FileTransfer, P2P, Utility |
Keywords | bittorrent, download, magnet, p2p, torrent |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | generic |
Name | TLP |
Comment | Save battery power on laptops |
Description | TLP is an advanced power management tool for Linux. It comes with a default configuration already optimized for battery life. At the same time it is highly customizable to fulfil specific user requirements. TLP supplies separate settings profiles for AC and battery power and can enable or disable bluetooth, WiFi and WWAN radio devices upon system startup. For ThinkPads it provides a unified way to configure charging thresholds and recalibrate the battery for all models which support it (via tp-smapi or acpi-call). TLP is a pure command line tool with automated background tasks, it does not contain a GUI. |
Package | tlp |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | gencolormap |
Comment | Color Map Generator |
Description | A generator for color maps, for scientific visualization. |
Package | gencolormap |
Categories | DataVisualization, Education, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | AnyMeal recipe management software |
Comment | Manage a large collection of MealMaster recipes |
Description | AnyMeal is a free recipe management software developed using SQLite3 and Qt5. It can manage a cookbook with more than 250000 MealMaster recipes, thereby allowing to import, export, search, display, edit, and print them. |
Package | anymeal |
Categories | Utility, Viewer |
Keywords | cooking, database, recipes |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Deepin Image Viewer |
Comment | Deepin Image Viewer is Deepin Desktop Environment image viewer |
Description | Deepin Image Viewer is a free and open source cross-platform image viewer. |
Package | deepin-image-viewer |
Categories | Graphics |
Keywords | Image, Jpeg, Jpg, Png, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Deepin Screenshot |
Comment | Deepin Screenshot is Deepin Desktop Environment screenshot tool |
Description | Deepin Screenshot is a free and open source cross-platform screenshot tool. |
Package | deepin-screenshot |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Deluge |
Comment | Deluge is a lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client. |
Description | Deluge contains the common features to BitTorrent clients such as Protocol Encryption, DHT, Local Peer Discovery (LSD), Peer Exchange (PEX), UPnP, NAT-PMP, Proxy support, Web seeds, global and per-torrent speed limits. As Deluge heavily utilises the libtorrent library it has a comprehensive list of the features provided. Deluge has been designed to run as both a normal standalone desktop application and as a client-server. In Thinclient mode a Deluge daemon handles all the BitTorrent activity and is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces connecting remotely from any other platform. |
Package | deluge-gtk |
Categories | FileTransfer, Network, P2P |
Keywords | bittorrent, download, downloading, magnet, p2p, share, sharing, torrent, torrents, uploading |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Trayscale |
Comment | Unofficial GUI for Tailscale |
Description | Trayscale is an unofficial GUI interface for the Tailscale daemon particularly for use on Linux, as no official Linux GUI client exists. It provides a basic system tray icon and a fairly comprehensive UI with support for many of Tailscale's features. Trayscale interfaces with the Tailscale daemon, <code>tailscaled</code>, to perform many of its operations. In order for this to work, the daemon must have been configured with the current user as the "operator". To do this, run <code>sudo tailscale set --operator=$USER</code> from the command-line at least once manually. |
Package | trayscale |
Categories | System |
Keywords | tailscale, vpn |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Tuba |
Comment | Browse the Fediverse |
Description | Explore the federated social web with Tuba for GNOME. Stay connected to your favorite communities, family and friends with support for popular Fediverse platforms like Mastodon, GoToSocial, Akkoma & more! The Fediverse is a decentralized social network that consists of multiple interconnected platforms and communities, allowing users to communicate and share content across different networks and servers. It promotes user privacy and data ownership, and offers an alternative to centralized social media platforms. |
Package | tuba |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | akkoma, fediverse, gotosocial, mastodon, pleroma, toot |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Waycheck |
Comment | Show Wayland compositor details |
Description | Waycheck is a simple graphical application that connects to your Wayland compositor and displays the list of Wayland protocols that it supports, along with the list of protocols that it doesn't. |
Package | waycheck |
Categories | Development, System, Utility |
Keywords | Wayland, wayland |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Dia Diagram Editor |
Comment | Dia is a GTK+ based diagram creation program |
Description | Dia is roughly inspired by the commercial Windows program 'Visio,' though more geared towards informal diagrams for casual use. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many other diagrams. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape. It can load and save diagrams to a custom XML format (gzipped by default, to save space), can export diagrams to a number of formats, including EPS, SVG, XFIG, WMF and PNG, and can print diagrams (including ones that span multiple pages). |
Package | dia |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Disconnect Wifi |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Adds a Disconnect option for Wifi in status menu, when a network is connected. Shows a Reconnect option, after network is disconnected. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-disconnect-wifi |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gqrx |
Comment | Software defined radio receiver implemented using GNU Radio and the Qt GUI toolkit |
Description | Gqrx is an open source software defined radio receiver (SDR) powered by the GNU Radio and the Qt graphical toolkit. Gqrx supports many of the SDR hardware available, including Airspy, Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices. |
Package | gqrx |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, HamRadio |
Keywords | HAM, Radio, SDR |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Dolphin Emulator |
Comment | GameCube / Wii / Triforce Emulator |
Description | Dolphin is a Gamecube, Wii and Triforce (the arcade machine based on the Gamecube) emulator, which supports full HD video with several enhancements such as compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and more. Most games run perfectly or with minor bugs. |
Package | dolphin-emu |
Categories | Emulator, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | amsynth |
Name | DSSI plugin |
Comment | Plugin for the DSSI audio API |
Package | dssi-amsynth-plugin |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | dxf2gcode |
Comment | 2D dxf drawings to CNC machine compatible G-Code converter |
Description | dxf2gcode is a tool for converting 2D (DXF, PDF, PS) drawings to CNC machine compatible G-Code. Some features:
Package | dxf2gcode |
Keywords | cam, cnc, dxf, g-code |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | EasyTAG |
Comment | Edit audio file metadata |
Description | View and edit tags for MP3, MP2, MP4/AAC, FLAC, Ogg Opus, Ogg Speex, Ogg Vorbis, MusePack, Monkey's Audio and WavPack files. Look up albums in online databases, bulk edit tags, create playlists and rename a collection of files. A simple and nice GTK+ interface makes tagging easier under GNU/Linux and Windows. |
Package | easytag |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing |
Keywords | audio, mp3, music, tag |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | AppMenu, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | EDFviewer |
Comment | Tool to visualize image files which format has been wrapped as EDF into PyMca |
Package | PyMca |
Categories | DataVisualization, Education, Physics, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | BOINC Manager |
Comment | Contribute computing power to projects doing research in many scientific areas |
Description | BOINC lets you help cutting-edge science research using your computer. The BOINC app, running on your computer, downloads scientific computing jobs and runs them invisibly in the background. It's easy and safe. About 30 science projects use BOINC. They investigate diseases, study climate change, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. The BOINC and Science United projects are located at the University of California, Berkeley and are supported by the National Science Foundation. |
Package | boinc-manager |
Categories | ComputerScience, Monitor, ParallelComputing, Science, System |
Keywords | computation, science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | DigiDoc4 Client |
Comment | Estonian ID-card desktop application |
Description | DigiDoc4 is an application for interacting with the Estonian ID system. Using an ID-card, Mobile-ID, or Smart-ID, it can sign, encrypt, and decrypt documents and files, and check the validity of digital signatures. It can also view information stored on ID cards and change the PIN1, PIN2 and PUK codes. Digitally signed containers use .ddoc, .bdoc or .asice extensions, and encrypted/decrypted files use the .cdoc extension. |
Package | qdigidoc |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | ID-card, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Electrum |
Comment | A lightweight Bitcoin Client |
Description | Electrum is an easy to use Bitcoin client. It protects you from losing coins in a backup mistake or computer failure, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase that you can write on paper or learn by heart. There is no waiting time when you start the client, because it does not download the Bitcoin block chain. |
Package | electrum |
Categories | Finance, Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Elementsinfo |
Comment | Displaying the shell constants and X-ray emission branching ratios as function of photon excitation energy |
Package | PyMca |
Categories | DataVisualization, Education, Physics, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Engauge Digitizer 10 |
Comment | Convert an image file showing a graph or map into numbers |
Description | The Engauge Digitizer tool accepts image files (like PNG, JPEG and TIFF) containing graphs, and recovers the data points from those graphs. The resulting data points are usually used as input to other software applications. Conceptually, Engauge Digitizer is the opposite of a graphing tool that converts data points to graphs. The process is shown below - an image file is imported, digitized within Engauge, and exported as a table of numeric data to a text file. Work can be saved into an Engauge DIG file. New features already added to Engauge: - Grid lines are displayed for fine adjustments of the axis points that define the coordinate systems - Automated line and point extraction rapidly digitizes data - Image processing for separating important details from background information - Undo/redo of all operations means recovering from mistakes and experimenting with options is painless - Installers for Windows and OSX operating systems, and repository packages for Linux make installation easy - Wizard provides an interactive tutorial to explain the basic steps - Wizard creates a checklist guide to interactively leads user through steps from file import to file export - Cubic spline interpolation between points gives more accurate curves with fewer points - Axes Checker briefly highlights the axes when they are defined or modified, to reveal entry mistakes - Graph coordinates can be specified as date and time values, or as degrees, minutes and seconds - File import and data export by drag-and-drop and copy/paste - Test suite for regression testing minimizes code breakage as new features are added - Multiple coordinate systems in the same image can be digitized in advanced mode - Axes with only one known coordinate (floating axes) can be digitized in advanced mode - Geometry Window displays geometric information about the selected curve - Curve Fitting Window fits a polynomial function to the selected curve |
Package | engauge-digitizer |
Categories | DataVisualization, Education, Science |
Keywords | analog, converter, digital |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Engrampa Archive Manager |
Comment | An Archive Manager for the MATE desktop environment |
Description | Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It allows you to create and modify archives, view the contents of an archive, view a file contained in an archive, and extract files from archive. Engrampa is only a front-end (a graphical interface) to archiving programs like tar and zip. The supported file types are:
Engrampa is a fork of File Roller and part of the MATE Desktop Environment. If you would like to know more about MATE and Engrampa, please visit the project's home page. |
Package | engrampa |
Categories | Archiving, Compression, Utility |
Keywords | MATE, archive, compression, manager |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Enigma |
Comment | Puzzle game |
Description | Enigma is a puzzle game where the player controls a marble with their mouse to uncover matching sets of stones. While Enigma starts out simple, soon you will encounter a wide range of mazes, lasers and traps to stop you from your goal. You need dexterity, intelligence, patience, and curiosity to succeed. Enigma features over 1000 levels with ever new objects, problems, and challenges. |
Package | enigma |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Eye of MATE |
Comment | Simple image viewer |
Description | Eye of MATE is a simple viewer for browsing images on your computer. Once an image is loaded, you can zoom and rotate the image, and also view subsequent images in the directory the image was loaded from. |
Package | eom |
Categories | 2DGraphics, Graphics, RasterGraphics, Viewer |
Keywords | JPEG, MATE, PNG, SVG, TIFF, browse, image, photos, rotate, thumbnails, viewer |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Extreme Tux Racer |
Comment | High speed arctic racing game based on Tux Racer |
Description | Extreme Tux Racer is a downhill racing game starring Tux, the Linux penguin. Tux must slide on his belly down snow and ice covered hills, collecting herring, and making it to the finish line before the time is up. |
Package | extremetuxracer |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | 3D, arcade, game, pinguin, race, tux |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | PDF Mix Tool |
Comment | An application to perform common editing operations on PDF files |
Description | PDF Mix Tool is a simple and lightweight application that allows you to perform common editing operations on PDF files. Base operations it can perform are the following:
Besides, it can also mix files alternating their pages, generate booklets, add white pages to a PDF file, delete pages from a PDF file, extract pages from a PDF file, edit the PDF document information. |
Package | pdfmixtool |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.Evince |
Name | DjVu Documents |
Comment | Adds support for reading DjVu documents |
Package | evince-djvu |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.Evince |
Name | DVI Documents |
Comment | Adds support for reading DVI documents |
Package | evince-dvi |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.Evolution |
Name | Bogofilter |
Comment | Junk filter using Bogofilter |
Package | evolution-bogofilter |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.Evolution |
Name | Exchange Web Services |
Comment | For accessing Exchange servers using Web Services |
Package | evolution-ews |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.Evolution |
Name | Exchange MAPI |
Comment | For accessing Microsoft Exchange 2007/OpenChange servers via MAPI |
Package | evolution-mapi |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.Evolution |
Name | Outlook PST import |
Comment | Import Outlook messages from PST file |
Package | evolution-pst |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.Evolution |
Name | SpamAssassin |
Comment | Junk filter using SpamAssassin |
Package | evolution-spamassassin |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | desktop |
Name | Exaile |
Comment | Listen to, explore, or manage your audio collection |
Description | Exaile is a music player with a simple interface and powerful music management capabilities. Features include automatic fetching of album art, lyrics fetching, streaming internet radio, tabbed playlists, smart playlists with extensive filtering/search capabilities, and much more. Exaile is written using python and GTK+ and is easily extensible via plugins. There are over 50 plugins distributed with Exaile that include advanced track tagging, scrobbling, support for portable media players, podcasts, internet radio such as icecast and Soma.FM, ReplayGain, output via a secondary output device (great for DJs!), and much more. |
Package | exaile |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player |
Keywords | Collection, FLAC, Library, MP3, MP4, Music, OGG, Player |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Falling Block Game |
Comment | move the falling blocks to create lines |
Description | The Falling Block Game is a game where groups of blocks of certain predefined shapes fall from the top of the screen, and the player has to rotate and move them to create lines of blocks that then disappear when a line is complete. |
Package | fbg2 |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | FBZX |
Comment | ZX Spectrum emulator |
Description | FBZX is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. Its main features are: |
Package | fbzx |
Categories | Emulator, Game |
Keywords | emulator, sinclair, spectrum, zx |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Feather |
Comment | Monero desktop wallet |
Description | Feather is a wallet for the Monero cryptocurrency. |
Package | feather |
Categories | Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lagrange |
Comment | A Beautiful Gemini Client |
Description | Lagrange is a desktop GUI client for browsing Geminispace. It offers modern conveniences familiar from web browsers, such as smooth scrolling, inline image viewing, multiple tabs, visual themes, Unicode fonts, bookmarks, history, and page outlines. Like the Gemini protocol, Lagrange has been designed with minimalism in mind. It depends on a small number of essential libraries. It is written in C and uses SDL for hardware-accelerated graphics. OpenSSL is used for secure communications. |
Package | lagrange |
Categories | Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Fish Fillets |
Comment | solve the puzzle and help the fish escape |
Description | Fish Fillets is a puzzle game where the player has to guide a fish through a series of obstacles to escape the maze. Fish Fillets features over 70 levels of puzzles and a comforting soundtrack. |
Package | fillets-ng |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Firewall |
Comment | Firewall Configuration |
Description | Firewall Configuration provides a graphical tool for administering firewall. Allows to inspect and set:
Package | firewall-config |
Categories | Security, Settings, System |
Keywords | firewall, iptables, netfilter, network, security |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | F.L.A.W. |
Comment | Casual Wizards Battle Game |
Description | Flaw is a game where you control a wizard and your goal is to survive as much as you can. In addition to the fireballs that arise increasingly in larger quantities, there are other wizards trying to kill you. The game has some items that give you special abilities to defend yourself or attack your enemies. Flaw can be played on single-player mode or with your friends. |
Package | flaw |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Fldigi |
Comment | Amateur Radio Sound Card Communications |
Description | Fldigi is a modem program which supports most of the digital modes used by ham radio operators today. You can also use the program for calibrating your sound card to WWV or doing a frequency measurement test. The program also comes with a CW decoder. fldigi is written with the help of the Fast Light Toolkit X GUI. Fldigi is a fast moving project many added features with each update. |
Package | fldigi |
Categories | HamRadio, Network |
Keywords | cw, fsk, fsq, modem, psk, rtty |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Flent |
Comment | The FLExible Network Tester |
Description | The FLExible Network Tester is a Python wrapper to run multiple simultaneous netperf/iperf/ping instances and aggregate the results. Tests are specified as config files (which are really Python), and various parsers for tool output are supplied. At the moment, parsers for netperf in -D mode, iperf in csv mode and ping/ping6 in -D mode are supplied, as well as a generic parser for commands that just outputs a single number. Several commands can be run in parallel and, provided they output timestamped values, (which netperf ping and iperf do, the latter with a small patch, available in the misc/ directory), the test data points can be aligned with each other in time, interpolating differences between the actual measurement points. This makes it possible to graph (e.g.) ping times before, during and after a link is loaded. |
Package | flent |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | bufferbloat, network, performance, rrul, testing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | sigil |
Name | FlightCrew epub validator plugin |
Comment | Sigil FlightCrew epub validator plugin |
Package | FlightCrew-sigil-plugin |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | flobopuyo |
Comment | 2-player falling bubbles game |
Description | The goal of flobopuyo is to make groups of four or more Puyos (colored bubbles) to make them explode and send bad ghost Puyos to your opponent. You win the game if your opponent reaches the top of the board. You can play against computer or another human. |
Package | flobopuyo |
Categories | BlocksGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Flying Saucers attack |
Comment | Shoot down the attacking UFOs and to save the city |
Description | F.S.A.(Flying Saucers Attack) aka F.U.G.A.(Fliegende Untertassen greifen an) is a kind of mixture between two old Atari2600 games. It comes in German and English language. You'll see a screen with your city that you have to save against 30 Alien attack waves in three different difficulty levels. You shoot attacking UFOs with two cannons positioned at the left and right borders of the screen. The UFOs will first bomb away all your buildings then send in little green men to dig tunnels to blow your cannons which results in a game over. |
Package | flyingsaucersattack |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | Arcade, Attack, Flying, Game, Retro, Saucers, UFO |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | FMIT |
Comment | Free Musical Instrument Tuner (FMIT), a Tool for tuning musical instrument |
Description | Find an estimation of the fundamental frequency (f0, not the perceived pitch) of an audio signal, in real-time, and compare it with the closest note in the scale. Tune your musical instruments with advanced features, including traces of frequency and volume, adjustable base tuning frequency, multiple choices of tuning scale (chromatic, Werckmeister III, Kirnberger III, diatonic and meantone), microtonal tuning with Scala file (.scl) support and statistics. Perform real-time sound analysis with views for waveform period, harmonics amplitude and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Change various analysis parameters and tradeoff between precision and speed. Choose between multiple sound capture systems, including ALSA and JACK. Show or hide individual panels and go from a simple analog tuner view to an advanced real-time analysis toolset, or anywhere in between. |
Package | fmit |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Tuner |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | FocusWriter |
Comment | Fullscreen word processor |
Description | FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free word processor. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work. FocusWriter allows you to customize your environment by creating themes that control the font, colors, and background image to add ambiance. It also features on-the-fly updating statistics, daily goals, multiple open documents, spell-checking, and much more. Additionally, when you open the program your current work in progress will automatically load and position you where you last left off so that you can immediately jump back in. |
Package | focuswriter |
Categories | Office, WordProcessor |
Keywords | concentration, distraction, editor, focused, fullscreen, keyclick, monomaniacal, typewriter, writing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Fonts Tweak Tool |
Comment | Advanced settings for font display on the desktop |
Description | The Fonts Tweak Tool is a utility application that allows you to further change the font configuration on your system. GNOME Tweak Tool allows you to configure and change the default font on your system, but the Fonts Tweak Tool goes further. It allows you to set specific default fonts for different lanugaues, set hinting and font rendering options on a per-font basis, and specify global font substitutions. |
Package | fonts-tweak-tool |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Forge |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Tiling and window manager for GNOME Please report bugs/issues on |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-forge |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | coqide |
Comment | Coq graphical interface |
Description | Coq is a formal proof management system. It allows for the development of theorems through first order logic that are mechanically checked by the machine. Sets of definitions and theorems can be saved as compiled modules and loaded into the system. This package provides Coqide, a lightweight IDE for Coq. |
Package | coq-coqide |
Categories | Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Atomes |
Comment | An atomistic toolbox |
Description | Atomes: a toolbox to analyze, to visualize and to create/edit three-dimensional atomistic models. It offers a workspace that allows to have many projects opened simultaneously. The different projects in the workspace can exchange data: analysis results, atomic coordinates... Atomes also provides an advanced input preparation system for further calculations using well known molecular dynamics codes:
To prepare the input files for these calculations is likely to be the key, and most complicated step towards MD simulations. Atomes offers a user-friendly assistant to help and guide the scientist step by step to achieve this crucial step. |
Package | atomes |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Physics, Science |
Keywords | atom, builder, chemistry, coordination, crystal, material, measure, molecule, physics, polyedra, polyhedra, volume |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Metadata Cleaner |
Comment | View and clean metadata in files |
Description | Metadata within a file can tell a lot about you. Cameras record data about when and where a picture was taken and which camera was used. Office applications automatically add author and company information to documents and spreadsheets. This is sensitive information and you may not want to disclose it. This tool allows you to view metadata in your files and to get rid of it, as much as possible. |
Package | metadata-cleaner |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | Cleaner, Metadata, Remover |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | FreeCol |
Comment | Colonize America |
Description | The FreeCol team aims to create an Open Source version of Colonization (released under the GPL). At first we'll try to make an exact clone of Colonization. The visuals will be brought up to date with more recent standards but will remain clean, simple and functional. Certain new 'features' will be implemented but the gameplay and the rules will be exactly the same as the original game. Examples of modern features are: an isometric map and multiplayer support. This clone will be developed incrementally and result in FreeCol 1.0.0 which will be an almost exact Colonization clone. Incremental development basically means that we'll add features one at a time. This allows us to have a running program at all times and also to release an unfinished but working game once in a while. Once FreeCol 1.0.0 is finished we'll start working towards FreeCol 2.0.0. FreeCol 2 will go beyond the original Colonization and will have many new features, it will be an implementation of our (and our users') image of what Colonization 2 would have been. |
Package | freecol |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | GNU FreeDink |
Comment | Humorous top-down adventure & role-playing game |
Description | Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to classic Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humour, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. GNU FreeDink is a new and portable version of the game engine, which runs the original game as well as its D-Mods, with close compatibility, under multiple platforms. |
Package | freedink-engine |
Categories | ActionGame, AdventureGame, Game, RolePlaying |
Keywords | duck, pillbug, smallwood |
Homepage | |
Project | GNU |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Freedoom: DeathMatch |
Comment | Doom styled first person shooter deathmatch game |
Description | Freedoom: FreeDM is a 32-level Doom styled first person shooter game designed for competitive deathmatch play. Freedoom: FreeDM uses all Free as in freedoom content combined with the Open Source Doom engine. |
Package | freedoom-freedm |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | deathmatch, doom, first, freedoom, game, person, shooter |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Freedoom: Phase 1 |
Comment | Doom styled first person shooter game |
Description | Freedoom: Phase 1 is a Doom styled first person shooter game using the Doom engine, featuring Four chapters, nine levels each, totalling 36 levels. There is a massive back catalog, spanning over two decades, containing thousands of Doom levels and other modifications (“mods”) made by fans of the original Doom game. Freedoom aims to be compatible with these and allows most to be played without the original Doom datafiles. Freedoom: Phase 1 aims for compatibility with The Ultimate Doom, also known as plain Doom or Doom 1. |
Package | freedoom |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | doom, first, freedoom, game, person, shooter |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Freedoom: Phase 2 |
Comment | Doom2 styled first person shooter game |
Description | Freedoom: Phase 2 is a Doom2 styled first person shooter game using the Doom engine. Freedoom: Phase 2 has 32 levels in one long chapter, featuring extra monsters and a double-barrelled shotgun. There is a massive back catalog, spanning over two decades, containing thousands of Doom levels and other modifications (“mods”) made by fans of the original Doom game. Freedoom aims to be compatible with these and allows most to be played without the original Doom datafiles. Freedoom: Phase 2 aims for compatibility with Doom II and Final Doom. |
Package | freedoom2 |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | doom, doom2, first, freedoom, game, person, shooter |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | FreeDV |
Comment | Open Source HF Digital Voice |
Description | FreeDV is a GUI application for Windows and Linux that allows any SSB radio to be used for low bit rate digital voice. Speech is compressed down to 1400 bit/s then modulated onto a 1100 Hz wide QPSK signal which is sent to the Mic input of a SSB radio. On receive, the signal is received by the SSB radio, then demodulated and decoded by FreeDV. FreeDV was built by an international team of Radio Amateurs working together on coding, design, user interface and testing. FreeDV is open source software, released under the GNU Public License version 2.1. The FDMDV modem and Codec 2 Speech codec used in FreeDV are also open source. |
Package | freedv |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, HamRadio |
Keywords | HAM, HF, RF, Radio, codec2, modem, voice |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | freerouting |
Comment | Circuit Board Routing Tool |
Description | FreeRouting is a routing software intended but not limited for Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). By using the standard Specctra or Electra DSN interface it works together with numerous CAD tools including the LayoutEditor, KiCad and Eagle. It imports DSN-files generated by the Specctra interface and exports Specctra session files. FreeRouting was developed in 2004 by Alfons Wirtz. He stopped the development in 2008 and published the source code under the GPL in 2014. From 2015 FreeRouting is included in the LayoutEditor packages and its source code is maintained by its team. FreeRouting features:
Package | freerouting |
Categories | Electronics, Engineering, Utility |
Keywords | circuit, pcb, routing, specctra |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Freon |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Shows CPU temperature, disk temperature, video card temperature (NVIDIA/Catalyst/Bumblebee&NVIDIA), voltage and fan RPM (forked from xtranophilist/gnome-shell-extension-sensors) |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-freon |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Frozen Bubble |
Comment | An addictive game about frozen bubbles |
Description | Frozen Bubble is a free and open source game in which you throw colorful bubbles and build groups to destroy them. You can play this game locally or over the Internet. It also contains a level editor for you to create your own games. |
Package | frozen-bubble |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | fuelmanager |
Comment | Fuel Mileage tracker |
Description | Ever wonder how much money you spend in fuel? And how many miles you drive? This application that keeps track of four things, miles, gallons, cost, and the date of each fill-up. It generates monthly and yearly summaries of miles driven, cost of fuel,how many gallons, and fuel mileage. You can add more than one vehicle also. The data can be stored into either a sqlite database (default) or an external mysql server. Your data is not locked to the program either! Each vehicle's data can be exported into a csv file for use elsewhere. |
Package | fuelmanager |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | fuel, gas, mileage, mpg |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Funguloids |
Comment | 3D casual game |
Description | Those Funny Funguloids! 3d is a casual game where you must travel through various worlds offered by the game and capture all the mushrooms you find. Beware of enemies, they will do anything to make you fail! |
Package | funguloids |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Compiz Fusion Icon |
Comment | Start and manage Compiz |
Description | This package provides a tray icon that allows you to easily enable, disable and restart Compiz, and change the currently used window manager and/or window decorator. |
Package | fusion-icon |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Fwknop-gui |
Comment | Sends SPA packets |
Description | Fwknop-gui is a user-friendly gui interface for sending SPA packets, intended to talk the fwknop server application. Also supported is qr code exporting, and a rudimentary config wizard for fwknop. |
Package | fwknop-gui |
Categories | Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | G3kbSwitch |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | G3kbSwitch helper |
Package | g3kb-switch |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | galculator |
Comment | a GTK 2 / GTK 3 algebraic and RPN calculator |
Description | galculator is a GTK 2 / GTK 3 based calculator with ordinary notation/reverse polish notation (RPN), a formula entry mode, different number bases (DEC, HEX, OCT, BIN) and different units of angular measure (DEG, RAD, GRAD). It supports quad-precision floating point and 112-bit binary arithmetic. galculator's main features include:
Package | galculator |
Categories | Calculator, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gambas3 |
Comment | IDE for the Gambas language |
Description | Gambas is a free development environment and a full powerful development platform based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, as easy as Visual Basic. This application provides a graphical IDE, with a database manager, an image editor, and a report designer, to assist in the creation of programs with Gambas. |
Package | gambas3-ide |
Categories | Development, IDE |
Keywords | basic, development environment, graphical, interpreter, object language, visual |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | GameMode |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Status indicator for GameMode |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-gamemode |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Game Achievements |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Records achievements in games locally and online |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-gamerzilla |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gammastep Indicator |
Comment | Adjust display hue to outside lighting conditions |
Description | Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. This may help your eyes hurt less if you are working in front of the screen at night. The color temperature is set according to the position of the sun. A different color temperature is set during night and daytime. During twilight and early morning, the color temperature transitions smoothly from night to daytime temperature to allow your eyes to slowly adapt. This program provides a status icon that allows the user to control color temperature. |
Package | gammastep-indicator |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | color, display, eyes, hue, soft, strain, temperature |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | garden |
Comment | Choose your equipment and fly your ship past the enemies |
Description | In garden of coloured lights you must fly as far as you can while enemies attack. You choose how to equip the ship, depending on your strategy. The futuristic landscape scrolls upwards while strange plant-like enemies engage your ship in various ways. There are boss enemies to kill in each stage. |
Package | garden |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | GChem3D |
Comment | Display 3D chemical structures |
Description | GChem3D is a 3D molecular structure viewer. GChem3D is part of the GNOME Chemistry Utils set of chemistry related programs. |
Package | gchem3d |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Science |
Keywords | 3D, chemistry, display, molecule, printer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GChemCalc |
Comment | A calculator for chemistry |
Description | GChemCalc is a simple calculator for chemistry. It evaluates the row formula, the molar and monoisotopic masses and the elemental composition for a given formula. It also displays the isotopic pattern. GChemCalc is part of the GNOME Chemistry Utils set of chemistry related programs. |
Package | gchemcalc |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Science |
Keywords | calculator, chemistry |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GChemPaint |
Comment | Draw and display 2D chemical structures |
Description | GChemPaint is an editor for 2D chemical structures. It can display not only molecules but also reactions and more. It is able to export structures to various file formats as well to some 3D viewers. It also give access to online databases. GChemPaint is part of the GNOME Chemistry Utils set of chemistry related programs. |
Package | gchempaint |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Science |
Keywords | 2D, chemistry, display, editor, printer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GChemTable |
Comment | Periodic table of the elements |
Description | GChemTable is a periodic table of the elements application. It gives access to various properties and supports a variety of graphs of these properties. GChemTable is part of the GNOME Chemistry Utils set of chemistry related programs. |
Package | gchemtable |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Science |
Keywords | Mendeleiev, chemistry, periodic table |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GCrystal |
Comment | Draw and display crystal structures |
Description | GCrystal displays crystal structures imported from CML and CIF files. It can also be used to create new structures from the cell parameters and atoms positions. GCrystal is part of the GNOME Chemistry Utils set of chemistry related programs. |
Package | gcrystal |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Science |
Keywords | 3D, chemistry, crystal, display, printer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GdaBrowser |
Comment | View the schema and data of databases |
Description | Database Browser provides quick access to the data and schema of a database, and displays it in a intuitive graphical interface. It provides three perspectives to interact with a database: the schema browser, query execution, and data manager. The schema browser allows the user to view the tables of a database, and inspect the table's properties and relations. The query exeution perspective allows the user to execute SQL queries on the database. The data manager perspective allows the user to view the data contained in the database in a tabular form. |
Package | libgda5-tools |
Categories | Database, Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Geany |
Comment | A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+ |
Description | Geany is a small and lightweight Integrated Development Environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE. Another goal was to be as independent as possible from a KDE or GNOME - Geany only requires the GTK3 runtime libraries. |
Package | geany |
Categories | Development, IDE, TextEditor |
Keywords | Editor, Text |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GearHead II |
Comment | Roguelike mecha role-playing game |
Description | The sequel to GearHead: Arena. Five years after the Typhon Incident, tensions are high in the L5 region as all sides prepare for a possible war between Earth and Luna. The arrival of a mysterious new pirate fleet has further destabilized this vulnerable region. |
Package | gearhead2-SDL |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Bookmarks |
Comment | Easy document navigation with bookmarks |
Package | gedit-plugin-bookmarks |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Bracket Completion |
Comment | Automatically add a closing bracket when you insert one |
Package | gedit-plugin-bracketcompletion |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Charmap |
Comment | Select characters from a character map |
Package | gedit-plugin-charmap |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Code Comment |
Comment | Comment or uncomment blocks of code |
Package | gedit-plugin-codecomment |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Color picker |
Comment | Select and insert a color from a dialog (for HTML, CSS, PHP) |
Package | gedit-plugin-colorpicker |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Draw spaces |
Comment | Draw Spaces and Tabs |
Package | gedit-plugin-drawspaces |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Git |
Comment | Use git information to display which lines and files changed since last commit |
Package | gedit-plugin-git |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Join/Split Lines |
Comment | Join or split multiple lines through Ctrl+J and Ctrl+Shift+J |
Package | gedit-plugin-joinlines |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Multi edit |
Comment | Edit document in multiple places at once |
Package | gedit-plugin-multiedit |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Smart Spaces |
Comment | Allow to unindent like if you were using tabs while you’re using spaces |
Package | gedit-plugin-smartspaces |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Terminal |
Comment | A simple terminal widget accessible from the bottom panel |
Package | gedit-plugin-terminal |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Text size |
Comment | Easily increase and decrease the text size |
Package | gedit-plugin-textsize |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gnome.gedit |
Name | Word completion |
Comment | Propose automatic completion using words already present in the document |
Package | gedit-plugin-wordcompletion |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | desktop |
Name | geomorph |
Comment | A height field editor for Linux |
Description | Geomorph is a height field generator and editor for the Linux operating system. A height field is a kind of topographic map. It is a 2D projection of a 3D landscape. Geomorph generates square images and shows a 3D preview of the resulting landscape. The resulting 2D image can be processed with a tool like Povray for rendering the landscape. |
Package | geomorph |
Categories | 3DGraphics, Graphics |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | gImageReader |
Comment | A graphical (gtk) frontend to tesseract-ocr |
Description | gImageReader is a simple optical character recognition (OCR) application which acts as a frontend to the tesseract OCR engine. Features include:
Package | gimagereader-gtk |
Categories | Graphics, OCR, Scanning |
Keywords | OCR, Scanner, gtk, ocr, optical, optical character recognition, pdf, recognition, tesseract |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | gImageReader |
Comment | A graphical (qt5) frontend to tesseract-ocr |
Description | gImageReader is a simple optical character recognition (OCR) application which acts as a frontend to the tesseract OCR engine. Features include:
Package | gimagereader-qt |
Categories | Graphics, OCR, Scanning |
Keywords | OCR, Scanner, ocr, optical, optical character recognition, pdf, qt5, recognition, tesseract |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.gimp.GIMP |
Name | Extra files for GIMP |
Comment | Patterns, gradients, and other extra files for GIMP |
Package | gimp |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Git Cola |
Comment | Sleek and powerful Git GUI |
Description | git-cola is a simple, powerful, and feature-rich GUI for git that provides an easy way to interact with Git repositories. |
Package | git-cola |
Categories | Development, RevisionControl |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Git DAG |
Comment | Git DAG visualizer |
Description | git-dag is an advanced git DAG visualizer |
Package | git-cola |
Categories | Development, RevisionControl |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-gkrellm |
Name | Sun clock plugin for GKrellM |
Comment | Sun clock plugin which can display the sun's setting time, rising time, path and so on |
Package | gkrellm-sun |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | gLabels |
Comment | Create labels, business cards and media covers |
Description | gLabels is a program for creating labels and business cards. It is designed to work with various laser/ink-jet peel-off label and business card sheets that you'll find at most office supply stores. gLabels can be used to design address labels, name tags, price tags, cd/dvd labels, or just about anything else that is organized in a regular pattern on a sheet of paper. Labels (or cards) can contain text, images, lines, shapes, and barcodes. gLabels also includes a document-merge feature which lets you print a unique label for each record from an external data source, such as a CSV file or an Evolution address book. |
Package | glabels |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | barcode, card, label, office, print |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Glaxium |
Comment | Scrolling 2D spaceship shooter |
Description | Glaxium is an OpenGL-based space-ship "shoot-em-up" styled game. It is designed to provide the same feel as the old 2D games of that type, but with 3D for the special effects. Destroy every-thing and especially the dark boxes that may contain interesting things like POWER-UP. |
Package | glaxium |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | Arcade, Game, Retro, Scroller, Shooter |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Glmark2 |
Comment | OpenGL and ES 2.0 benchmark tool |
Description | Glmark2 is an OpenGL 2.0 benchmark, that coveres a number of GL capabilities. One of the nice features is the ability to benchmark OpenGL ES 2.0 capable hardware. This makes GLmark2 especially useful to ARM or other mobile platforms that make use of OpenGL ES 2.0. GLmark2 is based on the the original GLmark tool, enhanced for mobile benchmarking. |
Package | glmark2 |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Project | Linaro |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Globulation 2 |
Comment | real time strategy game with globs |
Description | Globulation 2 is a real time strategy (RTS) game where you use three types of globs: workers, scouts, and warriors to wage war on computer controlled communites of other globs. Globulation is unique from other RTS games in that it removes a lot of the micromanagement from the gameplay. You cannot control the globs directly, only place buildings and let the globs do what they do best. |
Package | glob2 |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | GKrellM |
Comment | Monitor for CPU, memory, disks, network, mail |
Description | GKrellM is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match its appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme. Features:
Package | gkrellm |
Categories | System |
Keywords | cpu, disks, memory, monitor, network, system |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Network Tools |
Comment | Perform advanced networking analysis |
Description | Network Tools is a utility to perform advanced networking analysis operations. It features a range of networking tools that are typically done on the command line, but allows you to perform them with a graphical interface. With Network Tools, you can perform the following: ping, netstat, traceroute, port scans, lookup, finger and whois. |
Package | gnome-nettool |
Categories | System, Utility |
Keywords | monitor, network, remote |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gnome Password Generator |
Comment | Graphical secure password generator |
Description | Gnome Password Generator is a GUI based secure password generator. It allows the user to generate a specified number of random passwords of a specified length. |
Package | gnome-password-generator |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Phone Manager |
Comment | Control your mobile phone from your desktop |
Description | Phone Manager allows you to control your mobile phone. It uses the gnokii backend that typically works with older Nokia devices. Phone manager allows you to send SMS messages, view the address book on your phone, and receive notifications on the desktop when a new SMS arrives. |
Package | gnome-phone-manager |
Categories | System, Telephony |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GNOME Radio 45 for GNOME 43 |
Comment | Listen to National Public Radio on GNOME 42 |
Description | GNOME Radio 45 is a Free Software program that allows you easily listen to National Public Radio (NPR) broadcasts under GNOME 43. GNOME Radio 45 is developed on the GNOME 45 desktop platform and it requires GTK4, Clutter and GStreamer 1.0 for playback. Enjoy National Public Radio (NPR) broadcasts under GNOME 43. |
Package | gnome-radio |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Music |
Keywords | Live, NPR, Program, Radio, Station |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | System Log |
Comment | View system logs |
Description | System Logs is an application for viewing the system logs on your computer. It provides a graphical viewer for the logs that one would typically view in a terminal, such as the boot.log or the system messages. |
Package | gnome-system-log |
Categories | Monitor, System |
Keywords | debug, error, logs |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GNUSim8085 |
Comment | Intel 8085 microprocessor simulator |
Description | GNUSim8085 is a graphical simulator, assembler and debugger for the Intel 8085 microprocessor in Linux and Windows. Features:
Package | gnusim8085 |
Categories | Development, Electronics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GParted Partition Editor |
Comment | Create, reorganize, and delete partitions |
Description | GParted is a free partition editor for graphically managing your disk partitions. With GParted you can resize, copy, label, and move partitions without data loss. These actions enable you to grow or shrink your C: drive, create space for new operating systems, or attempt data rescue from lost partitions. GParted works with many file systems including: bcachefs, btrfs, exfat, ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, linux-swap, lvm2 pv, minix, nilfs2, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, udf, ufs, and xfs. |
Package | gparted |
Categories | Filesystem, System |
Keywords | Partition |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GPhotoFrame |
Comment | Show photos on Desktop |
Description | GPhotoFrame is a photo frame gadget on your desktop. It shows pictures from multiple sources:
Package | gphotoframe |
Categories | Graphics, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gpick |
Comment | Advanced color picker and palette editor |
Description | Gpick is an application that allows you to sample any color from anywhere on the desktop, and use it to create palettes (i.e. collections of colors) for use in graphic design applications. Gpick also has other features that help in the creation of color palettes, such as: the ability to create a palette from an imported image, automatic naming of colors, and a scheme generator. |
Package | gpick |
Categories | Graphics |
Keywords | color, color picker, colorpick, dropper, eye, palette, palette editing, picker, scheme |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gpredict |
Comment | Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program |
Description | Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program written using the Gtk+ widgets. Gpredict is targeted mainly towards ham radio operators but others interested in satellite tracking may find it useful as well. |
Package | gpredict |
Categories | Astronomy, Education, HamRadio, Network, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gpsim |
Comment | "A simulator for Microchip (TM) PIC (TM) microcontrollers" |
Description | Gpsim is a simulator for Microchip (TM) PIC (TM) microcontrollers. It supports most devices in Microchip's 12-bit, 14bit, and 16-bit core families. Gpsim can be controlled from either a graphical user interface (GUI), a command line interface (CLI) or by a remote process. Typical debugging features like breakpoints, single stepping, disassembling, memory inspect and change, and so on are all supported. In addition, complex debugging features like real time tracing, assertions, conditional breaks, and plugin modules to name a few are also supported. Gpsim supports dynamically loadable modules such as LED's, LCD's, resistors, etc. to extend the simulation environment beyond the PIC. |
Package | gpsim |
Categories | Development |
Homepage | |
Project | gpsim |
Type | desktop |
Name | GPXSee |
Comment | GPS log file viewer and analyzer |
Description | GPXSee is a GPS log file viewer and analyzer that supports all common GPS log file formats. Features:
Package | gpxsee |
Categories | DataVisualization, Education, Geography, Geoscience, Graphics, Maps, Sports, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GrafX2 |
Comment | A bitmap paint program specialized in 256 color drawing |
Package | grafx2 |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gravity Beams and Evaporating Stars: The Game |
Comment | A game about hurling asteroids into the sun |
Description | A game where you take control of a lone planet whose star is dying. Use your gravity beams to hurl nearby asteroids into the sun, feeding it some extra matter. While saving the star, be sure to avoid being hit by the asteroids yourself. |
Package | gravity-beams-and-evaporating-stars |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Grisbi |
Comment | Personal finances manager |
Description | Grisbi is a very functional personal financial management program with a lot of features: checking, cash and liabilities accounts, several accounts with automatic contra entries, several currencies, including euro, arbitrary currency for every operation, money interchange fees, switch to euro account per account, description of the transactions with third parties, categories, sub-categories, financial year, notes, breakdown, transfers between accounts, even for accounts of different currencies, bank reconciliation, scheduled transactions, automatic recall of last transaction for every third party, nice and easy user interface, user manual, QIF import/export. |
Package | grisbi |
Categories | Finance, Office |
Keywords | finance |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | GSConnect |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | GSConnect is a complete implementation of KDE Connect especially for GNOME Shell with Nautilus, Chrome and Firefox integration. It does not rely on the KDE Connect desktop application and will not work with it installed. KDE Connect allows devices to securely share content like notifications or files and other features like SMS messaging and remote control. The KDE Connect team has applications for Linux, BSD, Android, Sailfish, iOS, macOS and Windows. Please report issues on Github! |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | GSmartControl |
Comment | Hard Disk and SSD Health Inspection |
Description | GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl, which is a tool for querying and controlling SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data in hard disk and solid-state drives. It allows you to inspect the drive's SMART data to determine its health, as well as run various tests on it. |
Package | gsmartcontrol |
Categories | Monitor, System |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GChemPaint |
Comment | Display spectra |
Description | GSpectrum is a viewer for spectral data in JDX format. GSpectrum is part of the GNOME Chemistry Utils set of chemistry related programs. |
Package | gspectrum |
Categories | Chemistry, Education, Science |
Keywords | chemistry, display, printer, spectrum |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | gtk-gnutella |
Comment | Access the Gnutella and G2 network via this servent |
Description | gtk-gnutella allows you to join the Gnutella and G2 network, search, share and download files. After joining the network, type-in words in the search area and it will create a search for files shared on the network matching that name. You can then click on an entry and attempt to download it. It is compatible with all other Gnutella servents from other vendors: it will join the same network and exchange with others seamlessly. Highlights:
Package | gtk-gnutella |
Categories | FileTransfer, Network, P2P |
Keywords | file-sharing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | LSHW |
Comment | Provides information on hardware |
Description | A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64. |
Package | lshw-gui |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Guake |
Comment | Top-down terminal |
Description | Guake is a top-down terminal for Gnome, and is highly inspired by the famous terminal used in Quake. You can instantaneously show and hide your terminal with a single key stroke, execute a command, and then go back to your previous task without breaking your workflow. Imagine you are working in your favorite text editor and want to execute some commands, like execute the unit test of your code, check a man page, or edit some configuration file. You can do it at lightning speed without leaving your keyboard. Just press your predefined "Show Guake" hotkey, execute your command, and press it again to hide the terminal and go back to your work. |
Package | guake |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator, Utility |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Character Map |
Comment | Insert special characters into documents |
Description | GNOME Character Map is a Unicode character map program, part of GNOME desktop. This program allows characters to be displayed by unicode block or script type. It includes brief descriptions of related characters and occasionally meanings of the character in question. Gucharmap can also be used to input or enter characters (by copy and paste). The search functionality allows the use of several search methods, including by unicode name or code point of the character. |
Package | gucharmap |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | font, unicode |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Guitone |
Comment | Graphical viewer for Monotone repositories |
Description | Guitone is a tool to visually navigate Monotone repositories. Guitone aims to be a full implementation of the monotone automation interface, and provides features such as:
Package | guitone |
Categories | Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Hatari |
Comment | Atari emulator |
Description | Hatari is an emulator that emulates Atari ST, Atari STE, Atari TT and Atari Falcon devices. It has the ability to emulate the joystick with input from either the host's keyboard or joystick. |
Package | hatari |
Categories | Emulator, Game |
Keywords | Atari, Atari Falcon, Atari ST, Emulator |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Haxima |
Comment | Top view 2D role playing game |
Description | Haxima is a 2D role playing game (RPG) that runs on the Nazghul engine. You start out as a defenseless wanderer, you have to equip yourself, learn spells, and travel the land completing quests. |
Package | haxima |
Categories | Game, RolePlaying |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Hedgewars |
Comment | Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting Hedgehogs! |
Description | Hedgewars is a turn-based strategy, artillery, action and comedy game, featuring the antics of pink hedgehogs with attitude as they battle from the depths of hell to the depths of space. As commander, it's your job to assemble your crack team of hedgehog soldiers and bring the war to your enemy. Game features:
Package | hedgewars |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | game, strategy |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Heimdall |
Comment | Flash firmware onto Samsung mobile devices |
Description | Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung mobile devices. |
Package | heimdall-frontend |
Categories | Development |
Keywords | firmware, flash, recovery, rom, samsung |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Hexen demo installer |
Comment | Hexen, classic dark fantasy first person shooter, demo installer |
Description | Hexen: Beyond Heretic is Raven's classic dark fantasy first person shooter follow-up to Heretic. The Hexen engine is Open Source. The original Hexen datafiles however are not Open Source. There is a gratis, but not Open Source demo version available on the internet. This package contains an applications menu entry for playing Hexen demo using the vavoom engine. The first time you click this menu entry, it will offer to download and install the Hexen demo datafiles for you. |
Package | vavoom-hexen-demo |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | first, fps, game, hexen, person, shooter |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Howl |
Comment | Lightweight editor with keyboard-centric minimalistic interface |
Description | Howl is a general purpose editor that aims to be both lightweight and fully customizable. It is built on top of the very fast LuaJIT runtime, and can be extended in either Lua or Moonscript. It has a minimalistic UI driven mainly by the keyboard. |
Package | howl |
Categories | Development, TextEditor, Utility |
Keywords | Code, Plaintext, Text, Write |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | HPLIP Graphic Tools |
Comment | HPLIP GUI tools and GUI part of other HPLIP tools |
Description | The HPLIP GUI subpackage provides graphic tools for the management of supported HP printers. These tools are not capable to run without graphical user interface, or they have unremoveable dependency on GUI modules.
This subpackage also provides GUI parts for tools shipped by the HPLIP base package:
The tools that do not need GUI for its functionality must be run with the '-i' option when the hplip-gui package is not installed. The Launch button does not work because this subpackage is set of tools and it is not set which tool to launch from Gnome Software. |
Package | hplip-gui |
Categories | HardwareSettings, Settings, System |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | hugin |
Comment | A panoramic photo stitcher and more |
Description | hugin can be used to stitch multiple images together. The resulting image can span 360 degrees. Another common use is the creation of very high resolution pictures by combining multiple images. It uses the Panorama Tools as back-end to create high quality images Command-line tools are available to generate panoramic images and to batch-process hugin projects. Examples of what you can do with hugin:
Package | hugin |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Hyperrogue |
Comment | An SDL roguelike in a non-euclidean world |
Description | You are a lone outsider in a strange, non-Euclidean world. Fight to find treasures and get the fabulous Orbs of Yendor! Hyperrogue can work in SDL, Escher or ASCII mode. It can also run on different modes, like Chaos, Tactical or even Shmup! |
Package | hyperrogue |
Categories | Game, RolePlaying |
Keywords | hyper, hyperrogue, rogue |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Iapetal |
Comment | Safely land the spaceship |
Description | Rescue the scientists in the flying habitat module from an asteroid shower by safely landing your lander on it and ferrying them to the ground. Keyboard controls control the rotation and thrust of your lander to create a soft landing. |
Package | iapetal |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | ibus font setting |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | use ibus font setting of ibus setup dialog to enhance the user experience |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-ibus-font |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | GNU IceCat |
Comment | GNU version of Firefox browser |
Description | GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox ESR browser. Its main advantage is an ethical one: it is entirely free software: while the Firefox source code from the Mozilla project is free software, they distribute and recommend non-free software as plug-ins and addons. Also their trademark license restricts distribution in several ways incompatible with freedom 0. Extensions included to this version of IceCat:
Package | icecat |
Categories | Internet, Network, Web Browser, WebBrowser |
Keywords | Browser, Explorer, Internet, WWW, Web |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Icecream Monitor |
Comment | A GUI monitor for Icecream |
Description | Icecream Monitor is a GUI monitor for Icecream, a distributed compiler system. |
Package | icemon |
Categories | Development |
Keywords | icecc, icecream, monitor, network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Waydroid |
Comment | Run Android apps natively alongside desktop programs |
Description | Waydroid is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system. The Android system inside the container has direct access to needed hardware through LXC and the binder interface. |
Package | waydroid |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | IDLE3 |
Comment | Python 3 Integrated Development and Learning Environment |
Description | IDLE is Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment. The GUI is uniform between Windows, Unix, and Mac OS X. IDLE provides an easy way to start writing, running, and debugging Python code. IDLE is written in pure Python, and uses the tkinter GUI toolkit. It provides:
Package | python3-idle |
Categories | Development, IDE |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Interactive Editor for Python |
Comment | A Python IDE aimed at simplicity and interactivity |
Description | IEP (pronounced as eep) is a cross-platform Python IDE focused on interactivity and introspection, which makes it very suitable for scientific computing. Its practical design is aimed at simplicity and efficiency. It consists of two main components, the editor and the shell, and uses a set of pluggable tools to help the programmer in various ways. Some example tools are source structure, project manager, interactive help, workspace ... IEP is written in (pure) Python 3 and uses the Qt GUI toolkit. Binaries are provided for all major operating system. After installing IEP, it can be used to execute code on any Python version available on your system (Python 2.4 - 3.x, including Pypy). |
Package | python3-iep |
Categories | Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | iGNUit Flashcard Trainer |
Comment | Learn using electronic flashcards |
Description | Ignuit is a memorization aid based on the Leitner flashcard system. It has a GNOME look and feel, a good selection of quiz options, and supports UTF-8. Cards can include embedded audio, images, and mathematical formulae (via LaTeX). It can import and export several file formats, including CSV. Ignuit can be used for both long-term learning and cramming. |
Package | ignuit |
Categories | Education, Languages |
Keywords | Leitner, flash card, flashcard, spaced repetition |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Dino |
Comment | Modern XMPP chat client |
Description | Dino is a modern open-source chat client for the desktop. It focuses on providing a clean and reliable Jabber/XMPP experience while having your privacy in mind. It supports end-to-end encryption with OMEMO and OpenPGP and allows configuring privacy-related features such as read receipts and typing notifications. Dino fetches history from the server and synchronizes messages with other devices. |
Package | dino |
Categories | Chat, GTK, InstantMessaging, Network |
Keywords | Jabber, XMPP, chat, im, jabber, message, talk, xmpp |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Kaidan |
Comment | User-friendly and modern chat app for every device |
Description | Kaidan is a user-friendly and modern chat app for every device. It uses the open communication protocol XMPP (Jabber). Unlike other chat apps, you are not dependent on one specific service provider. Kaidan does not have all basic features yet and has still some stability issues. But we do our best to improve it! |
Package | kaidan |
Categories | InstantMessaging, Network |
Keywords | chat, im, jabber, messaging, network, qt, xmpp |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Srain |
Comment | Modern IRC client written in GTK |
Description | Modern IRC client written in GTK |
Package | srain |
Categories | Chat, IRCClient, InstantMessaging, Network |
Keywords | Chat, GTK, IRCClient, InstantMessaging, Network, SRN, chat, gtk, irc |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | ImHex |
Comment | A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM |
Description | ImHex is a feature-rich Hex Editor aimed towards Reverse Engineers working with foreign data formats, malware, executables and raw memory. Besides all the features a common Hex Editor has, ImHex also features a custom scripting language used to declare and dissect data structures, support for running YARA rules, a node-based graphical data pre-processor and support for various data sources such as files, raw disks or GDB Servers. |
Package | imhex |
Categories | Development, IDE |
Keywords | binary-analysis, cybersecurity, disassembler, disassembly, forensics, hacking, hex-editor, reverse-engineering, security, static-analysis |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Indistarter |
Comment | A simple program to control an INDI server |
Description | Indistarter is a simple program to run a INDI server. It can be used to start and stop the server and to configure different profile for your astronomical equipment. |
Package | indistarter |
Categories | Astronomy, Education, Science |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Inertia Blast |
Comment | Steal energy pods to defeat the empire |
Description | The rebellion captured several warships but lack the energy pod to power the ships. You are part of a risky expedition to steal the energy pods. Defense systems will attempt to stop you. The energy pods are often stored in tunnels making them hard to retrieve. The massive weight of the pod increases the difficultly in getting out. Inertia Blast is a remake of an C64 game called Thrust. |
Package | inertiablast |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | BibleTime |
Comment | Bible Study Program |
Description | BibleTime is a completely free Bible study program, built for Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. BibleTime contains over 400 free Bible texts, commentaries, dictionaries and books, provided by the Crosswire Bible Society. |
Package | bibletime |
Categories | Dictionary, Education, Literature |
Keywords | bible, education, literature, religion, study |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | generic |
Name | Colobot |
Comment | Colonize with bots |
Description | Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is an educational game aiming to teach programming through entertainment. You are playing as an astronaut on a journey with robot helpers to find a planet for colonization. It features 3D real-time graphics and a C++ and Java-like, object-oriented language, CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game. |
Package | colobot |
Categories | AdventureGame, Education, Game, Robotics, StrategyGame |
Keywords | 3d, astronaut, c++, java, robots, space |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Komikku |
Comment | Read your favorite manga |
Description | With its simple, elegant and adaptive interface, this manga reader allows you to search, sort and read all your favorite manga with ease. Why you will love Komikku?
Package | komikku |
Categories | Graphics, Viewer |
Keywords | bd, comic, gnome, manga, manhua, manhwa, offline, reader, scan, viewer, webcomic, webtoon |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Mumble |
Comment | Low latency encrypted VoIP client |
Description | Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software. |
Package | mumble |
Categories | Chat, Network |
Keywords | Messaging, Secure Communication, VoIP, Voice Chat |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Revelation |
Comment | Password manager |
Description | Revelation is a password manager for the GNOME desktop, released under the GNU GPL license. It stores all your accounts and passwords in a single, secure place, and gives you access to it through a user-friendly graphical interface. Among other features Revelation is able to:
Package | revelation |
Categories | Security, System |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | SMPlayer |
Comment | A great media player |
Description | SMPlayer is a free media player with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats. It doesn't need any external codecs. Just install SMPlayer and you'll be able to play all formats without the hassle to find and install codec packs. It provides many interesting features like the possibility to play YouTube videos, search and download subtitles or cast to external devices like smartphones and tablets. One of the main features is the ability to remember the settings of previously played files, so when you play them later they will be resumed at the same point and with the same settings. |
Package | smplayer |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player, Video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Vifm |
Comment | Vifm - Vim-like file manager |
Description | Vifm is a curses based Vim-like file manager extended with some useful ideas from mutt. If you use Vim, Vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands. It goes not just about Vim like keybindings, but also about modes, options, registers, commands and other things you might already like in Vim. Just like Vim, Vifm tries to adhere to the Unix philosophy. So instead of working solutions which are set in stone user is provided with a set of means for customization of Vifm to one's likings. Though builtin functionality should be enough for most of use cases. |
Package | vifm |
Categories | ConsoleOnly, FileManager, FileTools, System, Utility |
Keywords | Browse, Directory, File |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | driver |
Name | The Intel Media Driver for VAAPI |
Comment | Intel Media Driver to support hardware decode, encode and video processing. |
Description | The Intel Media Driver for VAAPI is a VA-API (Video Acceleration API) user mode driver supporting hardware accelerated decoding, encoding, and video post processing for GEN based graphics hardware. |
Package | libva-intel-media-driver |
Keywords | Decode, Encode, HW, Intel, Media, VA-API, Video, av1, driver, vaapi, vp8, vp9 |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Calculator |
Comment | Solve simple equations |
Description | A simple calculator for everyday use. It supports basic and some scientific calculations including trigonometry functions, sin, cos, and tan. |
Package | elementary-calculator |
Categories | Calculator, Utility |
Keywords | Arithmetic, Calculation, Mathematics, Scientific |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Calendar |
Comment | View and schedule events |
Description | A slim, lightweight calendar app that syncs and manages multiple calendars in one place, like Google Calendar, Outlook and CalDAV. |
Package | elementary-calendar |
Categories | Calendar, Office |
Keywords | Calendar, Dates, Days, Events, Maya, Planner, caldav, evolution, ics |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Camera |
Comment | Take photos and videos with the camera |
Description | Camera is a simple app to take photos with a webcam. |
Package | elementary-camera |
Categories | AudioVideo |
Keywords | Booth, Camera, Photo, Video, Webcam |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Code |
Comment | The editor that works for you |
Description | Whether you're writing in Markdown or managing a complex app codebase, Code is the lightweight but full-featured editor for you. It auto-saves your files to ensure they're always up-to-date, and it remembers your tabs so you never lose your spot—even between sessions. Designed around a project-based workflow, Code knows about your separate codebases. It comes with helpful Git integration to create and switch between branches and show changed files and lines within your projects. Work with your language: whether you're crafting code in Vala, scripting with PHP, or marking things up in HTML, Code has you covered. Experience full syntax highlighting with nearly all programming, scripting, and markup languages. Find anything in your current file, specific folders, or your whole project with options for case-sensitivity and regular expressions. Smart features throughout: automatic indentation, smart cut/copy behavior, visible whitespace for selected text and at the end of lines by default, and optional extensions for Markdown actions, spell checking, whitespace trimming, word completion, and more. Adapt Code to your workflow: you can tweak the behavior and interface as needed with a handful of useful and well-considered extensions and preferences. There's a ton more:
Package | elementary-code |
Categories | Development, IDE, WebDevelopment |
Keywords | IDE, code, scratch, text |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Files |
Comment | Browse and manage files and folders |
Description | Easily copy, move, and rename your files, or use folders to stay organized. Whether you like files in lists, grids or columns, you can always find them right away. Access all your files, whether locally, on an external device or remotely using FTP, SFTP, AFP, Webdav, or Windows share. |
Package | elementary-files |
Categories | System |
Keywords | disk, explore, filesystem, folder, manager |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | generic |
Name | Multitasking & Window Management |
Comment | A window & compositing manager for Pantheon |
Description | A window & compositing manager based on libmutter and designed by elementary for use with Pantheon. |
Package | gala |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Type | generic |
Name | Granite |
Comment | Build consistent and usable apps more quickly and easily |
Description | A companion library for GTK and GLib that provides complex widgets and convenience methods designed for use in apps built for elementary OS. |
Package | granite |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Type | generic |
Name | Granite 7 |
Comment | Build consistent and usable apps more quickly and easily |
Description | A companion library for GTK and GLib that provides complex widgets and convenience methods designed for use in apps built for elementary OS. |
Package | granite-7 |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Type | generic |
Name | elementary Icons |
Comment | Named, vector icons for elementary OS |
Description | An original set of vector icons designed specifically for elementary OS and its desktop environment: Pantheon. |
Package | elementary-icon-theme |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Type | desktop |
Name | |
Comment | Send and receive mail |
Description | Mail is designed to let you manage your email quickly and effortlessly. Its interface is based on conversations, so you can read an entire discussion without having to click from message to message.
Package | elementary-mail |
Categories | Email, Network |
Keywords | E-mail, Email, Mail |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Music |
Comment | Queue and play local audio files |
Description | Quickly queue up and listen to your local music files without any extra frills. See embedded album artwork. Control playback with media keys or in the system audio indicator. |
Package | elementary-music |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Music, Player |
Keywords | Audio, MP3, Media, Noise, Play, Player, Playlist, Songs |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications |
Type | generic |
Name | Notifications |
Comment | Notification bubbles and sounds for the desktop |
Description | A notification server for Pantheon |
Package | elementary-notifications |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Welcome |
Comment | Change common settings on first-run |
Description | (null) |
Package | elementary-onboarding |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | generic |
Name | Wingpanel |
Comment | Top panel that holds indicators and the applications menu |
Description | The extensible top panel for Pantheon. Wingpanel is an empty container that accepts indicators as extensions, including the applications menu. |
Package | wingpanel |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Type | addon |
Extends | io.elementary.wingpanel |
Name | Accessibility Indicator |
Comment | Activate accessibility features and settings |
Package | wingpanel-indicator-a11y |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Type | addon |
Extends | io.elementary.wingpanel |
Name | Bluetooth Indicator |
Comment | Connect and disconnect paired Bluetooth devices |
Package | wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Compulsory for | Pantheon |
Type | addon |
Extends | io.elementary.wingpanel |
Name | Date & Time Indicator |
Comment | The date and time indicator |
Package | wingpanel-indicator-datetime |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Type | addon |
Extends | io.elementary.wingpanel |
Name | Keyboard Indicator |
Comment | The keyboard indicator |
Package | wingpanel-indicator-keyboard |
Homepage | |
Project | elementary |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lector |
Comment | Ebook reader and collection manager |
Description | Lector is an ebook reader and collection manager. It offers a full-screen distraction-free view, document highlighting and annotations, a built-in dictionary, bookmarks, and multiple profiles for changing the way the books are presented. Lector can also edit metadata, so you can correct information about the books, and add keywords to make them easier to find. It supports the following file formats:
Package | lector |
Categories | Graphics, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | HexChat |
Comment | IRC Client |
Description | HexChat is an easy to use yet extensible IRC Client. It allows you to securely join multiple networks and talk to users privately or in channels using a customizable interface. You can even transfer files. HexChat supports features such as: DCC, SASL, proxies, spellcheck, alerts, logging, custom themes, and Python/Perl scripts. |
Package | hexchat |
Categories | IRCClient, Network |
Keywords | Chat, IM |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, Notifications, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | OpenToonz |
Comment | 2D animation |
Description | This is software for producing a 2D animation. It is based on the software "Toonz", which was developed by Digital Video S.p.A. in Italy, customized by Studio Ghibli, and has been used for creating its works for many years. Dwango launched the OpenToonz project in cooperation with Digital Video and Studio Ghibli. This version was packaged for Fedora using the latest stable libraries available in the distribution, in exchange some features were disabled. |
Package | opentoonz |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Qalculate! (Qt UI) |
Comment | Powerful and easy to use calculator |
Description | Qalculate! is a multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. It is simple to use but provides power and versatility normally reserved for complicated math packages, as well as useful tools for everyday needs (such as currency conversion and percent calculation). Features include a large library of customizable functions, unit calculations and conversion, physical constants, symbolic calculations (including integrals and equations), arbitrary precision, uncertainty propagation, interval arithmetic, plotting, and a user-friendly interface. |
Package | qalculate-qt |
Categories | Calculator, Math, Science, Utility |
Keywords | arithmetic, calculation, financial, scientific |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Transmission Remote |
Comment | Remotely manage the Transmission BitTorrent client |
Description | Transmission Remote Gtk allows you to remotely manage the Transmission BitTorrent client using its RPC interface. You can use it to to manage torrents (start/stop/verify/reannounce/remove/remove and delete), add new ones (it works as a .torrent fle handler from a webbrowser), and configure settings on transmission-daemon. |
Package | transmission-remote-gtk |
Categories | FileTransfer, Network, P2P |
Keywords | bittorrent, p2p, rpc, transmission |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | AntiMicroX |
Comment | Graphical program used to map gamepad buttons to keyboard, mouse, scripts and macros |
Description | AntiMicroX is a graphical program used to map gamepad buttons/joysticks to keyboard, mouse, scripts and macros. It can be also used for generating SLD2 configuration (useful for mapping atypical gamepads to generic ones like xbox360). Features:
AntiMicroX was inspired by QJoyPad. |
Package | antimicrox |
Categories | Qt, Utility |
Keywords | controller, game, gamepad, joystick, keyboard, mapping, mouse |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | GOverlay |
Comment | Graphical UI to help manage Vulkan / OpenGL overlays |
Description | GOverlay can configure Vulkan / OpenGL overlays with a preview. Currently supported are MangoHud, vkBasalt |
Package | goverlay |
Categories | Game, Utility |
Keywords | MangoHud, afterburner, msi, vkBasalt |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | IMSProg |
Comment | Reading, writing and erasing EEPROM chips |
Description | IMSProg is a free software for CH341A based chip programmers with graphical interface. With IMSProg you can read, verify, program, erase i2C, SPI, SPI NOR, MicroWire EEPROM chips using the CH341A programmer device. IMSProg is a collection of tools:
Package | imsprog |
Categories | Development, Electronics |
Keywords | BIOS, EEPROM, IC, Integrated circuit, MicroWire, Microchip, Microcircuit, Programmer, chip |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | IMSProg_database_update.desktop |
Comment | Chip database update script for IMSProg programmer |
Description | IMSProg_database_update - online chip database update from the external web-server. IMSProg_database_update uses the zenity graphical Gnome utility. Once started, it copies the downloaded database to the ~/.local/imsprog folder. The script then displays the number of of chips in the database before and after the upgrade. |
Package | imsprog |
Categories | Development, Electronics |
Keywords | BIOS, EEPROM, IC, Integrated circuit, MicroWire, Microchip, Microcircuit, Programmer, chip |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | IMSProg_editor |
Comment | Chip database editor for IMSProg programmer |
Description | IMSProg_editor is used to modify and supplement or export/import in csv format the chip database for the IMSProg programmer. |
Package | imsprog |
Categories | Development, Electronics |
Keywords | BIOS, EEPROM, IC, Integrated circuit, MicroWire, Microchip, Microcircuit, Programmer, chip |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Back In Time |
Comment | Backup tool for GNU/Linux desktop using rsync's hard-links feature to save storage space |
Description | It is an easy-to-use backup tool for files and folders. It runs on GNU Linux and provides a command line tool "backintime" and a Qt5 GUI "backintime-qt". It uses "rsync" in the back to take manual or scheduled snapshots and stores them locally or remotely through SSH. Each snapshot is in its own folder with copies of the original files, but unchanged files are hard-linked between snapshots to save space. It was inspired by "FlyBack". You only need to specify 3 things:
Package | backintime-common |
Categories | Archiving, System |
Keywords | Backup, GUI, Rsync |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Celluloid |
Comment | Plays videos |
Description | Celluloid is a simple media player that can play virtually all video and audio formats. It supports playlists and MPRIS2 media player controls. The design of Celluloid follows the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines, but can also be adapted for other systems that don't use client-side decorations (CSD). It is based on the mpv library and GTK. Features:
Package | celluloid |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player, TV, Video |
Keywords | Album, Clip, DVD, Disc, Film, GNOME, Movie, Music, Player, Series, TV, Video, mpv |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | PulseAudio System Tray |
Comment | Tray icon for controlling PulseAudio |
Description | PulseAudio System Tray (pasystray) allows setting the default PulseAudio source/sink and moving streams on the fly between sources/sinks without restarting the client applications. |
Package | pasystray |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Keywords | applet, pulseaudio, system tray, tray, volume |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | C-Dogs SDL |
Comment | Classic overhead run-and-gun game |
Description | C-Dogs SDL is an overhead shoot-em-up which lets players work alone and cooperatively during missions or fight against each other in the “dogfight” deathmatch mode. Customize your player, choose from many weapons, and blast, slide and slash your way through over 100 user-created campaigns. |
Package | cdogs-sdl |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | Arcade, Game, Retro, Shooter |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | DOSBox Staging |
Comment | DOS/x86 emulator with advanced features |
Description | DOSBox Staging is a modern continuation of DOSBox with advanced features and current development practices. It emulates an Intel x86 PC running the MS-DOS operating system with the primary aim of running games, but most application programs will work as well. It is meant as a (mostly) drop-in replacement for older DOSBox versions. Your existing configurations will continue to work, but you will have access to many advanced features. For the full list of supported features, please visit the DOSBox Staging website. |
Package | dosbox-staging |
Categories | Emulator, Game |
Keywords | dos, emulator, game, games, gaming |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bluejay |
Comment | Bluetooth device manager |
Description | Bluejay is a Bluetooth manager and Bluez front-end. With it, you can pair devices, connect to and remove devices, turn Bluetooth on and off, and more. This project is powered by the Qt6 graphical toolkit and KDE Frameworks. |
Package | bluejay |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | Bluetooth, Kirigami, Qt |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Endless Sky |
Comment | Space exploration and combat game |
Description | Explore other star systems. Earn money by trading, carrying passengers, or completing missions. Use your earnings to buy a better ship or to upgrade the weapons and engines on your current one. Blow up pirates. Take sides in a civil war. Or leave human space behind and hope to find some friendly aliens whose culture is more civilized than your own... Endless Sky is a sandbox-style space exploration game similar to Elite, Escape Velocity, or Star Control. You start out as the captain of a tiny spaceship and can choose what to do from there. The game includes a major plot line and many minor missions, but you can choose whether you want to play through the plot or strike out on your own as a merchant or bounty hunter or explorer. |
Package | endless-sky |
Categories | Game, Simulation |
Keywords | game, rpg, sandbox, simulator, space |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | generic |
Name | gamemode |
Comment | daemon that allows games to request a set of optimizations be temporarily applied |
Description | GameMode is a daemon/lib combo for Linux that allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OS and/or a game process. It was designed primarily as a stop-gap solution to problems with the Intel and AMD CPU powersave or ondemand governors, but is now host to a range of optimisation features and configurations. Currently GameMode includes support for optimisations including:
Package | gamemode |
Categories | Game, Utility |
Homepage | |
Type | generic |
Name | MangoHud |
Comment | Vulkan/OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more |
Description | A modification of the Mesa Vulkan overlay, including GUI improvements with HUD configuration, temperature reporting, and logging capabilities. Includes a script (mangohud) to start it on any OpenGL or Vulkan application. |
Package | mangohud |
Categories | Game, Utility |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | fheroes2 |
Comment | fheroes2 is a recreation of the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine |
Description | This open source multiplatform project, written from scratch, is designed to reproduce the original game with significant improvements to the gameplay, graphics and logic (including support for high-resolution graphics, improved AI, numerous fixes and UI improvements), breathing new life into one of the most addictive turn-based strategy games. |
Package | fheroes2 |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | heroes, heroes2, homm2 |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | InputLeap |
Comment | Share mouse and keyboard between multiple computers over the network |
Description | InputLeap allows you to share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers. Work seamlessly across Windows, macOS and Linux. |
Package | input-leap |
Categories | Network |
Keywords | Input, KVM, Leap, keyboard, mouse, network, share, sharing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Flowblade |
Comment | Video Editor - Fast, Precise, Stable |
Description | Flowblade is a multitrack non-linear video editor released under GPL3 license. From beginners to masters, Flowblade helps make your vision a reality of image and sound. |
Package | flowblade |
Categories | AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Notejot |
Comment | Jot your ideas |
Description | A stupidly-simple notes application for any type of short term notes or ideas.
Package | notejot |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | notepad, notes, plain, plaintext, post-it, sticky, text |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | LXI-Tools |
Comment | LXI-Tools is a collection of open source tools for managing network connected LXI compatible test instruments. |
Description | Features include automatic discovery of test instruments, sending SCPI commands, grabbing screenshots from supported instruments, benchmarking SCPI message performance, and powerful scripting for automation. Both a commandline tool and a GUI tool are available. |
Package | lxi-tools |
Categories | Network, Science, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | LXImage-Qt |
Comment | Fast image viewer |
Description | Fast and simple image viewer written in Qt. Among its features are:
Package | lximage-qt |
Categories | 2DGraphics, Graphics, Photography, RasterGraphics, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Project | X-LXQt |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | QTerminal |
Comment | A lightweight multiplatform terminal emulator |
Description | QTerminal is a lightweight multi-platform terminal emulator. Its main features are:
Package | qterminal |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | RSS Guard |
Comment | Simple, yet powerful news feed reader |
Description | RSS Guard is a news feed reader, written in C++ and Qt. It supports many feed formats, such as:
It also supports many web-based feed services, including:
Note for Flatpak users: The autostart feature can only work if you manually allow us access to the ~/.config/autostart directory. You can easily do that with the following command: flatpak override --user --filesystem=xdg-config/autostart io.github.martinrotter.rssguard |
Package | rssguard |
Categories | Feed, Network, News |
Keywords | ATOM, Bazqux, Feedly, FreshRSS, Google Reader, Inoreader, JSON, Miniflux, Next Cloud News, RDF, RSS, Reedah, The Old Reader, Tiny Tiny RSS |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | SiriKali |
Comment | Manage user encrypted directories |
Description | Sirikali provides a Qt/C++ GUI front end to sshfs, fscrypt, cryfs, gocryptfs, securefs and encfs, allowing the user to create, mount, and unmount encrypted volumes. It works well together with cloud services like Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive and others. |
Package | sirikali |
Categories | Security, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Diffuse |
Comment | Graphical tool for merging and comparing text files |
Description | Diffuse is a graphical tool for comparing and merging text files. It can retrieve files for comparison from Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, RCS, and Subversion repositories. |
Package | diffuse |
Categories | Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Media Player Classic Qute Theater |
Comment | A clone of Media Player Classic reimplemented in Qt |
Description | Media Player Classic Qute Theater (Mpc-Qt) is a cross-platform application that uses Qt to reproduce most of the interface and functionality of Media Player Classic Home Cinema (Mpc-Hc), and uses libmpv's powerful media presentation framework to play video instead of DirectShow. It is not a strict clone; there are some improvements. Features:
Package | mpc-qt |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player, TV, Video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | MusE |
Comment | Digital Audio Workstation |
Description | MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. It can perform audio effects like chorus/flanger in real-time via LASH and it supports Jack and ALSA interfaces. MusE aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio for Linux. |
Package | muse |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Midi, Sequencer |
Keywords | DAW, audio, jackd, ladspa, lv2, midi, multitrack, sound, vst |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | ProofGeneral |
Comment | Emacs interface to proof assistants |
Description | Proof General is a generic front-end for proof assistants (also known as interactive theorem provers) based on Emacs. Proof General allows one to edit and submit a proof script to a proof assistant in an interactive manner:
Proof General supports a number of different proof assistants (Isabelle, Coq, PhoX, and LEGO to name a few) and is designed to be easily extendable to work with others. |
Package | emacs-common-proofgeneral |
Categories | Development, Education, IDE, Math, Science, TextEditor, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Solaar |
Comment | Linux manager for Logitech keyboards, mice, and trackpads |
Description | Solaar is a Linux manager for many Logitech keyboards, mice, and trackpads that connect wirelessly to a USB, Lightspeed, or Nano receiver, connect directly via a USB cable, or connect via Bluetooth. Solaar does not work with peripherals from other companies. Solaar can be used as a GUI application or via its command-line interface. Both interfaces are able to list the connected devices and show information about each device, often including battery status. Solaar is able to pair and unpair devices with receivers as supported by the device and receiver. Solaar can also control some changeable features of devices, such as smooth scrolling or function key behavior. Solaar's GUI normally uses an icon in the system tray and starts with its main window visible. |
Package | solaar |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | keyboard, logitech, mouse, receiver, unifying |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Ex Falso |
Comment | Edit tags in your audio files |
Description | Ex Falso is a tag editor with the same tag editing interface as Quod Libet. It lets you display and edit any tags you want in the file, for all the file formats it supports. Supported file formats include Ogg Vorbis/Opus/Speex/FLAC, MP3, FLAC, MOD/XM/IT, Musepack, Wavpack, MPEG-4 AAC, Monkeys Audio, WMA, SPC, MIDI. |
Package | exfalso |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Quod Libet |
Comment | Listen to, browse, or edit your audio collection |
Description | Quod Libet is a music management program. It provides several different ways to view your audio library, as well as support for Internet radio and audio feeds. It has extremely flexible metadata tag editing and searching capabilities. Supported file formats include Ogg Vorbis/Opus/Speex/FLAC, MP3, FLAC, MOD/XM/IT, Musepack, Wavpack, MPEG-4 AAC, Monkeys Audio, WMA, SPC, MIDI. |
Package | quodlibet |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications, SearchProvider |
Type | desktop |
Name | Quaternion |
Comment | Qt-based client for Matrix networks |
Description | Quaternion is a cross-platform desktop IM client for the Matrix protocol. |
Package | quaternion |
Categories | InstantMessaging, Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Minigalaxy |
Comment | A simple GOG client for Linux |
Description | Minigalaxy lets you download, install and play your GOG Linux games without getting in your way. Besides all that, it offers the following additional features:
An account on is required to use this application. |
Package | minigalaxy |
Categories | Game |
Keywords | galaxy, game, games, gaming, gog, good, old |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | console-application |
Name | nvtop |
Comment | GPU process monitor for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA |
Description | Nvtop stands for Neat Videocard TOP, a (h)top like task monitor for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA GPUs. It can handle multiple GPUs and print information about them in a htop familiar way. |
Package | nvtop |
Categories | Monitor, System |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | CPU-X |
Comment | Gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more |
Description | CPU-X is a Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard and more. CPU-X is similar to CPU-Z (Windows), but CPU-X is a Free and Open Source software designed for GNU/Linux; also, it works on *BSD. This software is written in C++ and built with CMake tool. It can be used in graphical mode by using GTK or in text-based mode by using NCurses. A dump mode is present from command line. |
Package | cpu-x |
Categories | System |
Keywords | AMD, CPU, Intel, clock, core, motherboard, rate, speed, system |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | xasy |
Comment | Asymptote graphical interface |
Description | Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language for technical drawings, inspired by MetaPost but with an improved C++-like syntax. Asymptote provides for figures the same high-quality level of typesetting that LaTeX does for scientific text. |
Package | asymptote |
Categories | 2DGraphics, 3DGraphics, Graphics, VectorGraphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Winetricks |
Comment | Work around problems and install applications under Wine |
Description | Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine. It lets you install missing DLLs or tweak various Wine settings individually. It also has a menu of supported applications for which it can do all the workarounds automatically. |
Package | winetricks |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | WiVRn server |
Comment | Play your PC VR games on a standalone headset |
Description | WiVRn allows you to run your VR games from your PC and play them from a standalone headset. You will need to install the WiVRn client on your headset from the Meta Store or by following the wizard in the application. Supported headsets:
Package | wivrn |
Categories | Game, Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | wxMaxima |
Comment | A graphical user interface for Maxima, a powerful computer algebra system |
Description | wxMaxima is a graphical user interface for the computer algebra system Maxima: a program that solves mathematical problems by manipulating equations (and outputting the resulting formula), instead of just calculating a number. wxMaxima eases the use of Maxima by making most of its commands available through a menu system and by providing input dialogs for commands that require more than one argument. It also implements its own display engine that outputs mathematical symbols directly instead of depicting them with ASCII characters. wxMaxima also features 2D and 3D inline plots, simple animations, mixing of text and mathematical calculations to create documents, exporting of input and output to TeX, document structuring and a browser for Maxima's manual including command index and full text searching. |
Package | wxMaxima |
Categories | Education, Math, Science |
Keywords | algebra, cas, education, engineering, maths, physics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | GoldenDict-ng |
Comment | Advanced dictionary lookup program |
Description | GoldenDict-ng is a feature-rich dictionary lookup program, supporting multiple dictionary formats, featuring perfect article rendering with the complete markup, illustrations and other content retained, and allowing you to type in words without any accents or correct case. |
Package | goldendict-ng |
Categories | Dictionary, Education, Languages, Office |
Keywords | dict, dictionary |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Goodvibes |
Comment | Play web radios |
Description | Goodvibes is a simple internet radio player for GNU/Linux. It comes with every basic features you can expect from an audio player, such as multimedia keys, notifications, system sleep inhibition, and MPRIS2 support. |
Package | goodvibes |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player |
Keywords | Audio, Player, Radio |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | mpv |
Comment | A free, open source, and cross-platform media player |
Description | mpv is a free (as in freedom) media player for the command line. It supports a wide variety of media file formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types. mpv has an OpenGL, Vulkan, and D3D11 based video output that is capable of many features loved by videophiles, such as video scaling with popular high quality algorithms, color management, frame timing, interpolation, HDR, and more. While mpv strives for minimalism and provides no real GUI, it has a small controller on top of the video for basic control. mpv can leverage most hardware decoding APIs on all platforms. Hardware decoding can be enabled at runtime on demand. Powerful scripting capabilities can make the player do almost anything. There is a large selection of user scripts on the wiki. A straightforward C API was designed from the ground up to make mpv usable as a library and facilitate easy integration into other applications. |
Package | mpv |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player, TV, Video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gaupol |
Comment | Editor for text-based subtitles |
Description | Gaupol is an editor for text-based subtitle files. It supports multiple subtitle file formats and provides means of creating subtitles, editing texts and timing subtitles to match video. |
Package | gaupol |
Categories | AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing, GTK, Video |
Keywords | captions, subtitles, video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | NFO Viewer |
Comment | Viewer for NFO files |
Description | NFO Viewer is a simple viewer for NFO files, which are "ASCII" art in the CP437 codepage. The advantages of using NFO Viewer instead of a text editor are preset font and encoding settings, automatic window size and clickable hyperlinks. |
Package | nfoview |
Categories | GTK, TextTools, Utility, Viewer |
Keywords | information |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Qt Designer |
Comment | Design GUIs for Qt applications |
Description | Qt Designer lets you created and edit .ui files for your Qt Widgets Application |
Package | qt6-designer |
Categories | Development, Qt |
Homepage | |
Project | Qt |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Qt Linguist |
Comment | Add translations to Qt applications |
Description | Qt Linguist allows you to translate Qt applications |
Package | qt6-linguist |
Categories | Development, Qt, Translation |
Homepage | |
Project | Qt |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Qt QDBusViewer |
Comment | Debug D-Bus applications |
Description | The Qt D-Bus Viewer is a tool that lets you introspect D-Bus objects and messages. You can choose between the system bus and the session bus. |
Package | qt6-qdbusviewer |
Categories | Debugger, Development, Qt |
Homepage | |
Project | Qt |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Double Commander (GTK) |
Comment | Cross platform file manager with two panels side by side |
Description | Double Commander (GTK version) is a free cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features new ideas. |
Package | doublecmd-gtk |
Categories | FileManager, FileTools, Utility |
Keywords | copy, disk, explore, filesystem, folder, manager, operations, orthodox, queue, queuing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.octave.Octave |
Name | Signal Processing |
Comment | Signal processing, measurement, filtering, windowing, and spectral analysis |
Package | octave-signal |
Keywords | FIR filter, IIR filter, convolution, digital filter, linear filter, signal measurement, signal processing, spectral analysis, window function |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | In Your Face City Trains |
Comment | Side scrolling endless runner game |
Description | The goal of the game is to survive as long as you can. Jump over trains with closed doors and try (as much as possible) to run through trains with open doors to avoid birds and tunnels. Some open trains will give you coffee. When your coffee-meter is full, you have one extra life. Space: Jump R: Restart 1-4 or F1-F4: Set zoom P: Pause game M: Mute sound |
Package | iyfct |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | JAERO |
Comment | A SatCom ACARS demodulator and decoder for the Aero standard |
Description | JAERO is a program that demodulates and decodes Classic Aero ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) messages sent from satellites to aeroplanes (SatCom ACARS), commonly used when planes are beyond VHF range. Demodulation is performed using the soundcard. Such signals are typically around 1.5Ghz and can be received with a low-gain antenna that can be home-brewed in conjunction with an RTL-SDR dongle. |
Package | jaero |
Categories | HamRadio, Network |
Keywords | HAM, Radio, SDR |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Java |
Comment | Javaws implementation from OpenJDK |
Description | Free java implementation of jnlp launching protocol. Originally based on NetX,but now bringing many improvements compared to proprietary implementations. Powerful debug console, internal appletviewer, safe run-in-sandbox option, extendable "remember me" options and custom policy editor. It have also possibility to turn all security off and just enjoy legacy web (on your own risk). All via simple itweb-settings gui. |
Package | icedtea-web |
Categories | Network, WebBrowser |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | JPanoramaMaker |
Comment | Tool which stitch photos without bottle effect in linear curved space |
Description | Tool for stitching photos to panorama in linear curved space. This tool is unique in number of manual touches you can do to affect final result. Sometimes simple changing of order of image or lying a bit on position where they meet can do miracles. |
Package | jpanoramamaker |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Jump 'n Bump |
Comment | Cute multiplayer platform game with exploding fluffy bunnies |
Description | Jump 'n Bump is an arcade multiplayer game for the whole family. You play cute fluffy little bunnies and hop on each other's heads. At the beginning you are in the menu, where you have to let each active player jump over the tree trunk to enter the play area, and then walk to the right. You will then enter the arena. The aim is to jump on the other bunnies' heads... |
Package | jumpnbump |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | bunnies, cute, explode, game, gore, head, jump, rabbits |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | JupyterLab |
Comment | JupyterLab computational environment |
Description | JupyterLab is the next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter offering all the familiar building blocks of the classic Jupyter Notebook (notebook, terminal, text editor, file browser, rich outputs, etc.) in a flexible and powerful user interface. |
Package | jupyterlab |
Categories | Development, Education |
Keywords | python |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Just Perfection |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Tweak Tool to Customize GNOME Shell, Change the Behavior and Disable UI Elements |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-just-perfection |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Kapow Punch Clock |
Comment | Keep track of time spent on projects |
Description | Kapow is a punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you're working on one project or many. Simply clock in and out with the Start/Stop button. If you make a mistake in your hours, you can go back and edit any of the entries by double-clicking on the session in question. Kapow also allows you to easily keep track of the hours since you last billed a client, by providing a helpful "Billed" check box--the totals will reflect your work after the last billed session. |
Package | kapow |
Categories | Calendar, Office |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | KeePass |
Comment | Password manager |
Description | KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to remember your passwords securely. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. You only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. |
Package | keepass |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | passwords |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | kernelsharl |
Comment | GUI analysis for Ftrace data captured by trace-cmd |
Description | KernelShark is a front end reader of trace-cmd output. "trace-cmd record" and "trace-cmd extract" create a trace.dat (trace-cmd.dat) file. kernelshark can read this file and produce a graph and list view of its data. |
Package | kernelshark |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | kitty |
Comment | Cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator |
Description | - Offloads rendering to the GPU for lower system load and buttery smooth scrolling. Uses threaded rendering to minimize input latency. - Supports all modern terminal features: graphics (images), unicode, true-color, OpenType ligatures, mouse protocol, focus tracking, bracketed paste and several new terminal protocol extensions. - Supports tiling multiple terminal windows side by side in different layouts without needing to use an extra program like tmux. - Can be controlled from scripts or the shell prompt, even over SSH. - Has a framework for Kittens, small terminal programs that can be used to extend kitty's functionality. For example, they are used for Unicode input, Hints and Side-by-side diff. - Supports startup sessions which allow you to specify the window/tab layout, working directories and programs to run on startup. - Cross-platform: kitty works on Linux and macOS, but because it uses only OpenGL for rendering, it should be trivial to port to other Unix-like platforms. - Allows you to open the scrollback buffer in a separate window using arbitrary programs of your choice. This is useful for browsing the history comfortably in a pager or editor. - Has multiple copy/paste buffers, like vim. |
Package | kitty |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Klavaro |
Comment | A touch typing tutor |
Description | Klavaro is a very flexible touch typing tutor, supporting customizable keyboard layouts. You can edit and save new or unknown keyboard layouts, as the basic course was designed to not depend on specific ones. Also, there are some charts about the learning process, and for advanced users an online ranking scheme, comparing your typing proficiency with others. Its interface is very simple, without artifacts to distract the user, and some may find this boring, but we think keyboard memorization requires a high level of concentration, and must be done by touch, not visually. |
Package | klavaro |
Categories | Education |
Keywords | CAI, keyboard, tutor, typing |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | KtikZ |
Comment | Editor for the TikZ language |
Description | KtikZ is a small application helping you to create TikZ (from the LaTeX pgf package) diagrams for your publications. |
Package | ktikz |
Categories | Office |
Keywords | diagrams, graphics, latex, pgf, tikz |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Launch new instance |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Always launch a new instance when clicking in the dash or the application view. This extension is part of Classic Mode and is officially supported by GNOME. Please do not report bugs using the form below, use GNOME's GitLab instance instead. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-launch-new-instance |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lazarus |
Comment | RAD IDE for Free Pascal |
Description | Lazarus is a Delphi-compatible cross-platform IDE for Rapid Application Development. It has variety of components ready for use and a graphical form designer to easily create complex graphical user interfaces. With Lazarus you can create file browsers, image viewers, database applications, graphics editing software, games, 3D software, medical analysis software or any other type of software. Lazarus is developed to be totally and completely API independent. Once you write your code, you just link it against the API widget set of your choice. If you want to use GTK+, great! If you want it to be Gnome compliant, great! As long as the interface code for the widget set you want to use is available, you can link to it. |
Package | lazarus-ide |
Categories | Development, GUIDesigner, IDE |
Keywords | Design, Designer, FreePascal, IDE, Pascal, editor, fpc |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | LazPaint |
Comment | Simple image editor |
Description | LazPaint is a simple image editor, like PaintBrush or Paint.Net, written in Lazarus (Free Pascal), using the BGRABitmap library. It supports a variety of file formats, including layered bitmaps and even 3D files. LazPaint also offers a command-line interface for using it from a terminal, as well as a Python script system that allows the user to write their own layer effects. |
Package | lazpaint |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | LBrickbuster2 |
Comment | Free version of Breakout |
Description | Break all the tiles and don't let your ball fall. Simple and fun. |
Package | lbrickbuster2 |
Categories | ArcadeGame, BlocksGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Liberation Circuit |
Comment | Real-time strategy game with programmable units |
Description | Escape from a hostile computer system! Harvest data to create an armada of battle-processes to aid your escape! Take command directly and play the game as an RTS, or use the game's built-in editor and compiler to write your own unit AI in a simplified version of C. |
Package | liberation-circuit |
Categories | Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | LibreCAD |
Comment | 2D Computer Aided Design (CAD) |
Description | LibreCAD is an 2D Computer Aided Design (CAD) application for creating plans and designs on your computer. It can be used to make accurate 2D representations of floorplans, part designs, and just about anything that can be represented as a flat 2D plan. |
Package | librecad |
Categories | Engineering, Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | LibreOffice Base |
Comment | Database manager part of the LibreOffice productivity suite |
Description | Base is a powerful database manager, part of the LibreOffice productivity suite. It allows you to store, manage and maintain different collections of data. Base makes it easy to keep track of your finances, customers, invoices, or even just the contacts in your address book! For users that are new to databases, Base offers helpful wizards to create tables, queries, forms and reports. It's a solution for people requiring an easy-to-understand, simple-to-use system. For power users and enterprise requirements, it provides native-support drivers for some of the most-widely employed multi-user database engines: PostgreSQL, MySQL and MS Access. In addition, the built-in support for JDBC- and ODBC-standard drivers allows you to connect to virtually any other existing database engine as well. |
Package | libreoffice-base |
Categories | Database, Office |
Keywords | Data, SQL |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | LibreOffice Calc |
Comment | Spreadsheet program of the LibreOffice productivity suite |
Description | Calc is a powerful and extensible spreadsheet program, part of the LibreOffice productivity suite. Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn. Professional data miners and number crunchers will appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions. LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you can easily share spreadsheets with users of other popular office suites without worrying about compatibility. |
Package | libreoffice-calc |
Categories | Office, Spreadsheet |
Keywords | Accounting, Chart, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Works, OpenDocument Spreadsheet, OpenOffice Calc, Stats, ods, xls, xlsx |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | LibreOffice Draw |
Comment | Graphics editor part of the LibreOffice productivity suite |
Description | LibreOffice Draw is an easy-to-use graphics editor, which empowers you to create anything from quick sketches to complex diagrams. It provides a powerful set of tools and shapes for producing technical drawings, charts, and much else. Draw allows you to create, manipulate and arrange different objects - it offers a number of tools for editing, resizing, rotating, grouping and styling them! It also provides smart connectors that make it easy for you to build charts and diagrams, and make beautiful drawings composed of different objects. LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you can easily share drawings with users of other popular office suites without worrying about compatibility. |
Package | libreoffice-draw |
Categories | 2DGraphics, FlowChart, Graphics, Office, VectorGraphics |
Keywords | Corel Draw, Diagram, Layout, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Visio, OpenDocument Graphics, Schema, Vector, cdr, odg, pdf, svg, vsd |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | addon |
Extends | libreoffice-writer |
Name | Grammalecte |
Comment | French grammar checker |
Package | libreoffice-grammalecte |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | LibreOffice Impress |
Comment | Presentation program of the LibreOffice productivity suite |
Description | Impress is a presentation program and part of the LibreOffice productivity suite. Impress is the fastest and easiest way to create effective multimedia presentations. Stunning animation and sensational special effects help you convince your audience. Create presentations that look even more professional than the standard presentations you commonly see at work. Get your colleagues’ and bosses’ attention by creating something a little bit different. LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you can easily share presentations with users of other popular office suites without worrying about compatibility. |
Package | libreoffice-impress |
Categories | Office, Presentation |
Keywords | Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Works, OpenDocument Presentation, OpenOffice Impress, Slides, Slideshow, odp, ppt, pptx |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | LibreOffice Writer |
Comment | Word processor part of the LibreOffice productivity suite |
Description | Writer is the word processor inside LibreOffice productivity suite. Use it for everything, from dashing off a quick letter to producing an entire book with tables of contents, embedded illustrations, bibliographies and diagrams. The while-you-type auto-completion, auto-formatting and automatic spell-checking make difficult tasks easy (but are easy to disable if you prefer). Writer is powerful enough to tackle desktop publishing tasks such as creating multi-column newsletters and brochures. The only limit is your imagination. Based on the what-you-see-is-what-you-get principle, Writer allows you to apply various styles and formatting effects to your document and view the results immediately. LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you can easily share documents with users of other popular office suites without worrying about compatibility. |
Package | libreoffice-writer |
Categories | Office, WordProcessor |
Keywords | CV, Document, Fax, Letter, Lotus WordPro, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works, OpenDocument Text, OpenOffice Writer, Text, doc, docx, odt, rtf |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Light Style |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Switch default to light style |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-light-style |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lincity-NG |
Comment | LinCity-NG |
Description | LinCity-NG is a game where you are the mayor of a small town and your goal is to make it prosper gerenciand building improvements and the resources of their city. Good game for Sim City fans. |
Package | lincity-ng |
Categories | Game, Simulation |
Keywords | 3D, buildings, city, economics, game, simulation, strategy, transport |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | LMMS |
Comment | A music production application |
Description | LMMS is a music production application. It allows the creation of loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples having fun with your MIDI-keyboard and much more... It combines the features of a tracker-/sequencer-program and those of powerful synthesizers, samplers, effects etc. in a modern, user-friendly and easy to use graphical user-interface. |
Package | lmms |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Midi, Sequencer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | LordsAWar! |
Comment | Turn-based war game similar to Warlords II |
Description | A turn-based strategy game where up to 8 players strive for control of as many cities as possible. Produce new armies in cities to conquer nearby cities. Using the income from those cities, make more armies to take more cities. Send a hero to a temple to get a quest, or maybe search a nearby ruin instead. You can play against the computer or over the network, and you can make your own scenarios in the scenario editor. |
Package | lordsawar |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | army, city, hero, multiplayer, quest, turn-based, warlords |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | lpf |
Comment | Local package factory |
Description | Lpf (Local Package Factory) handles non-redistributable lpf packages. An lpf package is a recipe how to download, build and install a target package. The target package is the useful one. The basic operation on a lpf package is an 'update'. This downloads data from the web, builds and installs a new target package which corresponds to the lpf package. The lpf-gui allows:
This scheme overcomes the problems which arises when a package can't be re-distributed. Such a package cannot be installed using the normal procedures. |
Package | lpf |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lugaru HD |
Comment | Third person ninja rabbit fighting game |
Description | Lugaru (pronounced Loo-GAH-roo) is a cross-platform third-person action game. The main character, Turner, is an anthropomorphic rebel bunny rabbit with impressive combat skills. In his quest to find those responsible for slaughtering his village, he uncovers a far-reaching conspiracy involving the corrupt leaders of the rabbit republic and the starving wolves from a nearby den. Turner takes it upon himself to fight against their plot and save his fellow rabbits from slavery. |
Package | lugaru |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | addon |
Extends | amsynth |
Name | LV2 plugin |
Comment | Plugin for the LV2 audio standard |
Package | lv2-amsynth-plugin |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | LXMusic |
Comment | A minimalist music player for LXDE |
Package | lxmusic |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Player |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | lxqt-archiver |
Comment | A simple and lightweight desktop-agnostic Qt file archiver |
Description | LXQt Archiver is a simple and lightweight desktop-agnostic Qt file archiver. |
Package | lxqt-archiver |
Categories | Archiving, Compression, Utility |
Keywords | archive, compression, manager |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Mailnag |
Comment | An extensible mail notification daemon |
Description | Mailnag is a daemon program that checks POP3 and IMAP servers for new mail. On mail arrival it performs various actions provided by plugins. Mailnag comes with a set of desktop-independent default plugins for visual/sound notifications, script execution etc. and can be extended with additional plugins easily. |
Package | mailnag |
Categories | Email, Network |
Keywords | mail, notification, notify |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | M.A.R.S. - A ridiculous shooter |
Comment | 2D space shooter with awesome visual effects |
Description | M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter is a 2D space shooter with awesome visual effects and attractive physics. Players can battle each other or computer controlled enemies in exciting game modes. In the year 3547, civilizations all over the galaxy have settled their own planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the contemplative habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your way to never ending honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the oncoming doom of your jealous neighbours! |
Package | marsshooter |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | 2D, effects, multiplayer, opengl, particle, sfml, shader, ships, shooter, space |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE Calc |
Comment | MATE Desktop calculator |
Description | MATE Calc is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic to give a high degree of accuracy. MATE Calc is a fork of GNOME Calc and part of the MATE Desktop Environment. If you would like to know more about MATE and MATE Calc, please visit the project's home page. |
Package | mate-calc |
Categories | Calculator, Utility |
Keywords | MATE, arithmetic, calculations, calculator, financial, scientific |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE Dictionary |
Comment | A dictionary for MATE Desktop |
Description | MATE Dictionary allows you to look up words in on-line dictionaries. It comes preconfigured with a list of Dict servers (RFC 2229), to which you can add your own sources, while you can select specific servers for a specific query. |
Package | mate-dictionary |
Categories | Dictionary, Office |
Keywords | MATE, applet, definitions, dictionary, online, spelling, thesaurus |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE Disk Usage Analyzer |
Comment | A disk usage analyzing tool for MATE Desktop |
Description | As its name implies, Disk Usage Analyzer is a graphical utility that you can use to view and monitor your disk usage and folder structure. It displays summary information in ring or treemap charts. You can perform scans on a file system, your home or any other folder - local or remote. There is also an option to constantly monitor any external changes to the home directory and warn the user if a file is added/removed. |
Package | mate-disk-usage-analyzer |
Categories | Filesystem, System |
Keywords | MATE, analyze, check, disk, size, space, usage |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE Screenshot |
Comment | A screenshot utility for MATE Desktop |
Description | MATE Screenshot is a simple utility that lets you capture screenshots of your desktop or of application windows. You can select to copy them to the system clipboard or save them in Portable Network Graphics (.png) image format. |
Package | mate-screenshot |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | MATE, desktop, image, screenshot, snapshot, window |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE Search Tool |
Comment | A file searching tool for MATE Desktop |
Description | MATE Search Tool is a simple but powerful utility that allows you to search for files and folders on any mounted file system. Its interface gives you instant access to a wide variety of parameters for each search, such as text contained within a file, ownership, date of modification, file size, folder exclusion, etc.. |
Package | mate-search-tool |
Categories | Core, Utility |
Keywords | MATE, computer, content, documents, files, find, folders, locate, name, search, tool |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE System Monitor |
Comment | A Process and resource monitor for MATE Desktop |
Description | MATE System Monitor allows to graphically view and manipulate the running processes on your system. It also provides an overview of available resources, such as CPU and memory. MATE System Monitor is a fork of GNOME System Monitor and part of the MATE Desktop Environment. If you would like to know more about MATE and System Monitor, please visit the project's home page. |
Package | mate-system-monitor |
Categories | Monitor, System |
Keywords | MATE, current, list, monitor, process, resources, system, view |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE Terminal |
Comment | A terminal emulator for the MATE desktop environment |
Description | MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to access a UNIX shell in the MATE environment. MATE Terminal emulates the xterm program developed by the X Consortium. It supports translucent backgrounds, opening multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and clickable URLs. MATE Terminal is a fork of GNOME Terminal and part of the MATE Desktop Environment. If you would like to know more about MATE and MATE Terminal, please visit the project's home page. |
Package | mate-terminal |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | MATE Manager |
Comment | Managing Linux Local Users and Groups |
Description | Mate Manager is a graphical application that manages local users and groups. It can add and delete local users, change user name, user type, user language, user password, automatic login. You can view the user's login record. By working with group-service, groups of users can be managed, such as adding/removing existing groups and creating/deleting new groups. |
Package | mate-user-admin |
Categories | Settings, System, Utility |
Keywords | Configuration, Utility |
Homepage | |
Project | MATE |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | mca2EDF |
Comment | Convert SPEC file format files to EDF format |
Package | PyMca |
Categories | DataVisualization, Education, Physics, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | MComix3 |
Comment | Comic and general purpose image viewer |
Description | MComix3 is a user-friendly, customizable image viewer. It is specifically designed to handle comic books (both Western comics and manga) and supports a variety of container formats (including CBR, CBZ, CB7, CBT, LHA and PDF). MComix3 is a fork of the Comix project, and aims to add bug fixes and stability improvements after Comix3 development came to a halt in late 2009. |
Package | mcomix3-base |
Categories | Graphics, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | ReText |
Comment | Simple text editor for Markdown and reStructuredText |
Description | ReText is a text editor for plain text markup languages, such as Markdown and reStructuredText. It supports tabs, live text preview, synchronized scrolling and syntax highlighting. ReText can export to HTML, ODT and PDF formats. It is also possible to write custom export extensions. |
Package | retext |
Categories | Office, WordProcessor |
Keywords | Editor, Markdown, Text, reStructuredText |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | MediaConch |
Comment | Implementation checker, policy checker, reporter, and fixer |
Description | MediaConch is an implementation checker, policy checker, reporter, and fixer that targets preservation-level audiovisual files This project is maintained by MediaArea and funded by PREFORMA. |
Package | mediaconch-gui |
Categories | AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing |
Keywords | checker, ffv1, implementation, matroska, mkv, pcm, policy, reporter, trace |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | MediaInfo |
Comment | Convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files |
Description | MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. The MediaInfo data display includes :
MediaInfo analyticals include :
Package | mediainfo-gui |
Categories | AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing |
Keywords | audio, avc, avi, chapters, codec, h264, h265, hevc, media info, metadata, mkv, mp3, mpeg, subtitles, tag, video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | MegaGlest |
Comment | Real time strategy game (RTS) |
Description | MegaGlest is a 3D real-time strategy game (RTS) with medieval and magic character which offers tutorials, scenarios but also customizable single-player and multi-player skirmishes. Multi-player mode supports cross-platform matches up to 8 players over the Internet or LAN against human opponents, or in cooperation against CPU (A.I.) players of various difficulty levels. From within the game you can download a lot of additional game data (e.g. other maps) at no cost. |
Package | megaglest-data |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | game, realtime, strategy |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | MegaGlest Map Editor |
Comment | Game tool from MegaGlest game |
Description | MegaGlest Map Editor allows to create new and edit existing maps for MegaGlest / Glest game and for games based on MegaGlest too. MegaGlest is a customizable 3D real-time strategy game (RTS). |
Package | megaglest-data |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | editor, map |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | MellowPlayer |
Comment | Cloud music integration for your desktop |
Description | MellowPlayer is a free, open source and cross-platform desktop application that integrates online music services with your desktop. |
Package | mellowplayer |
Categories | AudioVideo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Super Methane Brothers |
Comment | Platform Arcade Game similar to Bubble Bubble |
Description | Super Methane Brothers is a platform arcade game Puff and Blow each have a Methane Gas Gun which fires a cloud of immobilising gas. If this comes into contact with a bad guy, he will be absorbed into the gas and then float around the screen for a limited time. Bad guys are harmless in this state. Puff and Blow must suck the floating gas clouds into their guns and blast them out against a vertical surface. bThe Bad guys then turn into bonuses which can be collected. |
Package | methane |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Keywords | Arcade, Game, Retro |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | MilkyTracker |
Comment | Fast Tracker II inspired music tracker |
Description | MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker II, with special playback modes available for improved Amiga ProTracker 2/3 compatibility. |
Package | milkytracker |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing, Sequencer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Mirror Magic |
Comment | Puzzle game where you steer a beam of light using mirrors |
Description | MirrorMagic is a game where you shoot around obstacles to collect energy using your beam. It is similar to "Mindbender" (Amiga) from the same author. The goal is to work out how to get around obstacles to shoot energy containers with your beam, thereby opening the path to the next level. Included are many levels familiar from the games "Deflektor" and "Mindbender". |
Package | mirrormagic |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Keywords | Deflektor, Game, Mindbender, Puzzle |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Phosh Mobile Settings |
Comment | Advanced settings for Mobile devices using Phosh |
Description | This app allows you to configure some aspects of Phosh that would otherwise require command line usage. |
Package | phosh-mobile-settings |
Categories | Settings |
Keywords | Mobile, MobileSettings, Preferences |
Homepage | |
Project | Phosh |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast |
Type | desktop |
Name | Modem Manager GUI |
Comment | Control EDGE/3G/4G broadband modem specific functions |
Description | Simple graphical interface compatible with Modem manager, Wader and oFono system services able to control EDGE/3G/4G broadband modem specific functions. You can check balance of your SIM card, send or receive SMS messages, control mobile traffic consuption and more using Modem Manager GUI. Current features:
Please note that some features may be not available due to limitations of different system services or even different versions of system service in use. |
Package | modem-manager-gui |
Categories | GTK, Network, System, TelephonyTools, Utility |
Keywords | manager, modem, sms, ussd |
Homepage | |
Kudos | AppMenu, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, Notifications, UserDocs, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Maverick Model 3D |
Comment | 3D model editor and animator for games |
Description | Maverick Model 3D is a triangle-based 3D model editor that supports a variety of geometry manipulation tools, texturing, and skeletal and vertex frame animations. There is a help manual included. It supports several 3D model formats; Misfit Model 3D .MM3D, Wavefront .OBJ, Milkshape .MS3D, Quake engine formats .MD2 and .MD3, and GameMaker .D3D. There is export-only support for GoldSrc/Source .SMD and Inter-Quake Export .IQE. There is unmaintained support for LightWave 3D Object (lwo), Caligari trueSpace (cob), and AutoCAD (dxf). |
Package | mm3d |
Categories | 3DGraphics, Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | MoGui |
Comment | Graphical User Interface for Environment Modules |
Description | MoGui is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Environment Modules. It helps users selecting modules to load and save module collections. |
Package | mogui |
Categories | System |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | MonoDevelop |
Comment | Develop .NET applications in an Integrated Development Environment |
Description | MonoDevelop is a cross-platform IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages. MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and ASP.NET Web applications on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. MonoDevelop makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and Mac OSX maintaining a single code base for all platforms. |
Package | monodevelop |
Categories | Development, IDE |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Moolticute |
Comment | Companion GUI application for Mooltipass password manager devices |
Description | Moolticute is an easy to use companion app to your Mooltipass device and extends the power of the device to more platform/tools. It allows you to manage your Mooltipass with a cross-platform app and daemon service that handles all USB communication with the device. Moolticute comes with a daemon that runs in the background, and a user interface app to control your Mooltipass. Other clients can also connect and talk to the daemon (it uses a WebSocket connection and simple JSON messages). |
Package | moolticute |
Categories | Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | moserial |
Comment | Serial terminal |
Description | Moserial is a serial terminal used for interacting with serial consoles and embedded devices. It supports the view of incoming and outgoing data in both ASCII and hexadecimal formats with the option to log this data. It also supports sending and receiving of x, y, and z-modem files, and has profiles to easily switch between configurations for different devices you are communicating with. |
Package | moserial |
Categories | FileTransfer, TerminalEmulator, Utility |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | addon |
Extends | xawtv |
Name | MoTV Television Viewer |
Comment | Motif UI version of xawtv |
Package | xawtv-motv |
Categories | AudioVideo, Video |
Keywords | tv, v4l, v4l2, video, video4linux, viewer |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | mozilla-seamonkey |
Name | NoScript |
Comment | A JavaScript white list extension for Mozilla Firefox |
Package | mozilla-noscript |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | org.mozilla.firefox |
Name | uBlock Origin for Firefox |
Comment | An efficient blocker for Firefox. Fast and lean. |
Package | mozilla-ublock-origin |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Mr Rescue |
Comment | Arcade-style fire fighting game |
Description | Mr. Rescue is an arcade styled 2d action game centered around evacuating civilians from burning buildings. The game features fast paced fire extinguishing action, intense boss battles, a catchy soundtrack and lots of throwing people around in pseudo-randomly generated buildings. |
Package | mrrescue |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | mtPaint |
Comment | Create pixel art |
Description | MTPaint is an application for creating images, with a specific focus on pixel art. It features a wide range of tools to help you create pixel art, including: a pixel-perfect grid, tools to make pixel gradients with the use of dithering, pixel brushes, and pixel line and shape tools. |
Package | mtpaint |
Categories | 2DGraphics, Graphics, RasterGraphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | addon |
Extends | xawtv |
Name | MTT Teletext Viewer |
Comment | Easy to use Teletext GUI |
Package | xawtv-mtt |
Categories | AudioVideo, Video |
Keywords | teletext, tv, v4l, v4l2, video, video4linux, viewer |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Mu |
Comment | A simple Python editor for beginner programmers |
Description | Mu is a Python code editor for beginner programmers based on extensive feedback given by teachers and learners. Mu is a simple code editor for beginner programmers based on the feedback given to and experiences of the Raspberry Pi Foundation's education team. Having said that, Mu is for anyone who wants to use a simple "no frills" editor. Mu is a modal editor with modes for Adafruit's CircuitPython, the micro:bit's version of MicroPython, PyGame Zero and standard Python 3 (including a graphical debugger). Some of the modes make available a REPL (either running on the connected CircuitPython or MicroPython device or as a Jupyter based iPython session in Python3 mode). Mu is written in Python and works on Windows, OSX, Linux and Raspberry Pi. |
Package | mu |
Categories | Development |
Keywords | Editor, Python, micro:bit, microbit |
Homepage | |
Project | mu-editor |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Quisk |
Comment | SDR transceiver software |
Description | Quisk is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) which can control various radio hardware. You supply an antenna and a complex (I/Q) mixer to convert the radio spectrum to a low IF. Then send that IF to your computer using the sound card, Ethernet or USB. The Quisk software will read the I/Q data, tune it, filter it, demodulate it, and send the audio to headphones or speakers. Quisk has a microphone input and a key input so it can operate as a complete transceiver. |
Package | quisk |
Categories | HamRadio, Tuner, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | Native Window Placement |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Arrange windows in overview in a more compact way. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-native-window-placement |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Nemiver |
Comment | Debug Applications |
Description | Nemiver is an on-going effort to write a standalone graphical debugger that integrates well in the GNOME desktop environment. It currently features a backend which uses the well known GNU Debugger gdb to debug C / C++ programs. We believe that Nemiver is mature and robust enough to just let you debug your favorite C or C++ application in a pleasant way. |
Package | nemiver |
Categories | Debugger, Development |
Keywords | c, c++, debugger, disassembler, gdb |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Catgen |
Comment | Generate astronomical objects catalogs for use with Skychart |
Description | Catgen is a utility for generating astronomical objects catalogs that can be imported and used with Skychart planetarium. Due to the large amount of available data, it would be impossible to make a choice that will fit everyone's needs. When you have a specific interest, you can use CatGen to build your own data set from the original professional catalog data. You can also use any new catalog without delay, as soon as it is published. |
Package | skychart-catgen |
Categories | Astronomy, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | CCDciel |
Comment | CCD capture software for the amateur astronomer |
Description | A CCD capture software intended for the amateur astronomer. It includes all the features required to perform digital imaging CCD observation of celestial objects. Using the standard drivers protocol INDI and ASCOM it can connect and control the CCD camera, the focuser, the filter wheel and the telescope mount. |
Package | ccdciel |
Categories | Astronomy, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Skychart |
Comment | Planetarium software for the advanced amateur astronomer |
Description | Skychart is a free and advanced planetarium software for drawing sky charts for specific places and times with nicely graphic and for controlling telescopes by connecting them to pc. It can also calculate Solar System objects visibility and data, like planets, comets and asteroids, and display moon and planets in realistic mode. Skychart also includes VarObs, a software to help astronomers to get data for variable stars observation. |
Package | skychart |
Categories | Astronomy, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Variable Stars Observer |
Comment | Plan and log variable stars observations |
Description | This program help you to plan and log variable stars observations. |
Package | skychart |
Categories | Astronomy, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Gromit-MPX |
Comment | Make annotations on the screen |
Description | Gromit-MPX is an on-screen annotation tool that works with any Unix desktop environment under X11 as well as Wayland. Its main use is for making presentations of some application. Normally, you would have to move the mouse pointer around the point of interest until hopefully everybody noticed it. With Gromit-MPX, you can draw everywhere onto the screen, highlighting some button or area. Key features include:
Package | gromit-mpx |
Categories | Graphics |
Keywords | markup, overlay, pointer, presentation |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Embeddable Common Lisp |
Comment | Common Lisp engine that can be embedded in C applications |
Description | ECL (Embeddable Common Lisp) is an implementation of the Common Lisp language as defined by the ANSI X3J13 specification. ECL features a bytecode compiler and interpreter, the ability to build standalone executables and libraries, and extensions such as ASDF, sockets, and Gray streams. |
Package | ecl |
Categories | Building, Development |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Rapid Photo Downloader |
Comment | Download, rename and back up photos and videos from cameras and other devices |
Description | Rapid Photo Downloader imports photos and videos from cameras, phones, memory cards and other devices at high speed. It can be configured to rename photos and videos with meaningful filenames you specify. It can also back up photos and videos as they are downloaded. It downloads from and backs up to multiple devices simultaneously. Unique to Rapid Photo Downloader is its Timeline, which groups photos and videos based on how much time elapsed between consecutive shots. Use it to identify photos and videos taken at different periods in a single day or over consecutive days. Written by a photographer for professional and amateur photographers, Rapid Photo Downloader is easy to configure and use. Program preferences are configured without the need for complicated codes. Common tasks can be automated, such as unmounting a memory card when the download is complete. |
Package | rapid-photo-downloader |
Categories | Graphics, Photography |
Keywords | RAW, automate, backup, camera, card, choose, download, filter, import, ingest, memory, phone, photo, photography, select, sort, video, workflow |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | DisplayCAL |
Comment | Display calibration and profiling with a focus on accuracy and versatility |
Description | Calibrate and characterize your display devices using one of many supported measurement instruments, with support for multi-display setups and a variety of available options for advanced users, such as verification and reporting functionality to evaluate ICC profiles and display devices, creating video 3D LUTs, as well as optional CIECAM02 gamut mapping to take into account varying viewing conditions. |
Package | DisplayCAL |
Categories | Graphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Converseen |
Comment | Convert and resize images in batch |
Description | Converseen is a free cross-platform batch image processor that allows you to convert, resize, rotate and flip an infinite number of images with a mouse click. Moreover, Converseen is able to transform an entire PDF file into a bunch of images with the characteristics you prefer: you can choose one of the 100+ formats, you can set the size, resolution and the filename. What can I do with Converseen.
Package | converseen |
Categories | Graphics, ImageProcessing, Photography, Qt |
Keywords | batch, compressor, converter, graphic, image, picture, processor, qt, resizer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | PE-bear |
Comment | Portable Executable reversing tool with a friendly GUI |
Description | PE-bear is a multiplatform reversing tool for PE (Portable Executable) files. Its objective is to deliver fast and flexible "first view" for malware analysts, stable and capable to handle malformed PE files. |
Package | pe-bear |
Categories | Development, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Aqualung |
Comment | Advanced music player |
Description | Aqualung is an advanced music player originally targeted at the GNU/Linux operating system. It plays audio CDs, internet radio streams and pod casts as well as sound files in just about any audio format and has the feature of inserting no gaps between adjacent tracks. |
Package | aqualung |
Categories | AudioVideo, Player |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Fotocx image editor |
Comment | Edit photos and manage a large image collection |
Description | Edit photos and manage a very large image collection. Navigate a large image collection with a thumbnail browser. View and edit image files (RAW, jpeg, png, tiff ...). Editing is done in 24 bits/color, output is 8 or 16 bits/color. Extensive tools for edit, repair, enhance, and special effects. View image changes as edit tools are applied interactively. Most edit tools can be applied locally and gradually - mouse paint. Undo and redo within and across edit functions. File versioning: save and recall multiple edit stages. Select image features or areas to edit separately from background. Copy and paste area selections within and across images. Combine functions: HDR, HDF, panorama, stack, image/text mashup. Metadata edit and report: tags, captions, dates, locations ... Search images using any metadata, folder/file names, wildcards. Albums: select images and arrange order with drag and drop. Slide Show with animated transitions and pan/zoom. Scalable world map with image markers - click marker for gallery. Batch functions: convert, resize, upright, move, revise metatata. User Guide (English) describes all functions in great detail. |
Package | fotocx |
Categories | Graphics |
Keywords | collection, editor, photo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Xpad |
Comment | Sticky notes |
Description | Xpad is a sticky note application that strives to be simple, fault-tolerant, and customizable. Xpad consists of independent pad windows; each is basically a text box in which notes can be written. |
Package | xpad |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | notes, postit |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lutris |
Comment | Video game preservation platform |
Description | Lutris helps you install and play video games from all eras and from most gaming systems. By leveraging and combining existing emulators, engine re-implementations and compatibility layers, it gives you a central interface to launch all your games. |
Package | lutris |
Categories | Game |
Keywords | emulator, gaming, wine |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | Minetest |
Comment | Block-based multiplayer game platform |
Description | Minetest is a block-based sandbox game platform. Players can create and destroy various types of blocks in a three-dimensional open world. This allows forming structures in every possible creation, on multiplayer servers or in singleplayer. Minetest is designed to be simple, stable, and portable. It is lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware. Minetest has many features, including:
Package | minetest |
Categories | Game, Simulation |
Keywords | blocks, crafting, mining, multiplayer, nodes, roleplaying, sandbox, world |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Poedit |
Comment | Simple translation editor |
Description | Translation editor for gettext (PO files) and XLIFF. It helps with translating applications or WordPress themes and plugins into other languages, as well as with developing localizable applications. |
Package | poedit |
Categories | Development, Translation |
Keywords | flutter, gettext, i18n, l10n, localization, po, translate, translation, wordpress, xliff |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | QSSTV |
Comment | Program for receiving and transmitting SSTV and HAMDRM |
Description | QSSTV is a program for receiving and transmitting SSTV and HAMDRM (sometimes called DSSTV). It is compatible with most of MMSSTV and EasyPal. |
Package | qsstv |
Categories | Education |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Lifeograph |
Comment | Digital diary and note taking |
Description | Lifeograph is a powerful note-taking application that can be used to keep an encrypted diary, to plan a journey, to manage todos and long term goals, to write down ideas in an organized way, to track regular activities and many more. Lifeograph strives to deliver an abundance of advanced features in a clean and streamlined user interface. Main features of Lifeograph:
Package | lifeograph |
Categories | Utility |
Keywords | journal, note, statistics, tag, to-do |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | VMPK |
Comment | Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard: a MIDI events generator and receiver |
Description | Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player. |
Package | vmpk |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Education, Midi, Music |
Keywords | Controller, Keyboard, Midi, Music, Piano, Virtual |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | dmidiplayer |
Comment | Drumstick Multiplatform MIDI File Player |
Description | Multiplatform MIDI File Player for Linux, Windows and macOS with advanced features:
Package | dmidiplayer |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Midi |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | drumstick-drumgrid |
Comment | Simple MIDI rhythm box based on ALSA Sequencer |
Description | Simple MIDI software rhythm box based on percussion patterns and ALSA Sequencer. This program is an example of the Drumstick libraries. For a fully featured rhythm utility see: |
Package | drumstick-drumgrid |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Education, Midi, Music |
Keywords | Drum, Grid, Midi, Music |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | drumstick-guiplayer |
Comment | Simple MIDI file player based on ALSA Sequencer |
Description | Simple MIDI file player for .MID (Standard MIDI Files), .RMI (RIFF RMID) and .WRK (Cakewalk) files based on the ALSA Sequencer. This program is an example of the Drumstick libraries. For a fully featured MIDI file player see: |
Package | drumstick-guiplayer |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Education, Midi, Music |
Keywords | Midi, Music, Player |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | drumstick-vpiano |
Comment | Simple Virtual MIDI Piano |
Description | Simple multiplatform virtual MIDI piano based on the Drumstick::RT library, also using Drumstick::Widgets. This program is an example of the Drumstick libraries. For a fully featured virtual MIDI piano keyboard see: |
Package | drumstick-vpiano |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Education, Midi, Music |
Keywords | Midi, Music, Piano, Virtual |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | gretl |
Comment | Econometrics package |
Description | Gretl is an econometrics package, including a shared library, a command-line client program and a graphical user interface. Gretl is user-friendly but also technically sophisticated. Users can choose their preferred point on the spectrum from interactive point-and-click to complex scripting, and can easily combine these approaches. |
Package | gretl |
Categories | Economy, Education, Math, Science |
Keywords | analysis, data, econometrics, statistics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | gscan2pdf |
Comment | GUI to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents |
Description | Only two clicks are required to scan several pages and then save all or a selection as a PDF or DjVu file, including metadata if required. gscan2pdf can control regular or sheet-fed (ADF) scanners with SANE via libimage-sane-perl, scanimage or scanadf, and can scan multiple pages at once. It presents a thumbnail view of scanned pages, and permits simple operations such as cropping, rotating and deleting pages. OCR can be used to recognise text in the scans, and the output embedded in the PDF or DjVu. The resulting document may be saved as a PDF, DjVu, multipage TIFF file, or single page image file. |
Package | gscan2pdf |
Categories | Graphics, Scanning |
Keywords | DjVu, OCR, PDF, graphics, sane, scan, scanning |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Simple UVC Viewer |
Comment | Capture video from v4l2 devices |
Description | Video capture tool for video4linux2 compliant cameras. With a special emphasis on the linux uvc driver, it provides Image (jpg, png, bmp) and Video (mjpeg, flv1, wmv1, mpg2, mpg4,...) capture with sound in several formats( currently: avi and matroska). It also supports a control panel option (--control_only) that is compatible with any other v4l2 app. |
Package | guvcview |
Categories | AudioVideo, Video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Drumstick Metronome |
Comment | Drumstick MIDI Metronome based on the ALSA Sequencer |
Description | Drumstick Metronome is a MIDI metronome with Qt5 interface, based on the ALSA sequencer. Intended for musicians and music students, it is a tool to keep the rhythm while playing musical instruments. It uses MIDI for sound generation instead of digital audio, allowing low CPU usage, and very accurate timing thanks to the ALSA sequencer. |
Package | kmetronome |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Education, Midi, Music |
Keywords | ALSA, MIDI, Metronome, Music |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Drumstick MIDI Monitor |
Comment | Drumstick MIDI Monitor is a MIDI monitor for Linux using ALSA sequencer |
Description | Drumstick MIDI Monitor logs MIDI events coming from MIDI external ports or applications via the ALSA sequencer, and from SMF (Standard MIDI files) or WRK (Cakewalk/Sonar) files. It is especially useful if you want to debug MIDI software or your MIDI setup. It features a nice graphical user interface, customizable event filters and sequencer parameters, support for MIDI and ALSA messages, and saving the recorded event list to a SMF or text file. |
Package | kmidimon |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, Midi |
Keywords | Midi, Monitor, Player, Recorder, Sequencer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Liferea |
Comment | Keep up with your feeds |
Description | Liferea is a feed reader/news aggregator that brings together all of the content from your favorite subscriptions into a simple interface that makes it easy to organize and browse feeds. Its GUI is similar to a desktop mail/news client, with an embedded web browser. Distinguishing features:
Package | liferea |
Categories | Network, News |
Keywords | aggregator, atom, blog, feed, news, podcast, rss, syndication |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Xmaxima |
Comment | A graphical user interface for Maxima, a powerful computer algebra system |
Description | Xmaxima is a graphical user interface for the computer algebra system Maxima: a program that solves mathematical problems by manipulating equations (and outputting the resulting formula) instead of just calculating a number. Unlike other front-ends Xmaxima is focused on simplicity. |
Package | maxima-gui |
Categories | Education, Math |
Keywords | algebra, cas, education, engineering, maths, physics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | Molsketch |
Comment | 2D Molecular Structures Editor |
Description | Molsketch is a program for drawing two-dimensional schematic representations of molecules. The goal of the program is to make this quick and easy, without sacrificing the resulting quality. Of course your creations can be used afterwards as vector or bitmap image in any document, presentation or website. Some of the features of Molsketch are:
Package | molsketch |
Categories | Chemistry, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | ncid |
Comment | NCID (Network Caller ID) client |
Description | The ncid client displays Caller ID information and messages sent to it by the ncidd server. Telephone numbers are shown in the format defined by the country abbreviation in the server config file. The ncid client also supports various output modules - Desktop notifications, MythTV, iOS or Android devices, cell phones or pagers, SAMBA or YAC clients, and voice announcements using a text-to-speech program, etc. ncid features:
Package | ncid-client |
Categories | Network |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Luminance HDR |
Comment | Create HDR images |
Description | Luminance HDR is an application for taking a set of pictures of the same scene with different exposure settings and creating a high dynamic range (HDR) image. It supports a range on input image formats, including JPEG, TIFF and RAW. It provides eleven tone mapping operators for converting the HDR back to a low dynamic range image (LDR). It can also rotate, crop, resize HDR images and apply projective transformations. HDR images can be created and tone mapped in batch and a tool is provided for copying EXIF data from/to a set of images. |
Package | luminance-hdr |
Categories | 2DGraphics, Graphics, Photography, RasterGraphics, Viewer |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | SciDAVis |
Comment | Application for scientific data analysis and visualization |
Description | SciDAVis is a free interactive application aimed at data analysis and publication-quality plotting. It combines a shallow learning curve and an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface with powerful features such as scriptability and extensibility. SciDAVis runs on GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOS X; possibly also on other platforms like *BSD, although this is untested. SciDAVis is similar in its field of application to proprietary Windows applications like Origin and SigmaPlot as well as free applications like QtiPlot, Labplot and Gnuplot. What sets SciDAVis apart from the above is its emphasis on providing a friendly and open environment (in the software as well as the project) for new and experienced users alike. Particularly, this means that we will try to provide good documentation on all levels, ranging from user’s manual over tutorials down to and including documentation of the internal APIs We encourage users to share their experiences on our forums and on our mailing lists. More information, including screenshots, reviews, current contributors can be found on the SourceForge project webpage. |
Package | scidavis |
Categories | DataVisualization, Education, Math, NumericalAnalysis, Science |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | addon |
Extends | pidgin |
Name | SIPE |
Comment | Pidgin protocol plugin to connect to MS Office Communicator |
Description | SIPE is a third-party plugin for the Pidgin/Adium/Miranda/Telepathy multi-protocol instant messaging clients/frameworks. It implements the extended version of SIP/SIMPLE used by various products:
With this plugin you should be able to replace your Microsoft Office Communicator client with Pidgin/Adium/Miranda/Telepathy. |
Package | pidgin-sipe |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | wavbreaker |
Comment | GUI tool to split WAV, MP2 and MP3 files |
Description | wavbreaker's purpose in life is to take a WAV file and break it up into multiple WAV files. It makes a clean break at the correct position to burn the files to an Audio CD without any dead air between the tracks. wavbreaker also supports breaking up MP2 and MP3 files without re-encoding meaning it's fast and there is no generational loss. Decoding (using mpg123) is only done for playback and waveform display. The GUI displays a waveform summary of the entire file at the top. The middle portion displays a zoomed-in view that allows you to select where to start playing and where it will make the break. The bottom portion contains a list of track breaks. You may change file names and uncheck parts that you do not want to have written out to disk when saving. There is also a command line tool wavmerge to merge WAV files together. If you download a show and don't like how it was tracked, you can merge them together with wavmerge and then break them back up with wavbreaker. The wavmerge tool will only work on files that have the same format (for example, 44.100 Hz sample rate, 16-bit sample size, etc.). |
Package | wavbreaker |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Thunderbird |
Comment | Thunderbird is a free and open source email, newsfeed, chat, and calendaring client |
Description | Thunderbird is a free and open source email, newsfeed, chat, and calendaring client, that’s easy to set up and customize. One of the core principles of Thunderbird is the use and promotion of open standards - this focus is a rejection of our world of closed platforms and services that can’t communicate with each other. We want our users to have freedom and choice in how they communicate. Thunderbird is an open source project, which means anyone can contribute ideas, designs, code, and time helping fellow users. |
Package | thunderbird |
Categories | Calendar, Email, Network, Office |
Homepage | |
Project | Mozilla |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Warzone 2100 |
Comment | Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world |
Description | The classic 3D real-time strategy game from 1999 has been updated, upgraded, and modernized for the very latest platforms! Command the forces of The Project in a battle to rebuild the world after mankind has been nearly destroyed by nuclear missiles. Warzone 2100 offers a story-driven single-player campaign, online multi-player, and single-player skirmish modes. An extensive tech tree with over 400 different technologies, combined with the unit design system, allows for a wide variety of possible units and tactics. Highlights:
Package | warzone2100 |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | game, play, real-time, real-time strategy, realtime strategy, rts, strategy, warzone 2100, warzone2100, wz2100 |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, UserDocs |
Type | desktop |
Name | NetPanzer |
Comment | Multiplayer war game in real time |
Description | Play a on line tactical game over the internet or a LAN, with one vs one option using a direct connect or modem. netPanzer in designed for a fast game mode, without the need of collect resources, any player can play until his last unit is destroyed. |
Package | netpanzer |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | NetSpeed |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Displays Internet Speed |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-netspeed |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor.desktop, org.gnome.Settings |
Name | Fortinet SSLVPN client |
Comment | Client for Fortinet SSLVPN virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring Fortinet SSLVPN virtual private network connections. |
Package | NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome |
Keywords | Fortinet, NetworkManager, SSLVPN, VPN, connection, manager, network, openfortivpn |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor |
Name | Iodine DNS Tunnel |
Comment | Client for Iodine DNS Tunnel |
Description | Support for tunnelling IP traffic via DNS using Iodine. This is useful to get useful connectivity in cases where Internet access is severely filtered. |
Package | NetworkManager-iodine-gnome |
Keywords | DNS, Iodine, NetworkManager, VPN, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor.desktop, org.gnome.Settings |
Name | L2TP VPN Client |
Comment | Client for L2TP based virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring L2TP based virtual private network connections. Compatible with L2TP and L2TP over IPsec services. |
Package | NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome |
Keywords | L2TP, NetworkManager, VPN, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor.desktop, org.gnome.Settings |
Name | IPsec VPN client |
Comment | Libreswan based client for IKEv1 based IPsec virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring IKEv1 based IPsec virtual private network connections. Compatible with Libreswan and Cisco IPsec VPN servers. |
Package | NetworkManager-libreswan-gnome |
Keywords | IKEv1, IPsec, Libreswan, NetworkManager, VPN, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor.desktop, org.gnome.Settings |
Name | OpenConnect VPN client |
Comment | Client for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring SSL VPN virtual private network connections using OpenConnect. Compatible with Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper and ocserv based networks. |
Package | NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome |
Keywords | AnyConnect, Cisco, Juniper, NetworkManager, SSLVPN, VPN, connection, manager, network, openconnect |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor.desktop, org.gnome.Settings |
Name | OpenVPN client |
Comment | Client for OpenVPN virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring OpenVPN virtual private network connections. OpenVPN is a popular and flexible free-software VPN solution. |
Package | NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome |
Keywords | NetworkManager, OpenVPN, VPN, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor.desktop, org.gnome.Settings |
Name | PPTP VPN client |
Comment | Client for PPTP virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring PPTP virtual private network connections. Compatible with various PPTP servers including Microsoft. |
Package | NetworkManager-pptp-gnome |
Keywords | NetworkManager, PPTP, VPN, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor |
Name | SSH VPN Tunnel |
Comment | SSH VPN integration for NetworkManager |
Description | Support for tunnelling IP traffic via SSH connections. This is useful to establish a VPN using tunnel capabilities of OpenSSH. |
Package | NetworkManager-ssh-gnome |
Keywords | NetworkManager, SSH, VPN, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor |
Name | SSTP VPN client |
Comment | Client for SSTP virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring SSTP virtual private network connections. Compatible with servers following the SSTP specification including the Microsoft servers. |
Package | NetworkManager-sstp-gnome |
Keywords | NetworkManager, SSTP, VPN, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor |
Name | strongSwan VPN client |
Comment | strongSwan based client for IPsec virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring IPsec based virtual private network connections. Compatible with IKEv2 key exchange and multiple authentication mechanisms. |
Package | NetworkManager-strongswan-gnome |
Keywords | IKEv2, IPsec, NetworkManager, VPN, connection, manager, network, strongSwan |
Homepage | |
Type | addon |
Extends | gnome-control-center.desktop, nm-connection-editor |
Name | Legacy Cisco VPNC client |
Comment | Client for Cisco IPsec virtual private networks |
Description | Support for configuring virtual private networks based on VPNC. Compatible with Cisco VPN concentrators configured to use IPsec. |
Package | NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome |
Keywords | Cisco, IPsec, NetworkManager, VPN, VPNC, connection, manager, network |
Homepage | |
Project | GNOME |
Type | desktop |
Name | Neverball |
Comment | Ball guiding game. |
Description | Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course before time runs out. Neverball is part puzzle game, part action game, and entirely a test of skill. The current version includes 141 Neverball levels and 134 Neverputt holes. |
Package | neverball-neverball |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Neverputt |
Comment | Guide a ball around the obstacles tilting the floor |
Description | In Neverball you must guide a ball around the obstacle tilting the floor before the time is over. Neverball is very similar to Super Monkey Ball, you must guide the ball to the end point of each level getting all coins as you can. |
Package | neverball-neverputt |
Categories | Game, SportsGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | nheko |
Comment | Desktop client for the Matrix protocol |
Description | The motivation behind the project is to provide a native desktop app for Matrix that feels more like a mainstream chat app. |
Package | nheko |
Categories | InstantMessaging, Network |
Keywords | Matrix, chat, communications, element, fractal, irc,, riot, talk, voip |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit, Notifications |
Type | desktop |
Name | nip2 |
Comment | Image processing spreadsheet |
Description | nip2 is a GUI for the VIPS scientific image processing library. It's a little like a spreadsheet: you create a set of formula connecting your images together, and on a change nip2 recalculates. It can load images in most commonly used formats, but also in scientific formats such as Matlab, FITS, OpenSlide, OpenEXR, and others. nip2 is especially useful with very large images. You can easily work with multi-gigabyte images even on a modest computer. |
Package | nip2 |
Categories | Graphics, RasterGraphics |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Nitrogen |
Comment | Background browser and setter for X windows |
Description | Nitrogen is a program that allows you to set the desktop background. Its browser mode allows you to choose and apply a desktop background, and the recall mode lets you apply the saved configuration from the command line. It features Multihead and Xinerama awareness, inotify monitoring of browse directory, lazy loading of thumbnails to conserve memory, and an 'automatic' set mode which determines the best mode to set an image based on its size. |
Package | nitrogen |
Categories | DesktopSettings, Utility |
Keywords | background, desktop |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Color Picker |
Comment | Choose colors from the picker or the screen |
Description | Ever wanted to know the value of that color on your screen? Color Picker enables you to pick the color from any pixel on your screen. It also offers a palette, so that you can easily mix and match a couple of colors together. When you have found the perfect combination of colors, naturally you want to save them. Color Picker allows you to conveniently save and retrieve colors. Color Picker is a color selection dialog written in GTK 3. It is much alike Gcolor2, but uses the newer GTK version and other modernisations to better integrate into your modern desktop. |
Package | gcolor3 |
Categories | Graphics |
Keywords | Color, Palette, Picker |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, HighContrast, ModernToolkit, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | NetworkManager |
Comment | NetworkManager connection editor |
Description | NetworkManager is a system service for managing and configuring your network connections and devices. The nm-connection-editor program works with NetworkManager to create and edit existing connection profiles for NetworkManager. |
Package | nm-connection-editor-desktop |
Categories | Settings |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | No overview at start-up |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | No overview at start-up. Nothing more. |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-no-overview |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | NoGravity |
Comment | Space Shooter in 3D |
Description | No Gravity is a fantastic and futuristic universe made of five intergalactic worlds. An arcade type game with great playability, where it is easy to plunge into space battles against spacefighters, space stations and more! Year 8002. System OOLRO 3, where the oldest and most powerful empire ever exists : The KROSSO empire, which consists of thousands of colonies. The celebrations of the eighth millenium have just ended and the good days seem to be over. A few cases of an unknown sickness have been found. Rumors are spreading of the possibility of a mind disease. Fifty-five hard hitting missions plus ten training exercises will help you to enter this real time textured 3D environment. Missions set not only in deep space, but also inside enemy structures will have you patrolling high risk sectors, on reconnaissance in enemy space, escorting friendly ships or defending your space stations and even sneaking in to sabotage enemy weapons. |
Package | nogravity |
Categories | ActionGame, Game |
Keywords | 3D, Arcade, Game, Space |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Office Runner |
Comment | Close your laptop lid and start running |
Description | Office runner let you close your laptop lid and go quickly to a meeting or other place without having to wait until the computer turns off and then wake up. |
Package | office-runner |
Categories | ArcadeGame, Game, SportsGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | qFlipper |
Comment | Desktop application for updating Flipper Zero firmware via PC |
Description | Graphical desktop application for updating Flipper Zero firmware via PC. Features:
Package | qflipper |
Categories | Education, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | OpenAlchemist |
Comment | Puzzle game featuring chemicals |
Description | Open Alchemist is a tile-matching puzzle game in which appear the chemical elements. Open Alchemist is an easy-to-play game suitable for children and young people. It aims for reflection, adventure and suspense. |
Package | alchemyquest |
Categories | Game, LogicGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Openambit |
Comment | Open software for the Suunto Ambit(2) |
Description | Openambit is application for downloading moves from the Suunto Ambit(2) outdoor watches, and synchronizing them with the movescount website. OpenAmbit an open source alternative to Moveslink application from Suunto. |
Package | openambit |
Categories | Education, Sports, Utility |
Homepage | |
Kudos | ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | OpenArena |
Comment | Free and open source first-person shooter |
Description | OpenArena is a free and open source first-person shooter game based heavily on the Quake III Arena-style deathmatch. Score frags to win the game using a balanced set of weapons each designed for different situations. Guns include a chaingun, rocket launcher, shotgun, and railgun. OpenArena's style of play is very fast and requires skill to be played successfully online. Gameplay modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Tournament, Capture the Flag, Elimination, CTF Elimination, Last Man Standing and Double Domination. |
Package | openarena |
Categories | ActionGame, AdventureGame, Game |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Opencity |
Comment | Full 3D city simulator game project |
Description | Once upon the time, I was travelling over the Internet, and I found a city simulator under linux called FreeReign at SourceForge. But it isn't maintained any more. I decided to push the game up so I had a look at the FreeReign sources. However, its codes were not obvious to me, and in addition the game design didn't fit my programming style. Finally, I decided to write my own free 3D city simulator, based on the original ideas of the FreeReign project. Few months later, OpenCity was born. OpenCity is a full 3D city simulator game project. It is written in standard C++ with OpenGL and SDL from scratch. It is not intended to be a clone of any famous city simulator from Max*s. So, if you are looking to download a free SimCity 4 like, please forget OpenCity. I work on it at my spare time, and I really meant it "my spare time" ! |
Package | opencity |
Categories | Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | OpenClonk |
Comment | Multiplayer action game where you control small and nimble humanoids |
Description | OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game in which you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. |
Package | openclonk |
Categories | ActionGame, ArcadeGame, Game, StrategyGame |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | OpenLieroX |
Comment | Sidescrolling shooter where you control worms armed with a range of weapons |
Description | Open Lierox is a side scrolling multiplayer shooter where you control a tiny worm that is armed with a range of weapons such as a rocket launcher, shotguns and ninja stars. Typical gameplay is a deathmatch style where you try to rack up as many kills of the other players in a set amount of time. |
Package | openlierox |
Categories | ActionGame, Game, StrategyGame |
Keywords | deathmatch, game, lierox, multi-player, shoot-em-up |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | openMSX |
Comment | Emulate all aspects of the MSX with high accuracy |
Description | OpenMSX is an emulator for the MSX home computer system. MSX is an old Z80-based family of home computers as an attempt to establish a single standard in home computing similar to VHS in video. The MSX standard has been designed by a company called ASCII in Cooperation with Microsoft which has provided a firmware version of its extended BASIC (called "MicroSoft eXtended BASIC") for the machine, which explains the MSX name. In addition to emulating MSX, MSX2, MSX2+, MSX Turbo R and many of it's peripherals, openMSX also support emulating the ColecoVision game console and the SpectraVideo SVI-318 and SVI-328 home computer systems. |
Package | openmsx-catapult |
Categories | Emulator, Game |
Keywords | emulator, msx, openmsx |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | OpenTTD |
Comment | A highly detailed transport simulation game |
Description | OpenTTD is a transport tycoon simulation game that enhances the original Transport Tycoon game developed by Chris Sawyer. The game includes road, air, train and naval transport with a large selection of industries and passenger services that need to be provided. The game can be played in both single and multiplayer modes where you compete with other transport companies to dominate the markets. |
Package | openttd |
Categories | Game, Simulation, StrategyGame |
Keywords | aircraft, bus, cargo, deluxe, economics, game, money, multiplayer, ship, simulation, train, transport, truck, tycoon |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | shell-extension |
Name | OpenWeather |
Comment | GNOME Shell Extension |
Description | Display weather information for any location on Earth in the GNOME Shell |
Package | gnome-shell-extension-openweather |
Categories | Addons, ShellExtensions |
Homepage | |
Type | desktop |
Name | Alacritty |
Comment | A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator |
Description | Alacritty is a modern terminal emulator that comes with sensible defaults, but allows for extensive configuration. By integrating with other applications, rather than reimplementing their functionality, it manages to provide a flexible set of features with high performance.
Package | alacritty |
Categories | System, TerminalEmulator |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | TrustedQSL |
Comment | Radio Contact validation |
Description | This is the TrustedQSL project, which provides tools for digitally signing Amateur Radio QSO records. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the ARRL. More information on the "Logbook of The World" project and the ARRL is available from the ARRL Web site at |
Package | trustedqsl |
Categories | FileTools, HamRadio, Utility |
Keywords | ADIF, Ham Radio, QSL, QSO |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |
Type | desktop |
Name | Audacity |
Comment | Audacity is the world's most popular audio editing and recording app |
Description | Audacity is the world's most popular audio editing and recording app. You can use Audacity to:
Package | audacity |
Categories | Audio, AudioVideo, AudioVideoEditing |
Keywords | AIFF, FLAC, MP2, MP3, WAV, audio trim, clipping, edit, frequency, mixing, modulation, multi track audio editor, music editing, noise reduction, sound, voice channel |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon, ModernToolkit |
Type | desktop |
Name | Bino |
Comment | 3D Video Player |
Description | A video player with a focus on 3D and Virtual Reality. Bino can play stereoscopic 3D and 360°/180° videos, and display them on 3D displays and in Virtual Reality environments including SteamVR and CAVEs. |
Package | bino |
Categories | AudioVideo, Player, Video |
Homepage | |
Kudos | HiDpiIcon |